Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Super Moon! Groceries! Bike Crash! 4.8.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:58 pm  

Fantastic pink super moon last night. It was pretty cloudy but still beautiful.

I studied Spanish this morning. I went over 25,000 points in Duolingo today. That’s a lot of lessons to get that many points!

Also continued studying verbs.

Did my brain training.

Cloudy, warm day today here in the ATL.

I picked up groceries from Walmart today. I have established a protocol for cleaning all of the groceries before I bring them inside.

I had a fun talk with my buddy Anthony Jacquin today. He’s always hilarious.

Also talked with my Mom in Texas.

I went for a 12 mile bike ride today.

Unfortunately, when I got to little past mile nine I had a bad crash. Today is trash day and they had left big trash bins on the sidewalk. I was going around one of the trash bins and my bike tire got caught between the sidewalk and the grass. Next thing I knew I was flying through the air and landed on my face. That’s never a good strategy.

Thankfully, I had my helmet on but I hit the ground so hard it still bruised my head. The visor got broken off and scratched my face up. I wrenched my neck when I crashed and cut up my knee as well. Otherwise I’m fine. Thankfully, I landed on the grass and not on some really hard surface. Otherwise, I probably would’ve wound up with a concussion. It was a tremendous crash that’s for sure. The worst I’ve ever had. I can tell exactly where it happened because the impact made Runkeeper stop!

I made it home fine. My back wheel’s a little bit bent but that’s all.

I saw the International Space Station for the 58th time tonight. It was beautiful as usual.

My favorite hedge.

I like this little tree branch that looks like a cross. I thought it was pretty. I hope everyone has a great Passover and holy week. Maximum love!

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

750! Webinar! 4.7.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:28 pm  

I studied Spanish this morning. I’m trying to go over Spanish verbs every day, too.

Also did my brain training this morning. I didn’t sleep well last night so my brain training wasn’t that great.

I released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Pass It By!”

It was my 750th episode. That’s a lot of me yelling at a tape deck!

Over 15 days straight!

It was a cloudy day today and sprinkled some. Therefore, I didn’t ride my bike which was was a disappointment. After my last wreck, I made it a rule not to go on the roads if it’s even a little bit wet.

A lot of my flowers in my garden are blooming right now, including the sundew plant which is a very small species. The flowers are tiny little red beauties.

I’ve been impressed how well my wisteria has been growing since I dug up the little plants last year in Chamblee.

I had a good webinar today with my friend Anthony Jacquin and about 40 other people.

I continue to watch El Dragon which is really helping my Spanish.

I also watch Legends in English with Spanish subtitles. Every day a little better.

Been playing Doom.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Monday, April 6, 2020

Calls! Bike! 4.6.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:46 pm  

Another beautiful day in the neighborhood!

I did my daily Spanish study. I’ve added another app to help me learn verbs more rapidly.

Also did my brain training.

Spent some time in my blue pool this morning soaking up some rays.

I had a avocado for lunch and decided to see if I could grow it.

I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Pass It By.” I’ll release that tomorrow.

I spent time on the phone today. I called my friend Ben Lehman. Always good to hear from him.

Also had a great conversation with Anthony in England.

Decided to call my brother Jim as well.

I also talked with my friend Joyce Barrington.

Tried to get a hold of my friend Jay Noblezada. He wasn’t available this morning. And neither was my mom.

Did a long bike ride today nearly 20 miles.

My GPS lost the signal so the number is not as exact as I like it. I rode my bike for over 2 1/2 hours. This calculation is based on how long I rode and the mph determined by Runkeeper.

It was a hard ride with many steep hills.

I listened to radio from Madrid the whole time. All of this practice is paying off as I continue to understand more of the words. And believe me they are talking at full speed!

I ordered some groceries today for pick up at Walmart. Hopefully, I’ll be able to pick it up tomorrow or the next day.

I got an email from Runkeeper that said I did over 128 miles last month. I very well could double that this month!

I transported squirrel number 96 today. That job only ends during the winter.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Church! Bike! 4.5.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:57 pm  

Another beautiful day in the ATL. Cloudier than yesterday but still not too hot.

Did my Spanish and brain training exercises.

Got a notice from NASA. It’s pretty cloudy. Not sure what I’ll be able to see.

I listened to a sermon from Generation church in Pensacola. Also watched my friend Tito from Stone Mill and some of Westside church.

Enjoyed hanging out in my little blue pool this morning. It felt good to catch some rays.

I cleaned off the driveway and washed one of my cars.

The pollen is just about finished. There are little pollen fronds everywhere.

I went for a 15.52 mile bike ride.

I listened to Radio Garden tuned in to Madrid, Spain. Also listened to Harry Potter in Spanish.

After my bike ride, I cleaned my work shoes and gave them a quick shot of paint. I use flat white spray paint that also has a primer in it. They were pretty dirty after all the yard work I did this week.

Watered my plants. Always fun to look at them.

I filled out the applications for absentee voting today.

Paid bills. Pretty scary what’s going on in our economy right now.

Ordered more checks. Productive day.

I saw the International Space Station for the 57th time this evening. The clouds cleared off enough to give me a good show. I also watched a second much smaller satellite cross the sky. Enjoyed seeing the pink super moon.

Don’t see that every day. In fact ever.

Fine print.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Bike! Groceries! 4.4.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:37 pm  

Another pleasant day in the ATL.

Studied Spanish. I also learn things about my language! The difference between “did you use to do” and “did you used to do” was something I never really noticed. With the helping word did, use is in the present tense.

Also did my brain training.

Long bike ride today of 22.62 miles. I was riding for almost 3 hours. Felt very strong. Tired now, though.

Always something beautiful to see. I went through all of my scripture and poems that I’ve memorized.

Then listened to radio from Madrid and Harry Potter in Spanish.

Picked up groceries for Walmart. They are still out of a lot of things. I’m using my new strategy of having them pack everything up rather than going inside the store.

While I was waiting for them to bring me my groceries, I noticed these concrete blocks. It reminded me of Kenya were all of the blocks were formulated by hand. Africans used a chisel and chipped them into shape.

I got gas for my lawnmower.

Came home and cleaned off all the groceries before bringing them inside. That’s a new protocol that I read we should do.

Also transported squirrel number 95 today.

I saw a map of the USA which was based on how far the owner of the cell phone had traveled. I was proud to see our area of Georgia around Atlanta to be one of the lowest areas of travel in America!

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Friday, April 3, 2020

Yard Work! Podcast! 4.3.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:15 pm  

Another gorgeous day in the ATL. Beautiful weather.

I am continuing to use the Walmart grocery app to order and pick up my groceries rather than going inside the grocery store.

I did my Spanish study and brain training this morning.

I also have been watching several shows on Netflix in Spanish. I keep the Spanish subtitles on to help me understand everything they’re saying. It’s really accelerating my knowledge, in a fun way, too!

Another big day of yardwork today. I finished off my backyard, which was quite difficult since areas are very steep.

Picked up a lot of branches that were revealed after I mowed.

I also worked on my front yard to mulch the leaves that I raked together last week. It was a very hard job. I started without having eaten anything. After working a couple hours I was really tired and super nauseated. Feel better now.

I’m still filling a hole the construction guys dug when my house was built in the 70s. Everything you see here is organic. I’ve been filling it up for over two decades. The mushroom mycelium digests everything. I never burn.

I regularly sweep a carpet I have outside, which keeps stuff from being tracked inside.

I planted five sprigs of wisteria last year, they’re coming along well. One day, years from now, I hope to have those beautiful purple flowers in my trees!

I planted the third of my pink magnolia trees five years ago today.

I released a new episode of Verbal Surgery. It’s called “Stop Stomping.”
It’s the seventh in my series on dealing with the pandemic. Check it out!

The only things left from the Raptor Hide I built for my kids nearly 20 years ago. It even had a zip line!

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Bank! Yard Work! 4.2.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:12 pm  

Absolutely beautiful day here in the ATL.

Wild flowers are gorgeous.

I did my Spanish and brain training this morning.

Worked on my mileage log for this month. Not much going on because of the quarantine.

I captured and released squirrel number 94 today. Tends to pick up during the Spring and the Summer. I never transfer anything during the winter.

Went to the bank to deposit a check.

Gassed up my car. A new protocol for me is wiping everything down before I touch anything. I even wipe off the touchscreen at the bank.

I have about a half an acre of land. It’s a major job to do yardwork.

I picked up carts full of fallen branches.

I actually pushed over two dead trees and put them in my compost pile.

I cleaned off all of the honeysuckle and other weeds from my fences.

Had to use a shovel sometimes just to get it all cleaned up.

I took down almost all of the treehouse I had built for the kids almost 20 years ago. I actually called it the “Raptor Hide.” It was very high and had a zip line that we could escape from dinosaurs. It was dangerous. Ashley broke her arm on that zip line, to my horror. When I saw her arm I almost passed out. That was weird because I’m a hardened news man and I’ve seen people literally cut in half that I didn’t bat an eye for but when my little girl had a broken arm I almost fainted!

Mowing is a challenge.

I basically mow a forest.

I did about 2/3 of the backyard. All the hard part. If all goes well I’ll finish it up tomorrow.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Podcast! Bike! 4.1.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:14 pm  

Colder weather today.

Rained 1/4″ yesterday.

I did my brain training and studied Spanish this morning.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery.

I also released Verbal Surgery -748- Super Joy today! Terrific episode.

Rode my bike 15.19 miles. Quite a bit colder than it was yesterday.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Girls! Pizza! 4.31.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:41 pm  

Rainy and cool today. Major weather blew through.

Did my Spanish study and brain training.

Ashley and the grand girls came over today to do their laundry. Always fun to see them! I picked up some pizza for us to eat. Delicious!

The girls and Kathy and I enjoyed watching the live action version of Lion King. That was fun. Then they headed back to Chamblee. Sad to see them go!

Trapped and released a squirrel.

Just saying.

My plants are an endless source of joy.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Monday, March 30, 2020

Calls! Bike! 4.30.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:40 pm  

I had a great talk with my buddy Matt Hale last night. Always fun to hear from him.

Beautiful day.

I did my brain training and Spanish study this morning.

Reading Mind Over Mind.

Made some great calls.

Had fun talking with my buddy Amit Badiani as well as my Mom.

I went on a 15.70 mile bike ride.

My favorite part was smelling the wisteria in the air as I passed by the trees.

Parks were closed. Sad.

I loved the sunflowers.

I still find glass in my yard from the fire in 2008.


Tee hee.

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