Tim A. Cummins @ 8:53 pm
During my vacation I had a problem with my bank card. Apparently, one of the places where I used my debit card was “breached.” So every card that was swiped in their machines were frozen. . . .just in case. Today I went by my bank to restart another card. What a hassle, but what’s the alternative?
Picked up the mail at the office and checked on partners.
Went to Lowes to make a copy of my key to the mission at Azalea. Jouvens lost his key so I made another one.

Checked on the kids at the mission. Clinton gave a TV to us so the kids could use it on the Nintendo64. They were happy about that!
Saw my partner Cathy Wilson at Azalea. She was seeing how Rosena was doing with her pregnancy. Cathy made us some delicious bread!
Talked with the people at Alstate. Ashley was involved in a fender bender when this guy ran a red light. We’ll be getting a check to get it fixed soon.
Tim A. Cummins @ 12:15 am
We just rolled back into Stone Mountain after a 991 mile road trip!
I’m uploading pictures right now.
We’re all safe and sound and we had a great time!
More to come!
Tim A. Cummins @ 8:41 pm
Still working on writing my newsletters. Almost have them done.
Ran 4 miles. Felt pretty good!
I saw The Day the Earth Stood Still today. Just ok.
We have a big outreach at a new mission in Lithonia tomorrow afternoon.
Then we’ll pack up the car and start driving the 1,005 miles to my folk’s house in Georgetown, TX. That’s about 30 miles of Austin in Central Tx.
Hopefully, I’ll be able to update the blog when I’m in Georgetown. If not, I’ll be back in Atlanta on the 29th.
Merry Christmas to you all! THANKS for reading this blog and praying for us!
Tim A. Cummins @ 9:51 pm
Worked on the newsletter today. I got everything edited and laid out.
Went to the Post Office to get stamps. What a line!

Got a call from Eduardo Zamora. He’s trying to move into the apartment at Huntington Ridge this weekend.

Bill Hickey is working on painting the apartment again. It’s the colors that Sheila Zamora wants. I’m glad we can help make it something they like.

Called the gas and power companies to re-establish utilities over there.
Bill and I went out to eat and take care of a bill from Huntington Ridge.
Then back home to work on finishing up the newsletters.

Pray for the events coming up on Saturday at Audobon East and the Falls!