Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Grandgirls! Stone Mountain Playground! 4.18.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:42 pm  

I could see me trying this.

Oh, yeah.

I thought this was cool.

Español! Por supuesto!


Beautiful day.

This made me uneasy.

New work week! Although, I can hardly call it work being with these little sweethearts.

I got turned onto this band last night. That’s some serious rock.


We pick up fruit on the way home.

Went to the Stone Mountain Playground.

We are looking into filing this status. I’m checking with our tax guy now. It’s for people who work in daycare or education services.

I got Penelope a new bike. It’s just slightly bigger than her old one.

Transported a squirrel.

I’m not sure what this tree is called, but it had tiny little yellow flowers that were delightful. Of course, I’m easily delighted.

Went by my office to check the mail, then to the bank to deposit checks.

Cleaned and refilled the bird baths and suet.

I finally got a replacement lamp for the one by my bed. That thing has been shorting out for probably a year. I could always make it work. But still!

Released Verbal Surgery -853- “Blank Page.” Create a new story for yourself!

Monday, May 17, 2021

Car! Yard Work! 5.17.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:47 pm  

I thought this was cool. I’ll definitely try it.


Twist ending.

I have a friend who has a stinky goat. I told him to hang this around his neck.

Get in shape!




Uploaded what I recorded yesterday onto my Mac.

Swept my outside carpet.

I’m doing research about getting a mattress removed.

My treasurer for the board Jon Paul came by to see me. I remembered to get a shot of him only as he was leaving. He’s such a great guy and huge help to the ministry.

Gassed up my car, cleaned the windshield and checked the fluids. Added some coolant.

Also got gas for my mower.

I mowed my front yard. It was a lot.

Picked up sticks and logs and put them in my recycle area.

My long extension cord finally had to be retired.

Edged all the front.

Blew all the debris back onto the lawn.

Lot of work. Feel pretty good.

Take it out. Put it up.

I like the view from the street.

Trimmed azaleas.

My leather gloves were still wet from doing the gutters yesterday. These lighter gloves had a small hole. After working with them the hole got a lot bigger. Time to stitch it up.


Transported a squirrel.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Calls! Mattress! Roof! 5.16.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:23 pm  

I always find these interesting. I pass the info along to Miles.


Anthony was part of a conference this weekend. They used a really old head shot.

Español! Si, señor!



ISS this evening.

I studied trampolines for about an hour this morning. Finally came to the conclusion that for the little girls just jumping on the bed is probably the best.

I had a fun talk with Anthony this afternoon. He always cracks me up. I liked the lighting.

Good talk with my Mom.

Jesse was asking me about the computer I first used. This is it. The Amstrad 8256. It had a green screen. It was the computer that I first did word processing on. It wasn’t PC compatible.

I took Kathy over to Mattress Firm. We got her one I think she will like. Hope so. Astonished that I didn’t take any pictures. I’ll shoot it tomorrow when we put it on the box springs.

Next big job was cleaning the roof and gutters.

It was really thick and heavy stuff. The water was just pouring off the roof because the gutters were so clogged. I’m looking into getting some gutter guards.

Way better now.

Then blew the deck and driveway.

I had worked for about an hour before I realized that Runkeeper wasn’t working properly.

Yard work is a constant battle. What I did today normally would cost me over $100. Took me about 1.5 hours.

All the downspouts seem to be working.

Watered my inside garden.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Spanish! J’s Meds! 5.15.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:58 pm  


Tee hee.

I still can’t get over people doing stuff like that! Garbage bags full of gasoline! What?!

Not surprised.

I like AirDrop. It’s nice having a wireless connection between my iPhone and my Mac.

I enjoyed listening to this last night.

Spanish. Si!

Of course that time doesn’t count watching or listening to programs in Spanish.



Went with Jesse to get her prescription filled. Turned out our insurance really came through.

Gassed up the Mercury and checked the levels.

We drove over to the Plasma center. J is interested in that.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Grandgirls! Slippery Hill! Feeder! 5.14.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:28 pm  

I found this interesting. Carl Jung used the word.



So cool. Those are called polypore mushrooms.

I used to work with this family a lot. Miss them. Now they’re all grown up!

Been doing research on getting some gutter guards. I doubt these kind will be very hard to put in.

Beautiful day!


Never too much Ashley!

After I picked up the girls, we took a walk around the fair for future planning.

We also walked near the shops. I liked this ad.

The barber shop is under new management.


Girls played with the Picasso blocks.

I took my tarp and added some water and dish washing soap to create “Slippery Hill!”

Then clean up time.

Then the clothes!

Later, while the girls napped, I blew off the driveway and the deck.

I took all the girl’s toys back downstairs to my storage area. I try to leave the house like they had never been there.

Vacuumed the house.

Cleaned the glass doors.

Swept the floors.

Scrubbed and cleaned all the measuring cups. We use these to cook food in the microwave.

I’m playing a new video game called Devil May Cry 5. It’s been fun. It’s a lot of learning different button combos, which I’m not super crazy about.

My grocery order was late this evening. No big deal. I only ordered it this morning!

I got my new bird feeder in from Amazon. I’ve really liked this design of this feeder. I had the sister version of this that was copper colored.

The old one took some hard falls. Still, I reckon I got at least five good years out of the old one.

A female Eastern Bluebird was my first visitor!

I cleaned all the bird baths. I usually do this at least once a week. I’m thinking about leaving the hose in the area just to do it more regularly.

Rained about .5″ yesterday.

As I walk around my yard, I’m always on the alert for the dreaded poison ivy.
I immediately dig it up and chop it up with a vengeance.

Saw this in the parking lot. I wonder what the story was?

Released Verbal Surgery -852- “Lost and Around.” So good!

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Grandgirls! Doggie Park! 5.13.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:34 pm  

I thought this was pretty funny.

Español! I take screenshots and put them on my blog to help me memorize new words.

Took the girls to the Doggie Park. K came over for her lunch break.

Always fun to see these notifications.

I find Terence McKenna very interesting.

That seems like a lot to me.

Colder day than it has been.

Does this indicate that when you run, you can flat line?

Never too much Ashley!

We went to the Yellow River Game Ranch to check out the peacocks. We fed them peanuts from our hands.

Went to Sonic. Came home for a picnic.


We are still getting good use out of the PA boxes.

The for sale sign was put up today. I put this image on my phone and within an hour I saw ads for this on my Facebook news feed.

Still having gas shortages.

Dropped the girls off at home. Talked with some of the kids about how the testing was going. Pretty well for most of them. “I only have one F” said another.

Went by my office to check the mail.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Grandgirls! Rain! 5.12.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:04 pm  



I like this shot of Carl Jung.

And this lady with ravens.

Rained most of the day. Then got way cooler than it’s been.


Picked up the girls under the shelter at Global Mall.

My neighbor moved to Florida this morning. He left these umbrellas to be thrown away. I picked those up right quick. We used them today!

And our rain gear! Plus my work shoes, that were until last week were my primary shoes.

While I study Spanish on my porch, the girls usually make me food made out of playdough. This is a hippo cookie.

I think this was eggs. Or a cheese sandwich.

We go round and around as if I’m the customer (from hell) and they are waitresses. I’ll ask them for impossible things and the answers they come up with are often gold.

Everly got a little too in to it.

I spent about 45 minutes brushing and braiding their hair. I have to do it regularly or it becomes completely unmanageable.

Sewed up a hole in my pocket.

And a tear in my comforter.

Paid bills.

I finally got both girls to take a nap around 3:30. Everly was coughing and had a runny nose. I let her sleep 2.5 hours. Which I think was really good for her.

Dropped the girls off at home. We got there late because of the naps. There are less than two weeks of school left. No homework. The kids aren’t even allowed to take the laptops home. I go around and greet them and ask them how their testing is going.

Went by my office to check on the mail.

I talked to my tax guy this evening about filing my returns. Everything looks in order.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Grandgirls! Bananas! Gas! 5.11.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:53 pm  

I liked these sayings from other countries.



A new week with the girls begins!

Pareidolia, the ability of the brain to see faces or patterns in random things.


The girls helped me transplant my banana plants into much larger pots.

My little partners.

Gas crisis hits the ATL because of the cyber attack on the oil pipeline. I’d say 90% of the stores were completely out.

Big lines in most that had what little was left.

I remember taking a trip with three other NoZe Brothers in this from Dallas to Waco. That was a good time.

Went to the office to pick up checks and process them.

Don’t see this every day.

Deposited checks.

My neighbor for the last eight years is moving to Tampa tomorrow. He’s been a good guy. I picked up these umbrellas they were getting rid of.

Released Verbal Surgery -851- “Mufflers and Megaphones.”

Monday, May 10, 2021

Podcast! Anthony! Prep! 5.10.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:20 pm  


I’ve been concerned for a friend. She contacted me this morning.


Called my buddy Anthony. We talked about chutney. And lots of serious stuff today.


I love orchids.

Cloudy, mild day.

Sad article about Lake Nakuru, an area I love very much.

Saw this car. I don’t think so.

Got some potting mix from Lowes to repot my banana plants. I’m hoping that will help the grow faster.


Good lunch.

Scrubbed the tub. Looked clean at the time. This photo seems to prove otherwise.

Recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery called “Headmaster.”

Ordered groceries for pick up tomorrow.

Downloaded the new episode onto my Mac.

I finished the Last of Us 2 this evening. That was the most intense video game I’ve ever played in my life. The story was incredible. Really powerful. Thirty hours of riveting game play.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Mothers Day! Bike! 5.9.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:43 pm  

I thought this was supa coo.


I actually had a person say that God would protect them from Covid AND have a carry permit for a gun.


I liked this quote.


Beautiful day!

I had a great talk with my Mom for Mother’s Day! Actually, we talk at least once a week. I was asking her about her relatives and where they grew up. She said they had a ranch above Rio Frio.

Recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Blank Page.” So good. Uploaded it to my Mac.

Rode my bike 10.26 miles. I’ve been taking it easy to let my arm heal.


I’ve been enjoying playing the Last of Us 2.

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