Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Grandgirls! Bike! 7.30.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:33 pm  

Brain Training!


Love these girls! Had a fun time with them today.

We went to one of our favorite places, the Goodwill near Perimeter Mall.

I got a whole drum full of musical instruments for the Golden Box of Jams. I was pretty excited.


I got Penelope a new scooter. She was pretty excited about it.

They wanted to get some cardio work out while we were there.

I got this little push cart for Everly.

Got gas on the way home.

Went to the office to check the mail.

Then to the bank to deposit money. Amen.

Makes sense to me.

Went by Hobby Lobby to get some buttons to repair my pink shirt. They don’t exactly match but pretty close.

Biked 8.65 miles.

I cut my ride short because of stormy weather in the area.

Admin duties now.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Grandgirls! Newsletters! Bike! 7.29.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:41 pm  

Brain Training!


Enjoyed talking to my buddy Anthony Jacquin and his wife Kat.

Got stamps for the newsletters.

Took the Grandgirls to the Downwind Restaurant. We love watching the planes.

They’re swingers!

It’s a hot park with no shade, and the tire shreds get them filthy, but it’s a lot of fun to watch the planes!
Ashley and I figured out how to do the labels for the newsletters into the Mac environment. Hopefully, this month will be the last time I need to use my PC! That’s a pretty big deal!

Always a good sight to see!

Rode my bike 12.82 miles.

It poured down rain at my house, but completely missed me! Amen!

Beautiful sunset. It’s shots like these to gave me a burn in on my camera. But I still think they’re worth is!

Admin duties now.

Sunday, July 28, 2019


Tim A. Cummins @ 10:00 pm  

I enjoy the Brainpickings newsletter.

Brain Training. This may have been the best I’ve ever done.


After reading the Brainpickings article, I ordered this book. Here’s today’s section.

Lunch by God.

The geese found the peelings appealing.

Reading Eat, Pray, Love.

Wrote and produced my newsletter. Today I finally completely shifted from my PC to doing everything on my MacBook Air.

This little aloe was ready for transplanting. I think Jess will really enjoy watching her grow.

I got this orchid when the stem had been broken.

She’s now putting out TWO flowering stems. Amen!

Little section of rainbow! I’m sad that my camera has a couple of messed up pixels. Not really visible unless it’s zoomed in and with a light background.

Beautiful sunset.

Went to Walmart to pick up ink and envelopes to finish the newsletter project. Also got a night light bulb for Minnie Mouse.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sardis City! Buford Highway Farmers Market! Missions! Concert! 7.27.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:58 pm  

I normally train my brain first thing in the morning, but my Muse device needed charging. I’ll practice this evening.

Great time with the teams at The Show!

Rachel’s Tree of Love ceremony.

On Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market!

Ashley took the team over to the Market, while I put the equipment back into our Backstage Room, then swept and cleaned the Fellowship Hall at FBC Doraville.

Then to the missions! They did a great job!

Concert at New Peachtree went great!

Came home to work on editing the team video and do my admin duties.

Took a break from riding my bike this evening.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Sardis! Global Mall! Al Madina! Missions! Concert! 7.26.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:03 pm  

Little friend showed up last night!

Brain Training!

I was praying to the Father this morning. Had some sad thoughts. He reminded me where the True World was.

I saw this same truck later in a totally different part of the ATL.

Sure do love these girls!

My looks today.

Great time with the teams! I love seeing the grand girls get involved.

On Safari to Global Mall!


Such a fun group!

Singing at the Hindu temple.

Can’t see who’s in this picture!

Al Madina!

To the missions!

Penelope has really enjoyed being part of the team. She’s SO awesome!

The team did a great job at the concert.

What’s this for?

Rode 12.70 miles.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery “Beautiful Slavery.”
What’s holding you back? Click on the link and free yourself!

Uploaded to my server.

Posted on Facebook and Twitter.

Admin duties now.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Show Prep! Bike! 7.25.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:17 pm  

Brain Training!


I was having trouble with the lights. I thought I fixed them. They didn’t stay fixed.

I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “PROsequences.”

The crepe myrtles have been gorgeous.

Got the Fellowship Hall ready for The Show tomorrow. We have a two day choir team in town.

I saw this near my house on the way home.

Biked 12.68 miles.

Beautiful clouds.

Took squirrel #87 to the forest after I got him from biking.

Admin duties now.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Office! Grandgirls! Bike! 7.24.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:27 pm  

Brain Training!
It was an incredibly cool day!


I buried the dead crow today. It was being eaten by a swarm of Yellow Jackets. I grabbed it, ran like crazy and was followed by them. I actually kind of hurt my hip trying to avoid being stung. I’m not sure why it was so important to me to bury him, but it was.

Great chat with my buddy, Amit Badiani in the UK.

I was at Stone Mountain when I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Drink Your Koolaid.”

Went to my office to check on the mail.

Been reading Eat, Pray, Love.

I got some huevos rancheros at Taco Veloz for lunch I thought this little girl was beautiful.

Took my girls some “flat chocolate.” Hersheys almonds to be exact.

Penelope calls this her “hobo look.”

They are so much fun.

The girls have this book called, “Little Tim want to be a sailor.” I liked these pages from it.

Today, I had a baby dove come up to me.

I’ve had the experience once before. I felt like my patron Saint Francis of Assisi.

I like this mural.

I caught and released squirrel #86 today.

Interesting mycelium mass.

I got a late start biking. Still rode 10.67 miles.

Love these crepe myrtles and roses. I shot this in Portrait mode on my iPhone. It comes out 3D on Facebook.

The clouds on my ride were fantastic.

Everything is art to me.

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Anthony! Office! Bike! 7.23.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:00 pm  

Brain Training. With the Muse brainwave device.

This crow grounded out the transformer in our front yard and shut the power down in our neighborhood. The power guys said that happens all the time with crows, geese, squirrels, raccoons and even snakes! What?

They had to go to the main junction to turn the breaker back on.


Got all the new tags for my three cars.

Got some scratches on why glasses. Not zesty. Hopefully, I’ll get a replacement pair.

Fun talk with my buddy Anthony.

Went to the office to check the mail.

Still reading Eat, Pray, Love

I ate at Pho 24 today. It was great. I thought these roses were stunning.

Went to check on Ashley and the grandgirls. Also checked on a neighbor at Azalea who was having problems with his bank. I took some frozen yogurt to the girls. Everly’s tooth seems to not be bothering her. Glad about that!

Gassed up the car.

My pink magnolia put out a bloom!

This is based on ancient Egyptian designs. I thought it was stunning.

Biked 13.00 miles.

Gorgeous lighting.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery “KNOWmentum!”
Put your KNOW on the GoGO with this high speed brainy edition. Click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Admin duties now.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Church! Bank! Bike! 7.22.10

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:51 pm  

Brain Training!


Worked on getting Kathy’s CPAP machine working.

Went to my office to check on the mail.

Salsa verde on my huevos for lunch!

Love me some Taco Veloz.

Enjoying Eat, Pray, Love.

Deposited checks. Amen.

Biked 12.79 miles.

My pet butterfly.

Loved the clouds.

Do you see a lion?

Golden light.

Admin duties now.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Westside! Cleaning! 7.21.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:42 pm  


Woke up and cleaned the hummingbird feeders.

Then brain training.


Still a little bit shocking to see this number.

Transported squirrel #84 on the way to church.

Went to Westside BC.

John Weldon spoke on defending the Faith.

I read an article about washing bed sheets. Made me get into action about it, since I do a terrible job of keeping them clean. Part of the problem is because my foam topper is getting worn out and makes a big mess. I vacuumed up all the fragments and flipped and turned the pad to optimize the best spot where I sleep.

Also vacuumed all the rugs in my room and then sprayed them down. They are still drying outside.

Then vacuumed the whole downstairs area where I live.

Cleaned the stairs.

Super nasty wet/dry vac.

Got rid of spiderwebs.

Then thoroughly cleaned the wet/dry vacuum. It did a good job today.

Drying out!

Cleaned off many of my treasures.

Watered my plants.

I have geological specimens decorating the plant area as well.

Last step was to Swiffer mop the floor.

You might say that all that cleaning blew my head off.

Also cleaned the fish tank.

Good talk with Jesse this evening about possible future plans.

Admin duties now.

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