Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Nana! Freezer! Hike! Bike! 5.30.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:46 pm  

Ordered some new swim trunks. I like wearing them around the house when it’s hot.

Got a message from my brother about my Mom being in the hospital. She has a hairline crack in her hip. Ouch. Called her today.

I’m trying to work with some of my neglected plants. One of them was this succulent. I pulled the living pieces off. I hope they’ll root.

Defrosted my freezer. It was a big mess.



Little beauties.

Hiked 2.68 miles.

Prepped my bike and rode 12.41 miles. Listened to Don Cheto while I rode.

Had a good talk with my Mom. She’s in Room 303 in Georgetown Hospital.

Ordered Thai food for J.

I sent a seat cushion like I got my Mom to another of our good friends who lives in Georgetown, Jodie Steger. She and her husband Charlie are watching Nana’s dog.

Keep going.

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