Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

RAIN! Podcast! AP! Research! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:46 pm  

After 41 days of drought, finally the Father answered our prayers and sent rain! It really helped to put out the fires in N. Georgia and Tennessee.

I had over 1 1/2″ last night. Praise the Lord.

Fun morning: RECORDING!

I’ve been reading a fascinating book called, “Cure: Mind over Body” by Armand. Very interesting. It impacted my podcast this morning! You’ll feel good after Verbal Surgery -414- “Positive FX.”

Click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Had lunch with Ashley and Penelope. I took the girls to Golden Corral. P wasn’t feeling well and started crying a couple of times. So sad. Ashley helped her calm down. She’s a great mother! She ate some icecream. That probably helped her gums feel better. She has her front teeth coming in. She’s really drooling. Little sweetheart!

Came home to work on the Research List. I found sixteen more prospects in Winston-Salem, NC.

Kathy has been helping address and stuff the letters. I sure appreciate that.

My Mom is also agreeable to help make some phone calls. She’ll be great at that. n I sent her the script that I use, edited and annotated for her.

Went to Azalea to work with the kids. I told Ashley to stay at home with the baby today.

The kids helped me with labels.

I’m letting the girls do an art project with rubber stamps and ink.

They are decorating the backs of envelopes that we will eventually send to prospective teams leaders.

Helped them with their homework.

Got them doughnuts for helping.

Had a late supper with Jesse. Always good.

Went to Walmart to pick up some supplies.

Came home to watch Miss Fisher with Kathy. It’s the last episode. Sniff.

Admin duties now.

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