Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Jon! Groceries! Mission! 11.7.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:14 pm  

Practiced brain training.

Studied Spanish. Every day a little better!

Fun talk with my buddy, Anthony.

Had a great lunch with my friend Jon Paul.

Did the grocery shopping. Walked nearly a half a mile.

Went to Azalea to help the kids with their homework.

Ashley taught a cooking class. The kids had a great time!

Picked up the mail from my office.

Went to the bank to deposit checks.

Listened to Harry Potter in Spanish on the way home. Studied more new words.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Grandgirls! Azalea! 11.6.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:03 pm  

Practiced brain training.

Studied Spanish. It’s a daily thing!

Enjoyed being with the Grandgirls and Kathy today. Working out!

Silly EV chewing on crayons.

Took them to a local park. One of them had some red wasps, so we went to another.

Had one of the tallest swings they’ve ever been on.

Concrete truck got stuck near our house.

Waffle House!

Girls took naps in the car. Then to FBC Doraville to check the mail.

Helped the kids at the mission with their homework.

Deposited checks. Amen!

Getting home after dark every day is not my idea of fun. Welcome to the time change.

Listened to Harry Potter in Spanish. Always learning words.

Sad news about my good friend Carl Barrington. I look forward to visiting with him on Friday. Hopefully the Lord will grant our prayers and give him more time with his loved ones.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Podcast! Rockbridge! Jess! Bike! 11.5.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:40 pm  

Practiced brain training and Spanish.

Paid bills. Always good to see debt go down.

Did some research with an app I like called Seek.

You can take a picture of pretty much any plant or animal and it will tell you the species. It’s fascinating.

Fire ants on the move.

Released a new podcast today. Always good! Verbal Surgery -710- “Paint Job!”

Went to Rockbridge Baptist Church to meet up with a board member who signs my reimbursement checks.

Jess and I went to eat lunch together. Always interesting and amusing conversations!

Came home and did a bike ride. Went 8.68 miles.

Weather continues to be a challenge for me. Most of the time I really want to go exercise. But when it gets cold it’s harder to be motivated. And for me even riding a bike in 65° weather seems cold!

I did more work on my health insurance coverage. Got a notice today that the insurance company that I use this year is going to extend coverage for us for next year.

Researched Dekalb County School schedule.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Grandgirls! Candy Throw! 11.4.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:49 pm  

Practiced brain training today.

Also studied Spanish.

Had fun with the grand girls at Stone Mountain Park.

Worked with the kids at the mission.

Activated my new debit card. The chip stopped working on my old one.

Bought a lot of candy and had our candy throw for our Halloween party today. I usually do it after Halloween because the Halloween candy gets marked down by 50 to 75%! Kids don’t care as long as they get candy!

Listened to Harry Potter in Spanish on the way home. I’m always learning new words.

Got in contact with my health insurance guy. It’s great to have a guy who knows what they’re doing because I sure don’t. I basically just follow their advice and look up the plans.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

One Heart! Bike! 11.3.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:17 pm  

I had a fun day today at One heart Church with the girls.

We spoke at a Sunday School class and during church.

I don’t really like the time change. Gets dark too early in my opinion.

I went for a bike ride today. Rode 14.77 miles.

They finished the drainage repairs.

Tried to dress so I could stay warm. Pretty successful.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

FBC Doraville! Plants! 11.2.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:21 pm  

Practiced brain training and Español this morning.

Kathy, Ashley and the girls and I went to First Baptist Church of Doraville today for their 70th anniversary homecoming.

Many of the pastors who had served there spoke.

My father in law Bill Doverspike served there for years.

I sang in the impromptu choir. I still sight read pretty well.

I was the final speaker. Fun fellowship afterwards.

Got the props we’ll need for the conference tomorrow at One Heart Church,

Did a final clean out of the aquarium. I will probably end up putting some plants in that aquarium to look at.

Spent some time in my inside garden this evening. Always fun to have flowers to look at. Especially in the winter.

Played some God of War. Such a beautiful game!

Friday, November 1, 2019

Podcast! Groceries! Yard! 11.1.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:14 pm  

We have two church conferences this weekend. Saturday at FBC Doraville and Sunday at One Heart Church. This will be our Sunday assignment.

Practiced Brain Training.
Studied Español.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery “New Model”

Also recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery this morning.

Recently my bank merged with another bank. Talked to them about some issues I was having. Looks like it’s all squared away now.

Good chat with Anthony Jacquin today.

Got the groceries. Picked up supplies for birdfeeders.

50 pound bag will feed the raccoons and opossums for months. Heavy!

Cleaned the bird feeder, rain gauge and the yard. Got about 1″ yesterday.

Blew the leaves off the driveway. Cold night last night nearly to freezing.

My neck was bothering me today. Some of these jobs were really hard because of that.


Thursday, October 31, 2019

Halloween! Plants! Girls! Cold Snap! 10.31.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:58 pm  

Happy Halloween!

Studied Spanish.

Got all my plants in from outside.

Turned cold today. Supposed to get down to nearly freezing tonight.

Enjoyed hanging with the girls today.

The girls and Jess and I went to El Torero‘s today. Good lunch. Good company.

Rainy day today. It’s good for the trees. Wish California was getting some of this.

I enjoy reading this newsletter called Book Freak.

Did my mileage for this month.

Too rainy to go to the mission today. Kids don’t come and traffic is brutal. Ashley and I work Saturday and Sunday this weekend.

Played some God of War.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Grandgirls! Mission! 10-30-19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:31 pm  

Continued my brain training this morning.

Also studied Spanish. It’s all about long-term effort to get best results.

Had a great time with the grand girls today. Took them to our inside place since it was rainy, which is normally the Dollar Tree or Goodwill. I asked Penelope if she thought these pants would fit her.

Always have fun looking around there. The people are super chill and don’t mind kids playing. Plus, I pretty much always buy a bunch of stuff. We got some more rain jackets and warm clothes.
They have plenty, I just like to keep a collection of stuff in my car.

Had a fun time with the kids at the mission.

Even though it was rainy we had a lot of kids with homework. It’s supposed to rain tomorrow so we won’t do our candy throw until next week when the weather is better. Kids don’t care as long as they get candy!

I’ve been listening to the first Harry Potter book in Spanish. Always learning new words. And it’s fun to feel like I’m learning to hear things at full speed better.

After I get home, I read the English chapters that I’ve listen to in Spanish. Just to see what my comprehension level is. I get at least 80% of it. Sometimes more. Which is fun.

Gassed up my car.

I bought Cathy some new cologne tonight.

One of my new resolutions is to wash my sheets regularly.

I got our new Can Opener running. It’s the simple things that make life easier!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Podcast! Stamps! Labels! Mission! 10.29.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:19 pm  

Released the happiest edition of Verbal Surgery “The Will to Give!”

Happiest version ever! Link on Facebook.

Did my brain training.

Studied Spanish.

Went over 20,000 points on Duolingo this morning.

That’s a lot of hours in Spanish and Portuguese and Hebrew and Swahili study.
Good talk with my buddy Anthony and his wife Kat.

Ordered new can opener.

Got stamps for the newsletter.

Went to the mission to help the kids with their homework. Did the labels on the letters.

Doughnuts for a treat!

Got them into the mail.

Admin duties now.

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