Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Azalea! Cooking Class! 2.12.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:07 pm  

I did my breath work, brain training, and studied Spanish this morning.

Another very mild day in the ATL. I actually broke out the shorts and flip-flops this afternoon. Incredible for February!

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Tiny Sticker.”

Gassed up my car.

Had a fun time with the grand girls at the mission today. All the kids are riding bikes up and down the hill which was great. Better than just video games!

Ashley did a great job with the cooking class today. They all made little chocolate cakes with marshmallow toppings and peanuts and M&Ms. It was a big hit and a lot of fun.

Deposited checks.

My pink magnolias is starting to bloom. My cherry blossom trees are also starting to bud out. Supposed to get to 28 degrees later this week. Hope that doesn’t hurt them.

Worked on taxes this evening.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Azalea! 2.11.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:43 pm  

Unbelievably warm today!

Did my regular brain training and studied Spanish.

Kathy and I went to eat lunch together. One of the waiters there’s from Albania so I studied a greeting in Albanian.

Helped the kids at the mission.

Went by the office to check on the mail.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery “Nod Your Head.”

1.75” of rain.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Monday, February 10, 2020

Grandgirls! Jon! Stone Mountain! Mission! 2.10.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:28 pm  

Did my brain training and Spanish study.

Great day with the grand girls. Took them for a drive around Stone Mountain.

Went to my treasurer’s house to sign some forms for banking.

Went to the Buford Highway farmers market for lunch with the girls. Then to Dunkin Doughnuts.

Opening Valentine’s gifts from my Mom, Nana.

Helped the kids at the mission.

Deposited checks at the bank.

Watched the Bernie Sanders rally this evening.

A piece of scripture that I’d forgotten to practice. Doesn’t take long to it get back to 100%.

Rainy day today.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Westside! Spanish! 2.8.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:29 pm  

Did my brain training, studied Spanish, and breath work.

Went to Westside Baptist Church this morning. We are having different members of the congregation speak on Sunday mornings now. I thought Darren did a good job.

Spent extra time watching Diablero on Netflix in Spanish with Spanish subtitles. Also studying Spanish verb conjugations.

Good lunch with Kathy this afternoon.

Fun talk with Jess this evening.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Snow! Groceries! Verbs! 2.7.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:22 pm  

We had a light dusting of snow this morning in the ATL! Always fun and beautiful.

Wasn’t really a hard freeze.

Did my brain training and studied Spanish.

Kathy and I did a fun ride around Stone Mountain this morning to see the snow.

Did the grocery shopping.

Working on Spanish verb forms.

Watching Diablero on Netflix. I listen to it in Spanish with Spanish subtitles on.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Friday, February 7, 2020

Grandgirls! Yard work! Houston! 2.7.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:24 pm  

Got a little over 3″ of rain in the last two days.

Studied Spanish and did my brain training.

Had a great time with the Grandgirls and Kathy today.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery “INpossible2”

Cleaned and redid all the birdfeeders and bird baths in my yard.

Cleaned the area outside my door.

Making plans for a trip to Houston in a couple of weeks.

Really looking forward to seeing some friends of mine there and an art exhibition. It’s being held at what I think is one of the coolest places in America: notsuoH.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Grandgirls! Mission! 2.6.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:02 pm  

I worked on Spanish and did my Brain Training and breathing exercises this morning.

I listened to Harry Potter in Spanish.

I’m also watching a show on Netflix called Diablero in Spanish with Spanish subtitles to help me get more listening retention.

Had a fun day with the grand girls at the mission. The girls practice gymnastics under the table. Pretty funny!

Very rainy here in the ATL. I was woken up this morning by a tornado warning coming over my phone. Fortunately, it was on the other side of the county and wasn’t a big problem for us.

Did the banking on the way home.

Great talk with my buddy Anthony this evening. What a blessing!

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Grandgirls! Mission! 2.5.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:30 pm  

Did my brain training and studied Spanish. Surprised?

Had fun time with the grand girls.

We watched the garbage pick up. They put all the recycling stuff in with the regular garbage. Pissed me off. I’ll definitely follow up on this.

Gassed up my car.

Girls took a nap when we got home. Me, too.

Penelope bought a game today at Goodwill. PJ Masks is one of her favorite shows. We had fun playing it with the Mission kids.

They love dirt. Hard for me to let them play in it. I’m the “clean” grandparent, the one that’s always washing their hands and face.

Sent a recording to my Italian friend, Elia.

Went to the office to get checks.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Joyce! Mission! Podcast! 2.4.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:40 pm  

Did my brain training this morning.

I’ll study Spanish after I’ve done the blog, then post pictures.

Kathy and I had a fun lunch with Joyce Barrington. She is the mother of my good friend Carl Barrington. He passed away last year. It was a very sad time for me.

Where Joyce lives, Carl had a lot of his memorabilia. I especially liked his signed picture from Patrick Stewart. I also thought the signed picture by Stan Lee of a print of Spiderman was awesome.

I spent about an hour or so helping her learn how to use her iPhone 11.

Enjoyed working at the mission with the kids.

Everly and I played hide and seek. I can’t see her.

I released a new episode of VerbalSurgery Do Over!”

Listened to Harry Potter in Spanish on the way home.

I fired up my PC this evening. First time I’ve used that in months. There were some files I had on it I’m trying to get a hold of now. In particular Kathy’s resume. Never could find them.

Got my Apple ID and Password working again. Yes!

Another project I needed the PC was to see a spreadsheet for my Housing Allowance. I got a spreadsheet app on my Mac now.

Watching the last episode of October Faction this evening. I’ve enjoyed it!

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Monday, February 3, 2020

Grandgirls! Mission! Sunset! 2.3.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:41 pm  

Incredible weather!

Enjoyed my Brain Training and Spanish study this morning.

Had a good time with the grand girls. We ate at Waffle House and then went to the Dollar Tree.

Went back to their house to let them rest.

Worked with the kids at the mission.

They had fun with the toys we brought home. Especially the silly string.

Checked the mail at the office.

The clouds!

Absolutely incredible sunset this evening. Art by God.

I saw this at the Moes in Tucker.

I thought I knew what it was for and I was right. It’s for ritual cleaning or Wudu for Muslims before prayer. They wash their feet with it,

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

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