Whirlwind Missions

Monday, October 19, 2020

Grandgirls! Ashley! Car! 10.19.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:09 pm  

Studied Spanish and did my brain training.

Enjoying the book Entangled Life.

Fun talk with my buddy Anthony.

I have an old license plate from Kenya. I decided to spruce it up. Gave it a good scrub and sprayed it with white primer paint. Today, I masked off the letters and numbers so I could spray it pink.

Scary Pumpkin doing its job.

Ashley had to get some work done on her jeep. She came over with the girls. Always a blessing! I haven’t had nearly enough Ashley in my life.

I told them today we were studying tape and spray paint.

I shot my plate pink.

I taught them how to spray with a can. Short sprays. Always moving.

We sprayed the leaves metallic silver.

Always fun.

Everly creating worlds.

Ash read her books we just got from the library.

Penelope made me a cake. With candles!

It’s Jesse’s birthday this weekend. 30! I bought us an ice cream cake for pre-birthday enjoyment.

Nap time.

Then ice cream!

Playdough time!

Upgraded entrance with Kenya plate. Normally, it’s black on white.

Silver painted a can. We put toilet paper on top of it.

Cleaned the carpet.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Spanish! Groceries! Plants! 10.18.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:15 pm  

I edited and uploaded the video and pictures that I took of the team from N. Gwinnett BC last night.

Studied Spanish.

Went outside last night to shoot with the cameras on my new iPhone 11 Pro Max.

Just seeing what the cameras can do.

Studied Spanish this morning.

Enjoying the Entangled Life book.

Got the groceries and put them away.

Blew the driveway and deck.

Watered my plants.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

N. Gwinnett BC to Azalea and New Peachtree! 10.17.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:03 pm  

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Spike the Curve!”

Get better faster with this terrific edition!

Studied Spanish.

Did my brain training. I’ve been less consistent because of my new morning routine.

Picked up checks at the church.

Had a great time with my team from N. Gwinnett BC! We had our singing and prayer time, then to the missions!

Got gas, checked the oil and cleaned the wind shield.

Deposited checks.

Listened to Harry Potter in Spanish.

Beautiful cool weather.

Talked to my credit card people to verify that I had made a charge.

I like this license plate.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Grandgirls! Pumpkin! Library Park! 10.16.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:09 pm  

Got to Global Mall before dawn.

Never too much Ashley!

Saw this juvenile Sharp Shinned Hawk diving at crows.

Worked on Ashley’s vacuum. Cleaned the rollers and brushes as well as all the filters.


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Grandgirls! Stone Mountain Park! Mission! 10.15.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:55 pm  

Traffic was a beast this morning. What usually takes me about 25 minutes was nearly an hour today. Mr. Google kept changing my arrive time.

Ashley always looks so chic.

We had a good creative time today.

We got some Happy Meals from McD for our picnic at the Stone Mountain Park.

To the playground.

We got some doughnuts and ice cream on the way home.

Everly went to sleep. We saved hers.

Helped the kids at the mission.

I’ve been working on learning this song. I love the poetry.

Dogwoods outside my office.

Picked up the mail.

Listened to Harry Potter in Spanish on the way home.

Got groceries from curbside pickup at Walmart.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Grandgirls! Doggy Park! Clean Up! Mission! 10.14.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:40 pm  

Had a good night’s sleep.

Sunrise shadows.

Dead frog. I still find it beautiful.

Never too much Ashley!

I took them to the Doggy Park.

The girls and I saw a bunch of beer bottles and power drink cans near the skater park. We filled up a huge garbage bags of bottles.

Going potty.


Came home for lunch.

Beautiful mushrooms.

Worked at the Mission with the kids.

Went by my office to check the mail.

Got a new chargeable platform for my iPhone 11 Pro Max.

I heard that the iPhone 12 is coming out soon. I’m hoping that I can swap the 11 for the new one. We’ll see.

Paid bills.

Made the grocery order.

Released Verbal Surgery -798- “The Other Other Side.”

Put on server and posted it on Facebook.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Grandgirls! Stone Mountain with Kathy! Mission! 10.13.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:59 pm  

A little pine tree that didn’t want me in its space.

Always great to see Ashley. She just keeps getting more beautiful!

I got the girls some new bows.

I cleaned the hummingbird feeders with a bleach solution. Later that evening, I rinsed them out thoroughly.

I loved seeing the girls with their hair pulled away from their faces.

This has been our theme song this week.

Always great to have Kathy around.

We went on a hike up Stone Mountain. I stayed with Everly.

Everly wanted me to take pictures of the cactus. I thought the moss was gorgeous as well.

I had great fun shooting a series of shots with Everly climbing a little tree.

These tree pictures I shot with my new iPhone 11 Pro Max. Unbelievable. And the selfie camera can shoot 4K video.

Tuckered Everly out eventually.

Penelope and I had fun playing with the little cars I gave them today.

Helped the kids with their homework.

This is a cake Everly made for me.

She said, “It has sprinkles on it.”

Listened to radio from Madrid.

Deposited checks.

I drained all the bleach water off and rinsed each piece out.

Paid bills.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Errands! Podcast! Car! 10.12.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:15 pm  

I love this poem by Tom Waits. I think it will be my next project.

Studied Spanish and did my brain training.

I’m enjoying the Entangled Life book.

Little over 2.5″ the last two days.

Got the case I bought with my phone ready to take back. I already had a case that I bought on Amazon (for half the price!) on the way when I got this one. I just wouldn’t leave the store without the phone being in a case.

I got my new case in today to my house. Cleaned the screen in preparation for putting the new screen protector on in.

Got the new screen protector on my phone and the case ready to go! I feel I can breathe a sigh of relief then I’ve gotten a case and the screen protector on it.

Blew the front driveway.

Way better.

Cleaned the deck.

I swept up whatever the blower couldn’t handle.

Cleaned my little Eureka vacuum. I use it a lot, especially in the kitchen.

Vacuumed the house with my bigger device.

I dropped Kathy and my ballots off at the Mountain Park Library.

We have Jesse’s car parked at my sister in law’s house. Today I went over there, jumped it off and drove it about 30 minutes. Should keep it in good working order. Drove great.

She looked like she was happy after the ride.

Talked to my Pastor John Weldon from Westside BC this morning. He gave me the good news that our church is going to give our ministry $2,000 in a lump sum. Thank you, Jesus!

My new phone kept turning the screen off. I had to adjust the auto-lock settings.

Good talk with my buddy Anthony.

Listened to radio from Madrid.

Learning how to transfer Kathy to her new phone.

Went to the ATT store to get a refund on the case I bought.

Studying Spanish means looking up words.

Gassed up my car.

Checked the oil. It was fine.

I’ve been cleaning my windshield more lately. It’s helped.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Coins! Voting! Phone Gear! 10.11.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:09 pm  

Studied Spanish and did my brain training.

My friend Selma and I went to the coin show in Marietta today. She had a coin collection that she wanted to sell. My friend Steve gave her a fair offer and she was happy. Although, for years she thought maybe those old coins would be worth major money. I looked through them and told her that wasn’t the case.

Everyone was required to wear masks. I felt pretty safe.
I liked the art at the Hilton where the event was held.

I bought a few Roman coins and got the Kenyan and East Africa coins from Selma’s collection. It didn’t affect the value of the collection at all.

It’s amazing how impressive the zoom in is on with my iPhone.

I thought this was interesting.

Had a short chat with my buddy Anthony.

I’ve enjoyed the Entangled Life book.

Kathy and I filled out our absentee voting. I’m kind of afraid that something won’t match and our votes won’t count.

I got some bows for the girls. Probably only Everly will wear them. We’ll see.

I started getting the new gear for the new phone. I usually get cases made from leather. This time I went with the synthetic.

I got the glass screen protector in. I’ll put this one when the case comes in tomorrow. I got a case at ATT because I’m so cautious even though I knew I had one on the way. They told me I could bring back the case I got at the store no problem.

My new phone takes some really big pictures.

Got the groceries.

Mushrooms started spouting around oak trees in my front yard. So beautiful.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Iphone 11 Pro Max! Setup! 10.10.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:47 pm  

Studied Spanish.

Uploaded a new episode of Verbal Surgery -797- “Off the Leash!”

Ordered groceries.

Made the appointment to get my new iPhone 11 Pro Max.

I like going to the Northlake Mall store.

Seemed very health conscious. Everyone was masked as were all the customers. Plexiglass shields in place.

I took the line off for the iPad we had. We have four lines now of unlimited data. The new plan will actually save us about $30/month. That means adding my phone is doing to increase our bill each month by only $17/month.

I did the research before going to the store, so I knew what was available and what I wanted, which was the iPhone 11 Pro Max with 256 GB of storage. I also wanted to keep the insurance on my old iPhone 7+ which is going to Kathy.

We tried to set it all up at the store, but it was taking too long to download the current iOS 14. I took both phones home, downloaded the file, reset the phone, added the information from my old phone to my new phone. Quite a procedure.

Last job will be to zero out my old iPhone.

I thought Eddie was very helpful.

Listened to Harry Potter in Spanish.

First selfie with my new iPhone 11 Pro Max.

Getting all the networks to talk to each other is sometimes challenging. Still trying to get my earbuds to pair up.

Productive day. Will work on learning more about my new tech this evening.

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