Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Hike! PE! Lowes! Plants! Rain! 6.5.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:26 pm  

That’s not zesty.

Keep going.


Muggy and hot.

Kathy and Jessi helped the girls with their school work this morning.

This morning I started the final unit of the Duolingo Spanish course. My guess is they’ll add more to it eventually. Spanish is the second most studied language after English.

This morning I started a project on plants with the girls. We got the potting mix and flower at Lowes.

I thought there was a nice assortment. I let them choose from certain types of flowers that will do well at their house and in their room.

We came home and the girls helped me get the Gorilla cart going. Tires needed air.

It’s rained over 3″ in the last few days. Glad I got the gutters cleaned out.

LT for lunch.

Chose some pots for the flowers at Dollar (.25) Tree.

After the rain, you can see advection fog forming over the parking lot.

I ordered a lime squeezer for K. She said she didn’t really want it.

We went to Walmart to get a few things including some small ice creams. Enjoyed that at the house. Jesus asked us “Where’s mine?!”

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

PE! Router! Lego Land! Phipps Plaza! 6.4.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:42 pm  



Terrible traffic jam this morning. Took over an hour to get to Chamblee. Brutal.

Don Cheto.

Girls did their school work.

Paid the water bill at the mission.

The internet was out. I had to take the router to Comcast and get a new one. I redid our agreement with Comcast. Turns out we’ll be saving about $90/month. Amen.

Ate at McDonalds.

Deposited checks. Amen.

After Comcast to get the new router for the mission, we went to Phipps Plaza. That’s a luxury place!

We went to Lego Land! It was cool.

My favorite part was the famous Atlanta buildings made of Legos.

Powerful thunderstorms blew through.

Checked the mail at the office.

Gassed up the car and checked the oil.



Monday, June 3, 2024

PE! Ashford! Briarwood! Lynwood! Mall! 6.3.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:09 pm  

I came in second place in the finals of the Diamond tournament.

Had a long talk with my Mom last night. She was in a lot of pain. I kept waking up during the night thinking about her. She felt a lot better this morning and had a good night’s sleep.


I studied Español for an hour an home then rode into Chamblee. I met the girls at the mission.

We did our workbooks for over twenty minutes. The timer this Summer is set for 17 minutes.

Ate at Waffle House.

Penelope enjoys drawing while we’re waiting for food.

Dollar (.25) Tree for school supplies. I like to have fresh markers and pencils for them when we start. Sort of like having new socks.

We went on Safari looking for new pools and parks. We visited Lynwood, Ashford and Briarwood Parks. There were good pools or splash zones in all of them.

Ashford Park had a really cool treehouse/rope course. It looked pretty scary.

They enjoyed the splash zones. We were going to the Doraville pool to swim but it’s closed on Mondays.

Perimeter Mall food court for lunch and fun.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Probably will come in #2 this week. He has more points than me in his career as well as years. That’s pretty rare.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Español! Hike! Podcast! 6.2.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:57 pm  




Hiked 3.38 miles!

New shoes!


I got a new style of phone holder. The last several I used of the same brand just weren’t very good. The click clamp that held it on would go bad quickly and no longer held. This one looks like it’s going to work better.

Raining some now.

Went to Stone Mountain to record “The Whole Hole.” Good one!

Saturday, June 1, 2024

N. End Back Yard! Trimming! 6.1.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:21 pm  




Perfect weather. I just kept going and going. Hardly even got sweaty. Incredible.

Started my afternoon repairing my trimmer guard.

I try to do the hardest thing about a project first. Today that was trimming the holly bushes in the front yard by the car port. They are just so stickery! It’s like working with cactus.

I trimmed branches off around ten trees.

I got so many scratches.

I think they turned out looking pretty good.

I got the trimmer guard back on. Worked great.

I put a lot of limbs, sticks and branches into my recycling area.

I’m still figuring out the best ways to work with the trimmer. Adding the strap really helped make the job more comfortable. I still want to add the cinch straps so I don’t have to keep pushing the on button.

So much of the job was cleaning ivy off of the fences. That and a lot of sticker vines. I wore out a pair of gloves doing it today.

I used my mitre saw to trim branches.

Massive branch fell. Super heavy. I managed to drag it up the hill to put it in the recycle area.

Walked 1.59 miles doing the job.

Listened to music for the first three hours of yard work. Ate lunch and then listened to Don Cheto while I labored. Worked over six hours in all.

Big part of the job was trimming the grass.

I thought the yard turned out looking pretty good.

Wrap up and clean up.

Keep going.

Tomorrow is the final day of the Diamond Tournament on Duolingo. We’ll see what happens.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Roof! Backyard! Trimming! 5.31.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:08 pm  

I ordered a new phone holder for my car. I haven’t been satisfied with what I have now.



I added a guitar strap to my weed whacker. That addition made it more comfortable to work with.

Blew the roof and gutters.

Then I had to blow the deck, front porch and driveway.

Worked on the roof and the clean up for slightly over two hours and .90 miles.

Got the weed whacker together and cut the South end of my back yard.

The hardest part of the day was trimming the holly bushes. Super stickery.

Added lots of branches to my bush pile.

Orded more trimmer string.

Added more music to my Spanish play list. Enjoyed listening to that while I worked.

The new Juanpalitoschinos album came out today. Such a great band.

Last part of the job is putting all the equipment back and cleaning shoes.

Worked another 3:18 hours and walked another 1.17 miles in the back yard. I still have half of it to go. I did the hardest part today.

I added the guitar strap to the weed whacker. My next alteration is adding a strip of velcro to cinch the trigger down.

Glad to see the Hickels are coming back to see me this Summer. Amen. They’ll be the only full week team of the year. They’re bringing 16 people. That will really help the ministry.

Ordered a new pair of shoes. I wore my last ones out.

I called my Mom tonight. She’s still at the hospital in rehab. J and K also got to say hi.

I sent a cushion to Jodie Steger yesterday. Let her know about the gift.

Keep going.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Nana! Freezer! Hike! Bike! 5.30.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:46 pm  

Ordered some new swim trunks. I like wearing them around the house when it’s hot.

Got a message from my brother about my Mom being in the hospital. She has a hairline crack in her hip. Ouch. Called her today.

I’m trying to work with some of my neglected plants. One of them was this succulent. I pulled the living pieces off. I hope they’ll root.

Defrosted my freezer. It was a big mess.



Little beauties.

Hiked 2.68 miles.

Prepped my bike and rode 12.41 miles. Listened to Don Cheto while I rode.

Had a good talk with my Mom. She’s in Room 303 in Georgetown Hospital.

Ordered Thai food for J.

I sent a seat cushion like I got my Mom to another of our good friends who lives in Georgetown, Jodie Steger. She and her husband Charlie are watching Nana’s dog.

Keep going.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Newsletter! Post Office! Bank! Bike! 5.29.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:44 pm  



Went to FBC Doraville to take the secretary my newsletters. She copied them while I waited. I then folded and stuffed the envelopes and took them to the Post Office to get them in the mail.

Went to the bank to deposit checks. Thank you, Father.

Went to Walmart to pick up some chocolate for the secretary at church and for K.

Had a good talk with my Mom. I ordered her a seat cushion. It has really helped K with her back and hip pain.

I need to take the Azalea manager a $2 check.

Lovely day. Great for biking. My favorite is when it’s about 80 degrees.

Vacuumed the house. Then cleaned the vacuum cleaner.

Listened to Don Cheto while I was riding my bike.

Usually when I take pictures of “zipper” clouds, the zipper is always on one side. This one was unusual.

Biked 12.49 miles.


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Hike! Bike! Groceries! 5.28.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:07 pm  

Bad weather headed towards my Mom! Protect her please, Father.



Hiked 1.33 miles.

Prepped my bike and rode 12.41 miles.

Been studying words to a song in Spanish.

Listened to Don Cheto!

Ordered groceries this morning and picked them up this evening.

The bike ride smelled great because of all the gardenias blooming. I brought more inside to enjoy.

Put the dog food in my storage bin.

Went to Ann’s house to take her some food and tea. I also got her phone and charger to work. Always something. If that phone goes down, she’s in a world of hurt.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Español! Anthony! Plants! 5.27.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:33 pm  

Rashawn was one of my favorite kids at the mission. He graduated from Brown University yesterday. That’s an Ivy League school!

The girls are enjoying the beach!

Powerful thunderstorms here.

I’m still trying to memorize this song in Español.


I came in second place last week.

How does family affect ability to learn a language. From the Duolingo blog.

Fun talk with my buddy, Anthony.

Beach girl.

Cleaned and refilled the hummingbird feeder. I’ve seen one pair so far.

Transplanted some plants.

I had to drill some holes into the bottom of the pot for drainage.

I talked with Jessi about making some cuttings of the ivy. I want the girls to get to plant some.

Little over .5″ of rain this morning. I cleaned the rain gauge today.

Cleaned and refilled the birdbaths.

Put bricks by the drainage hose.

Swept my outside carpet.

Blew the driveway and deck.

Trimmed the bushes in the front of my house to align with the brick.

Looking into better lights for some of my plants.

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