Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Good Samaritan! Gardenia! 4.18.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:10 pm  

I studied Spanish this morning. That included some extra work with verbs.

I also saw that Duolingo has a program to help children learn to read. I forwarded that on to Ashley for the girls.

I did my brain training this morning. I did it yesterday too, but later in the day.

I have been listening to Radio Garden from Madrid, Spain.

Had a good chat with my buddy, Anthony.

While I was recording an episode of Verbal Surgery this morning, I had a neighbor friend come and talk to me.

She needed some help to put some oil in her car. I was glad she asked because she was getting ready to pour oil into her radiator! I showed her the right place to put it.

I taught her how to read the stick and how to do the oil if she needed to. Her check engine light had come on and she thought that meant that the car was low on oil. She had no idea what that was so I felt like a Good Samaritan today.

It doesn’t always turn out perfectly, however. I was helping another lady with another project that involved getting gift cards for her from Amazon. Amazon thought that me buying these hundreds of dollars of gift cards was unusual behavior and froze my account.

That’s not zesty. So I had to redo all the passwords. Last year I went from a PC to a Mac environment. I would never go back to a PC. Mac set up a password and then talks to my iPhone and everything is on the same page now. It’s a wonderful system when my laptop can talk to my phone. I’m still waiting from an email from Amazon to verify I can get the last gift card. I may have to end up resetting the passwords again. I have sent a total of 45 emails back and forth on this one project. Sometimes it seems I’m too nice for my own good.

I cleaned and refilled all of my bird baths today.

I also noticed a zipper cloud with sharp edges. I’ve never seen that before.

I tried using Door Dash for the first time this evening. I went to pick up the food and I got freaked out because there was a big crowd and I didn’t want to go inside. The delivery system worked great for only a few more bucks.

I planted a gardenia bush that a friend had given me. I hope it does well it hasn’t been looking very healthy.

I had a good week of exercise this week. I exercised over 10 hours and had biked over 82 miles. That sounds like a lot to me. I had a rest day from exercise today.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Friday, April 17, 2020

Bike! Clouds! 4.17.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:34 pm  

Beautiful sunny day here in the ATL!

I studied Spanish this morning. I’ve been emphasizing verb work.

I spent some time in my blue pool catching some rays. I only stay in the sun about ten to fifteen minutes.

I studied Spanish while I was doing that.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery today. It’s a great one about getting things done called,“Great Big Log.”

I’m working on filling in the hole that one of my trees has developed. I cleaned out the hole. I’m letting it dry out right now. It’s supposed to rain for the next few days so I’ve covered it up with plastic.

When it gets dry again, I’ll use some expanding foam material to fill up the hole. If it rains, the water will just drain out rather than stay at the bottom of the tree and rot the center of the tree some more.

I had a 15.67 mile bike ride today. It was a lot of fun.

The clouds were especially interesting to me today. Some of the formations I like to call “zipper clouds.”

I’ve actually talked to NASA about naming these clouds.

Some contrails are very smooth on both sides and others have the zipper formation.

Today, I actually saw one contrail with a zipper going up and further down the zipper going down. Tha’s very unusual.

I also saw a contrail going through another contrail. You get a feeling for how big that first one is when you see the second line go through the size of an airplane.

Beautiful clouds.

I love this little rose blooming in my front yard. Beautiful color of pink.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Spanish! Bike! 4.16.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:38 pm  

I studied Spanish this morning.

I’ve been doing extra work on verb forms.

Today I spent time thinking about subjunctive tenses.

Did my brain training.

Spent some time in my blue pool this morning catching some rays.

Good talk with my Mom.

Part of my Spanish training involves watching Telenovelas. El Dragón has been a good one.

I had a 20.36 mile bike ride today.

Perfect weather.

Absolutely gorgeous outside.

I still look for dirty money, although we don’t pick it up any more. This would be “25 down.”

I went through all my memorized material and then listened to radio from Madrid for an hour. Learning all these verb forms has really sped up my comprehension.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Trees! Bike! 4.15.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:13 pm  

It was a beautiful, cool day today.

I studied Spanish and did my brain training.

Went to get groceries.

I cleaned off every single item before I brought them in the house.

I cleaned and refilled the hummingbird feeders.

I had a FaceTime chat with a lawyer in London.

It was in regards to an accident that happened during the Hypnosis conference there in 2017. I helped a lady who got hit in the head by this big piece of wood that fell loose in the bathroom.

I cleaned Ivy off of one of my big pine trees today.

I cut the vines last year but it didn’t kill the ivy.

I read an article that said the vines can actually grow back together even if they’re cut!

This time I cut them and then ripped them all off from the bottom of the tree.

I have an oak tree that has a hole in it. I cleaned it out and am letting let it dry out now.

Then I’m gonna fill it with an expanding foam, so the water can’t collect at the bottom of the tree.

The research says that even if it happens the tree really isn’t hurt. The center part of the tree is actually dead. The only part of the tree that’s living are the outside edges. I never knew that!

I went for a 15.65 mile bike ride.

I’ll listened to radio from Madrid the whole time. The study I’m doing with verbs in the morning is helping the recognition of these words a lot.

I transported squirrel #99 from my yard today.

I started capturing and releasing them in a forest 5 miles from my house in 2018. That’s when I had several of them living in my attic. The exterminator guy said it was because there were so many squirrels in my area. So I continue to thin out the amount around my house. I haven’t had any more get in since then.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Squirrels! Bike! 4.14.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:10 pm  

A beautiful, cool day today.

Paid bills.

Studied Spanish and did my brain training.

I glued a piece of plastic to a roof vent to keep it from leaking.

Transported two squirrels today.

I keep them covered to help them not be so scared.

Had a great talk with my buddy Anthony.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Roaring Glory.”

Not even a week after my crash and it’s hard to tell where I even hit my head!
I have a few episodes in the can ready to go. The 999 episodes were before the pandemic.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “I On The Road” That was inspired by my bike wreck.

My little rosebush in my front yard is blooming.

Had a 15.42 mile bike ride today.

Gorgeous flowers along the way.

Worked on all the poems I know. Then listened to Spanish radio from Madrid and some of Harry Potter.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Monday, April 13, 2020

Roof! Bike! 4.13.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:36 pm  

I studied Spanish and did my brain training this morning.

Had a fun talk with my buddy Anthony.

Beautiful day today.

I ordered my groceries. I’ll pick them up on Wednesday.

I took my plants back outside. I have several that I bring in so they don’t get beat up too much with the heavy weather.

I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Great Big Log.”

Had a fun talk with my Mom.

I love this view out my living room door. Reminds me of Africa.

I cleaned off my roof today and blew the gutters. It’s a hard job and dangerous because my roof is quite high.

Then I have to go down and blow off the deck and the cars in the driveway where stuff gets on it.

Also cleaned off the area outside my door, which also got a bunch of leaf litter on it.

Rained slightly over an inch last night from the big thunder storms that came through.

I like this newsletter that I get once a week called Book Freak. This particular section is on Victor Frankel‘s book Man’s Search For Meaning. I just watched an interview with him yesterday. I found that an interesting coincidence.

I started using a new bike helmet today. After I took my fall a few days ago, I was pretty sure that that my old helmet had lost it structural integrity.

I rode my bike 15.39 miles.

I did all of my memorized material which includes scriptures from the Bible as well as over 30 poems. I steadily quote material for about an hour!

After I finish that, I listened to radio from Madrid, Spain for about an hour.

I was a little bit cold today. It was comfortable but on a bike it can get chilly.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter! Tito! Grandgirls! 4.12.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:40 pm  

Happy Easter! I hope you had a great day!

I got an email from NASA about the Hubble telescope. I enjoyed seeing the pictures they took on my birthday.

Heavy weather is expected to blow through the ATL this evening. Hope everyone stays safe.

I spent a lot of time studying Spanish. Duolingo and verb study is becoming a regular task.

I enjoyed listening to my friend Tito Ruiz give the Easter service. He has a bilingual approach so it’s interesting to hear in English and in Spanish.

Ashley and the grand girls came by today. It was a pleasant surprise.

We worked together to make lemon squares. They’re very tasty.

I also did my brain training.

Gloomy weather today. Dark early. A day off from exercise.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Yard! Girls! 4.11.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:48 pm  

I studied Spanish and verbs this morning.

Did my brain training.

I cut up the big branch that fell in the front yard.

The wild flowers are beautiful now.

I continue to fill up my compost area with big sticks and logs.

I got ready to mow. This includes checking the lawnmower and using hearing protection.

I worked on my front yard for over four hours today.

That included mowing all the yard and mulching up the leaves.

I edged all the front yard.

Blew all of the debris off the driveway.

Washed some areas of it that got muddy.

I also cleaned the area outside my room.

Worked on St. Francis and cleaned him up.

Redid my windmills. One set shows the wind speed, the other direction.

Looks good!

My last jobs are to clean my shoes and applying poison ivy cleaner before taking a shower.

I saw two small sprigs of poison ivy today which I either dug up or mowed. My yard used to be be covered with it. It’s been a battle. I’m quite sensitive to that stuff.

Ashley and the girls came by for a visit. Always fun to see them!

Expecting heavy weather in the ATL tomorrow.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Podcast! Bike! 4.10.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:02 pm  

I studied Spanish this morning with Duolingo and and worked on irregular Spanish verb forms.

Did my brain training.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Best of the Worst.”

Recorded an episode called “I On the Road.”

A big tree limb broke off in my front yard this morning. It’ll be a tomorrow job to cut that up and move that to my backyard.

I had a nice chat with Anthony today.

I had a 15.42 mile bike ride.

Listened to a podcast by Guy Kawasaki and Stephen Wolfram, which was fascinating.

It was cooler today which made the bike ride a little chilly. Still felt great.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Ashley and Girls! Bike! 4.9.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:50 pm  

I worked on Spanish with Duolingo and did some extra verb study.

I just noticed that today’s lesson had an egg on it!

Did my brain training.

Ashley and the grandgirls came over to visit with us today. We had an Easter egg hunt for the girls. They loved it!

My neck was feeling pretty sore today but overall I’m not too much worse for wear, except I look like I got beat up.

Since I took a substantial crash with my helmet, I’m ordering a new one. The helmets are not designed to take more than one big crash. Apparently they can lose their structural integrity. Sadly, Amazon prime is going to take about two weeks to get here rather than the normal two days!

Added some air to my bike tires.

While I was riding, I saw a family on their bikes. I heard a POP and sure enough the little girl’s tire was flat.

I rode my bike 15.44 miles. Got a bit cool at the end.

I loved the clouds today.

I’ve enjoyed studying the Wim Hoff method.

Today marks one year since I’ve been taking cold showers. There’s something psychological about facing that and lifting weights every day. I just feel tough. I guess that’s why even when I had my crash I wasn’t too uptight about it.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

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