Tim A. Cummins @ 5:24 pm
Kathy and I just returned from a great Christmas trip to Texas!

We spent eight nights. Turned out cheaper to fly and to spend a week to get weekly rates. Sure was nice not having to grind out that 1,000 miles to Texas from Atlanta!
Weather was fantastic the whole week. Perfect.
On Friday the 18th, we met up with our friends and supporters in Georgetown, Kathryn Taylor and Nancy Webb.

I love the geology of the area. Lots of limestone and flint rock. That means fossils and stone tools from around 6,000 years ago. The fossils are estimated to be over 100 million years old when Texas was a shallow sea.

Beautiful colors.

I look at ground like this for hours. Pattern matching like “Where’s Waldo?”

I saw Star Wars “The Force Awakens” on Friday. Wow. I loved that movie. And I hate Kylo Ren.

I enjoy looking at antique stores, although I hardly ever buy anything. I found these Catholic medals beautiful.

This is the one I chose.

It is tiny and flat, so it can fit in my wallet with my other tiny treasures: a piece of yarn from Rachel’s grave in Israel, zebra skin from Kenya, Meteorite from Argentina, a denari with Caesar on it and a silver drachma with Alexander the Great on it.
The most interesting part is the back.

It says in French, “I am Catholic. If in danger of death, call a priest.”
It was great to be back at First Baptist Church in Georgetown, TX.

I took my Mom and Dad to church. I also spoke to the Sunday School class about Whirlwind Missions.

It’s always great to spend time with my folks. My parent’s dog “Buddy” aka Waldo is very camera shy.

I did some errands for my Mom including getting her external hard drive that Jesse had loaded to my brother to get onto her ipad.

The historic buildings are lovely.

Georgetown, Texas was voted to have the most beautiful square in the state! I liked this old photo I saw in an antique shop.

I always drink from this cup whenever I’m in Georgetown. My grandparents used to have them in Laredo.

I did lots of hiking looking for fossils and stone tools.

Love the geology of the area.

This area we used to swim in. It’s called “Blue Hole.”

I’d never been to this section of the river before.

Wonderful to see the San Gabriel running strong!

On Wednesday the 24th I searched this section of the S. San Gabriel for fossils.

While I was on the river bed, I read some sites on the web about the age of the fossils in the area.
I searched “South San Gabriel River Fossils” and a page came up with “Dinosaur tracks!” WHAT??!!
I hiked back to my car and immediately went the 20 miles to another area of the same river that had 13 tracks from Arcocanthosaurus! Same family as T Rex!

Fantastic day! And beautiful colors. The spot on the river is not protected or in a special park. Suddenly, there’s dinosaur tracks!

I so love the internet for bringing me info that I’d never known of otherwise. Such as when the International Space Station can be spotted.

I showed my Mom the ISS. She liked it too! From dinosaur tracks to space in one day! Extraordinarily great!
I enjoyed visiting with my brother and his family.

I explored the old cemetery. The graves are all from the 1800’s. I never knew it was there until this trip!

One hundred years later, I graduated from Georgetown High School.

This sounds like me.

Hopefully, my podcasts will be on the web forever.

I don’t understand people who do this.

A great area of Texas.

We celebrate our main gift giving on Christmas Eve. That’s from my Mom’s German ancestors.

We always sing Happy Birthday to Jesus!

I treated this Christmas like I was at the mission and piled up a table with stuff from the Dollar Tree and let them choose some goodies. Most were for the little girls.

My Mom had this of our ancestors from her side of the family. My brother blew it up at his job.

My great great grandparents started a town in the hill country of Texas. Knippa!
K and I hiked along the river on our final day in Texas. She had been running a low grade fever for five days. Basically, she stayed in the hotel room all day. She seemed to like it! I was glad to get her out and walk around.
Always something beautiful and unusual to see.

We returned to Atlanta on Saturday after Christmas. We had to be at the airport at 6am.
Sad goodbyes.

When we got home, we had had nearly 5″ of rain.

I saw this sign while shopping at Walmart. I thought it was ironic.

I took this little piece of moss to my Mom. It’s actually a bromeliad, like a pineapple!

Sign language. Shocking.

Lots to C in Texas.

Great sunsets!

Fabulous moon!