Whirlwind Missions

Friday, January 17, 2025

Tax Letters! Paypal/Bank! Home Depot! Stamps! 1.17.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:10 pm  

Listened to Don Cheto. He had a live feed via Facebook.

Glad this situation is getting better. I’ll always remember that it started when I was in Guatemala during the protests. Way over a year ago now.

This will be the first time that Servant life is sending me a team to work with. Great to have a partner!

Home Depot didn’t have one of the safety bars that I ordered. Went ahead and placed an order for another one that was also 24″. I’ll pick up the other three items tomorrow: two safety bars and the shower head.



I had a real challenge today getting logged into the Whirlwind Missions account at Bank of America and Pay Pal. Finally got them to work! Amen! I needed to make sure that the people who had donated through Pay Pal got their tax letters. Plus, I needed to transfer the money that was there into the Whirlwind bank account.

I looked up a dermatology doctor today on my medicare plan. I have a couple of moles that I want them to look at.

I added some new tax letters and corrected a few. Got all the information on my spreadsheet for 2024. Signed all the letters and put them in their respective envelopes. I still need to write the newsletter and get it printed next week. The letters were definitely the hard part.

I also printed out the letter that goes to the 19 people on my list who did not give last year. If they don’t give, they drop off the list. The letter I wrote today is another plea for help before they disappear.

Went to the Post Office to get stamps. Unfortunately, the machine only printed out the single stamps. No big deal.

Went to the Dollar Tree to check on more powerful reading glasses in case I’m trying to read something that’s really tiny. They didn’t have any past 3.5 power. I tried them. Wasn’t impressed. I’ll stick to what I have or use a magnifying glass. 99% of the time what I have is fine, but occasionally the print is super tiny and is hard for me to make out.

My new case for the Tascam DR-05X and accessories came in today. I’ll take it with me tomorrow when I record.

It’ll be a close race for third place this week.