Tim A. Cummins @ 12:19 am
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Tim A. Cummins @ 11:07 pm
Sunday, I was exhausted from that 1,000 mile trip. I slept about 12 hours.
We had nearly 2 1/2″ of rain while we were gone.

Paid bills.

It was Kathy and my anniversary! 29 years! I took her to see Unbroken.

It was a good film, but a difficult to watch subject.
This caught my eye.

This morning I went for a 5.18 mile run. Always something interesting to see.

Odd looking mushrooms.

I like a good creche.

The county put in this drainage area for flooding times like we had this weekend.

Ate a sandwich, then went to see the latest Hobbit movie: The Battle of 5 Armies.

I liked the movie. I thought it was very well paced. Killing Smaug was amazing as well as the gigantic battle scenes.
Did the shopping at Walmart.

Came home. Vacuumed the house.

Watched Elementary with K.
Admin duties now.
I like the sound of this.

The new QT coming in near my house continues to make progress.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 11:56 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 11:14 pm
This morning I went in my mobile studio aka my car, to record an episode of Verbal Surgery. This is the digital recorder I use: Sony PCM 90.

A terrific episode on brain growth and rewiring your brain in Verbal Surgery -301- “Neuro Genesis”
Kathy and I had fun visiting with our new missionaries from Venezuela. Luis and Anna just arrived in the country. Their English is very limited. My conversation with them was entirely in Spanish.

Eduardo is doing a great job at Huntington Ridge. I was glad Kathy got to come and visit.
Came home and cleaned the fish tank.

Enjoyed working with the kids at the mission.

K and I watched part of a 3 part series on the Historical Jesus. It’s been really interesting.
Admin duties now.
Last night I enjoyed playing with my new PS4. The graphics and pure beauty of this digital landscape is superb. This is from the game Far Cry 4

You can tell the team did intense research on area of the Himalayas.

It looks exactly like when I visited Nepal.
Very high level cirrostratus clouds create interesting optical effects.

Beautiful sunset.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 11:40 pm
I produced my section of the newsletter this morning.
Also printed out all the labels for the newsletter.

Then picked up stamps.

Enjoyed lunch with K.
Went to Perimeter Church to pick up toys.

Then to the mission to work with the kids. They helped me with the labels. Went pretty smoothly.
I enjoyed supper with Ian and Ruthie North and their wonderful baby, Jack.

Came home. Watched the Mentalist with K. The final season!
Admin duties now.
My kids gave me the new PlayStation4! Wow. That’s a really generous gift. I hooked it up this afternoon. I look forward to trying it out this evening.

The new QT station continues to make progress.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:52 pm
I went out late Sunday night to watch the Geminids meteor shower. I took a rug and a couple of blankets and hunkered down at Stone Mountain to watch the show.

I was out there for about 2 hours. It was in the 30s. I was the only one there.

I saw over 20 meteors including one amazing fireball of red and green. Incredible! I also saw another big one that was silver and blue.

I felt really lucky to have such perfect weather. The last three or four events I’ve wanted to see, it was cloudy.
Posted some creative writing this morning.

Met up with Ashley this afternoon. Always good.
We went to Dunwoody Baptist Church to see about hosting our teams there. We found out today that they can only house one team in June and one in July. That’s not much help. Pretty disappointing.
Then we talked to other churches that want to charge $20/person/day. It’s actually CHEAPER to stay at Comfort Inn and have your room.
We checked our multiple other extended stay hotels to compare prices. I didn’t get a good vibe from them at all.
I spent a few minutes at an Antique store before the mission. Always something interesting to see.

We liked this Christmas tree cookie at White Windmill.

I enjoyed working at the mission with the kids.

Then over to Kathmandu Grill to celebrate Christmas with Miles.

Sadly, Miles can’t get off to come to Texas.
Admin duties now.

Cool clouds.

Ready for Ashley.


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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:51 pm
Kathy and I enjoyed going to FBC Mountain Park this morning.

Always great music and preaching!

When I got home, I took a few more pictures of the minerals I bought yesterday. Here is the selenite. Amazing crystals.

This is Hyalite Opal.

It is fluorescent under UV (black) light. I have a UV laser.

The wonder of God’s creation!
It’s the Geminid meteor shower this weekend. I may go out this evening. I saw one meteor last night. Very bright.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:41 pm
Friday I had a fun day!
Recorded my 300th episode of Verbal Surgery! Woot! It’s a really good one. In honor of the number, It’s titled “300!”
Just click on the title and groove!

I went to the Rock and Fossil show with Jesse.

I love to look at all the beautiful crystals and the fossils.

I came home with a UV laser and a two fantastic samples of Flourite.

This opal is fluorescent under UV light.

Then over to Azalea to meet up with the team from FBC Mountain Park!

We decorated cookies, told the Christmas story and let the kids choose from over 200 little gifts. They had a great time.

Dr. Paul Ballard helped me tell the story of Christmas.

Ate a late supper with K and J.
Saturday morning I enjoyed watching Elementary with K. Then we went to Red Lobster for lunch. We’d been given a gift card. Groovy!
We had just sat down when we saw Jim and Cheryl Kendall—Miles’ parents. Fantastic to spend time with them.
When we got home, K went for a bike ride while I went back to the fossil show. I had a couple of things I went back to see. One of the things had already been sold. I did find a lovely example of Selenite with tiny crystals.

Came home to rest. Look forward to an evening with K. Admin duties now till she gets back from her bike trip.
Here’s the list of all the churches Ashley and I visited last week. Wow.

I thought these glasses were funny.

The new QT coming near my house is making progress!

Just a reminder.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 11:21 pm
Had a fun day with Ashley!

We visited our friends at FBC Duluth.

GREAT to see the Pastor there, too! We discussed our trips to India.

Then over to check on friends at Perimeter church.

We liked the ornaments on their tree.

And buy toys for the kids for the Christmas party on Friday night!

I thought this was funny.

Had a good time working with the kids at the mission.

Had one of my original youth group, Ernest, come by and see me today. Fine young man.
Came home to watch Grey’s Anatomy with Kathy. We watched the last few episodes of Season 10, then watched the Pilot episode for the show. 10 years sure makes a difference!
J came by to visit. Always good to see him.
Admin duties now.


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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:45 pm
Ashley and I had such a fun day visiting with our partnering churches!
On our way, we dropped the Corolla off at Stone Mountain Tire. Ash had a little wobble in one of the wheels. They got it squared away as we went and visited friends.

Great to see Pastor Ben and Westside Baptist Church! They just celebrated their 40th anniversary. Wow!

Visited with Shawn and Michael at 12 Stone. We’re looking forward to a great year with them in 2015.

I love their stained glass.

We went to Grace to visit with Randy Rainwater. Sadly, there was a death on one of the staff member’s families. Hate that.
Great to see Pastor Paul at FBC Mountain Park. He’s such a great guy! I love his heart for people.
Then over to work with the kids at the mission.

I love the looks that Jose gets on his face. Wonderful.

Angel said he thought this looked like Jesse.

One of our volunteers brings her two daughters. The kids are some great missionaries!

I helped Rashawn and Danny with their science project.

Whirlwind simulator

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