Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Cold! PE! Nana! Anthony! 1.17.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:53 pm  



Fun talk with my buddy, Anthony!

Called my Mom on her birthday! Happy Birthday, Nana!

Ordered groceries.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Talked to the manager of Azalea about working on the lights in the living room. I got some new bulbs for the fluorescent lights, but the fan light doesn’t turn on.

Did my laundry.

Water bottle froze.

Picked up the grandgirls. Took them to eat at my office.

I thought this table might work for Everly’s room, but it’s a little too big.

Got the mail. I’ll deposit the checks tomorrow. Thank you, Lord.

Searched my storage room for the Nintendo 64’s but couldn’t find them.

Always great to spend time with the grandgirls.

I picked up a new jacket for Everly at Goodwill on Monday. Penelope was looking for a new jacket today, but we couldn’t find one. She finally settled on a nice vest that I had gotten her last year that she could wear with her hoody.

We spotted some icicles. I broke them off for the girls to crunch on.

Picked up the groceries on the way home. Beautiful sky while I was at Walmart.

This morning I noticed that my screen protector had a small crack. I changed it out this evening. My first try didn’t work. It happens when there is dust or something on the screen.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Freezing! Español! Bills! Plants! 1.16.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:02 pm  

Tried to teach Kathy how to use the Kindle app on her iPhone today.

So cold and getting colder!


Helped K get a personal hygiene tool.


With the super cold weather coming, I decided to turn on my space heater. It’ll probably be running for the next several days. It got down to 53 in my room last night.

Jessi’s desk chair broke. I took it apart and put it in the dumpster this morning.

Watered my upstairs plants.

Paid bills.

Connected with my buddy Manuel to see about getting a new kitchen faucet installed soon. The old one leaks when you’re running water.

There are five really good students this week. We’ll all have to work hard.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Español! PEK! Mall! Park! 1.15.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:24 pm  

Came in #3 this week in the leagues.

Rhizome is a word I’ve been trying to remember for weeks. Finally looked it up.


Little warmer today. Going to really freeze hard soon.

K and I went to be with the girls early this morning. Great to see Ashley.

Went to Waffle House for breakfast.

Penelope’s Waffle House art.

We went to Goodwill and Pet Smart.

We walked 1.61 miles at Perimeter Mall.

Brook Run park.

Plaza Fiesta.

We got Everly a craft project for window art. It was pretty hard. She did a good job with it.



I’m playing against one of the top students in all of Duolingo this week. #4 (I’ll doubt he’ll stay that!) Jorge, has over three million points. Wow.

I’m on target to get over two million by the end of this year.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Español! Westside! CPAP! Plants! 1.14.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:39 pm  

Cold morning!



K and I went to Westside BC this morning

I finally made the bed in Nana’s room.

Worked on K’s CPAP today. The filter was super clogged up. Bought a new one coming tomorrow. It already worked a lot better just be cleaning it off some!

Watered the plants in my green room.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Finished strong this week.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Español! Car! Bank! Podcast! 1.13.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:55 pm  



Just keep going.


Walked .98 miles.

Deposited checks. Thank you, Father.

Recorded and released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “System Settings.”

Got gas and added transmission fluid and oil to my car.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Push forward.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Mulch! Tire! Gloves! 1.12.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:54 pm  


Rainy day.


Went to Lowes to pick up six bags of mulch for my banana plants (I hope that will protect them from the cold!) and to make a key for Kathy.

Added 1 fl oz of transmission fluid to my car.

Put the mulch on top of the banana plants. Should help.

Kathy’s back tire had a screw in it. I pumped it back up and later took it to Chamblee to get plugged. While I was there, we determined that she needs new tires.

My phone hasn’t been getting any cellular data. I called Mint today. They reset my phone network. Seems to be working better now. Amen.

My Isotoner gloves had the leather protection pieces start to come off. I figured out using a highlighter marker to put in the glove to act like my finger so I could sew the pieces back on.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Español! Azalea! PE-Gymnastics 1.11.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:20 pm  

Just keep going.


Lovely day, but cold is coming next week. Brrrrr.


Walked 1.53 miles.

Made Jessi some sandwiches.

Started reading one of J’s books.

Sent Bill Kelly some information so he could contact the insurance guys.

I think this is the most I’ve ever worn out a pair of tennis shoes. I’ll still use them to work outside. I’ve kept all my old shoes. I cleaned some of them off, put some new shoelaces in them and repainted them with white leather paint. We’ll see how they look!

I have new hours for my tutor time at Azalea Place. I’m starting now at 3PM with the elementary students. I should be finished with them by the time the middle schoolers get there around 4:30 PM.

It’s definitely warmer when I start earlier.

Checked the mail at my office.

Kathy went with me to Azalea. We checked out P&E’s gymnastics class. K got to spend some good time with Ashley. Always a blessing.

They’re getting much more flexible. It’s a good sport.


Checked on the security of the mission before I left. Blocked a window locked.

Learning takes dedication and time.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Walk! Azalea! 1.10.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:16 pm  

Glad this is coming although I made a copy from the info on line.

Ordered groceries.



Walked 2.38 miles. Thirteen hills.


Listened to Don Cheto.

I love Penelope’s art.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Took Penelope and Everly home then went to check the mail at the office.

Picked up the groceries and put them away.

I worked on creating a new Whirlwind Missions donor sheet for 2024.

Strong competition this week.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Flooding! Insurance! 1.9.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:07 pm  

Cold! Lots of rain and windy! I didn’t go to the mission today because of weather advisories, plus the kids have very little homework right now with Milestone testing.

Always learning new words.

I got K in touch with the Progressive agent so she could tell them what happened with the column she bumped into.



Talked with Anthony.

Lots of rain in our area. The river near our house was flooding. Reattached the drainage pipe to the gutter.

Sent pictures and the proposal to fix the column to Progressive again.

Sent Mr. Wilson Bill Kelly’s info so he could talk to him about the repair.

Shows at Stone Mountain this year. The girls and I have gone to a lot of these.

Listened to Don Cheto while I was resting.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Español! Hike! PE! Mission! 1.8.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:07 pm  


Español! Came in the top three last week.

Hiked up and down my hill eleven times for a total of 2.05 miles.

Added a new nose pad on my reading glasses.

Beautiful sky.

Cold and windy.

Talked to my Mom on the way to the mission.

I really enjoy Everly’s art.

I washed and dried my comforter while I was at Azalea.

It was so cold outside that I decided to hold the mission inside. That’s the first time in nearly four years. The schools are doing Milestone tests. They don’t give kids any homework during that. Second grade and below are exempt.

Went to my office to check the mail.

There looks to be about five serious students this week. My guess is I’ll come in third again. We’ll see!

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