Whirlwind Missions

Friday, May 3, 2019

Grandgirls! Bike! 5.3.19 Podcast!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:56 pm  


Normally, I practice Brain Training and Español in the morning. I slept too late and chose to be on time to help Ashley with the Grandgirls! I caught up on Spanish this afternoon while the girls were napping.

The girls are always so much fun!

Took them for lunch to the Downwind restaurant at PDK airport. Then to the park to watch the planes!

Penelope was making a tire angel. The black stuff is shredded tires. Man, did she ever get dirty!

It’s a fun little park.

I was shocked by how intrepid Everly is. She climbed straight up this ladder!

Everly is heavenly.

After Ashley came home to be with the grandgirls, I went to FBC Doraville to check on the mail.

I agree!

Went to Aztec Cycles to pick up my bike, “Black Beauty.”

I got the bottom bracket replaced. It rode great!

I also got new handle grips. My old ones were completely worn out.

I still cover them with terry cloth. I like the feel better than the rubber. Especially when my hands get really sweaty.
Bringing her back home!

Definitely the best bike I’ve every owned. She’s slightly smaller than Jesse’s bike that I rode the last couple of days.

Rode 15.07 miles today.

I love that it stays light so long.

Please! Although “my” road is normally the sidewalk. The cars just don’t seem to be paying enough attention.

The clouds are starting to billow!

I listened to a lot of Spanish radio today.

It’s starting to get warm, which means that at the close of every day I use hand sanitizer to kill all the germs on my hat band.

That keeps my forehead smelling fresh!

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -658- “8 Tracks and Faxes!”

How does technology affect you? Accelerate the positive! Click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Also shared it several times on Twitter.

And with my family text thread.

Admin duties now.

I’ll do at least two sessions with the Muse this evening before I go to sleep.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Grandgirls! Mission! Bike! 5.2.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:59 pm  


Brain Training!


This struck me as weird.

Had a good lunch with Jesse!
Then to the mission to help the kids!

Not much homework. Nearly the end of the year!
The Grandgirls and Allison and Kayla and I went on Safari around the apartment complex saying “Hi” to the other kids.

Did some climbing.


Biked 12.85 miles this evening.

Admin duties now.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Podcast! Newsletter! Mission! Bike! 5.1.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:30 pm  

Sleep! You can see I’m up for about an hour between 3:00am and 4:00am. Powerful prayer time for me.

Brain Training. Keep on, keeping on.


My longest streak was when I was studying Portuguese: 282.
Still doing research of my heart monitor and what heart rate I should be going at. Sometimes I really work hard, which is a cardio workout. Other times I don’t push so hard which burns fat.

Anthony had been at the funeral of his Mom’s older brother today. He read a poem.

Recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Leap Fog.” Good one!

Went to the Post Office to get stamps for the newsletters.

I always try to get interesting stamps. The kids enjoy looking at the “stickers.”

Went by FBC Doraville to check on the mail and pick up Ashley’s newsletter.

I took over watching the Grandgirls at about 3pm. That gave Kathy a chance to beat the traffic going home.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Also worked on labeling the envelopes. The kids enjoy helping.

Remember having to do stuff like this?

I got some digging toys at the Dollar Tree yesterday. The kids had fun making mud pies.

Got the letters in the mail under the 5:00pm deadline! Yeah! I don’t really get too uptight about it. I always say, “The world’s not going to end if they’re a couple of days late.”

I always bring a couple of dozen doughnuts after we’ve finished that chore. Everyone gets a doughnut, but the kids that help get to choose what kind they want and I go get ’em!

I probably get a least seven different types!
I went by Rockbridge BC to talk to the chairman of my board, Pastor Bill Cordrey. I dropped off a check for my mileage reimbursement. I’m getting ready to pay off my Master Card bill and need all those checks!

I got gas on the way home at the Speedway on 29/Harmony Grove. That’s about .15 cents cheaper than any other place I see in the ATL.

One of my duties is to keep Ashley’s vacuum cleaner in good working order. Takes me about ten minutes to blow it out and wash all the filters. Then it really works great! Having all the tools nearby really speeds up the job.

Astonishing how gross this stuff was before I got after them.

Caught and released squirrel #56 today. I don’t think it will ever end.

I used Kathy/Jesse’s bike today for my ride. This is a road bike as opposed to mine which is a hybrid mountain/road bike. My bike has about double the thickness wheels but not as thick as a pure mountain bike. I went up everything and never had to leave third gear. Astonishing.

She didn’t like riding on the sidewalks, though. No problem for my bike. But on the road, I was going almost as fast as cars.
To give you an idea, I have to bike about 4 miles in order to burn off the ONE doughnut I ate. Ay, caramba.

Admin duties now.

Watched some of the Bob Barr testimony before Congress today. He’s a cool customer for sure.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Grandgirls! Mission! 4.30.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:32 pm  

I’m enjoying reading this book on Lucid Dreaming.


Brain Training!

I got this new bird feeder for our bathroom window.


Transported Squirrel #55.

I took my bike in to be worked on. The bottom bracket was worn out. I’ve had this bike for at least 15 years, so I guess that’s not bad!

These guys do great work!

Great time with the Grandgirls today! They are so much fun! Everly reminds me of me.

Penelope is so groovy, baby.

Typical overdoer. Gotta love the Dollar Tree!

Helped the kids with their homework.

Everly was living large.

Penelope got a medical kit. She was being the patient here.

Everyone got into the digging toys.

She was tuckered out.


Penelope fell asleep about an hour and a half later.

Deposited checks on the way home.


Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -657- “The Write Thing!”

Edit yourself with these simple tips! And feel good, NOW!

Click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server. Link on Facebook.

Admin duties now.

I will work on my calendar for next month in a few minutes.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Groceries! Bike! Girls! 4.29.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:50 pm  

I’m trying some interesting methods to generate lucid dreaming. Part of that is spending some time awake about 4.5 hours after I first go to sleep. The brain goes into REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep about every 1.5 hours. You are generating an Alpha rhythm then. The longest time periods when you are dreaming is early in the morning right before you wake up. You can see the areas when I’m dreaming around 5:30am, 7:00am and around 8:20am. My sleep quality does go down a bit. It’s actually pretty common for me to wake up around 4:30am anyway. I normally spend at least thirty minutes in prayer then.

Did some Brain Training and studied Español.

Added the episode “Plant Yourself” to my podcasts ready to release. I’m nine weeks ahead now.

I got a sticker out of the palm of my hand this morning. That gunky looking stuff is alcohol cleaner to keep the site antiseptic. Normally, I let it go a few days. It’s easier to get out then.

I redid the wrapping of this extension cord. Kathy had left it a total mess. It’s easy to do. I’m super disciplined about how I leave cords. My Papaw always told me, “Careful use gives long use.”

Had a fun talk with my buddy Anthony this afternoon. He hurt his back. Had a good prayer time with him.

Some interesting sections from one of the books I’m reading called, “What Doesn’t Kill Us.”

Got the groceries.

I put my windmills back outside. I use this set up to determine wind direction. The top one is pointed North.

I use these to determine wind velocity. Of course, I have apps that tell me exactly how fast the wind speed is. But this is an easy visual way to see it.

I went for a 12.21 mile bike ride. My goal is at least ten miles or an hour plus every day. When the weather is this nice and I don’t get a chance to work out, I get frustrated.

The cranks on my bike seem to be wobbly. I’m taking it in to my bike guru to have him take a look. I watched some videos on the problem on YouTube last night. I did what they said, but it still seemed loose. They were pretty scary talking about what could happen of it came off!

Fortunately, I have Jesse/Kathy’s bike to ride. They never use it and I got it completely tuned up. It’s ready to go! That makes it easier for me to give mine up. I can take a couple of weeks to get back!

Every two weeks, I’ve been sending an email to what I call the Research List. It’s about 650 Youth Directors that haven’t worked with us YET! I’m doing a series on how to grow their youth group.

Also includes a button to press to see what we offer for their group’s mission trip. Research says that people have to have at least eight interactions before they have even a chance to remember you.
Admin duties now.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Rockbridge! Bike! 4.28.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:59 pm  

Brain Training!

Spoke at Rockbridge Baptist church this morning.

They are the home sponsoring church for Whirlwind Missions. Ashley hurt her knee last night so she wasn’t able to come. She was missed!

Bill Cordrey is one of the pastors and is the President of our Board of Directors for Whirlwind Missions, Inc.

I studied Spanish when I got home.

Went for a 19.85 mile bike ride.

I used my new pulse oximeter to measure my heart rate and oxygen saturation in my blood.

Watered my green friends in my inside garden this evening. Beauty!

I’ve been pretty aggressive about tracking all my health data in Apple Health. This is something new for me. I used to only track mileage of my runs/bike rides and calories burned. Now I track a LOT of data including brain training, sleep quality, heart rate, O2 saturation among others.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Podcast! Bike! Avengers! 4.27.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:53 pm  

Brain Training!


Rode my bike 12.83 miles. Perfect weather!

I used my new pulse oximeter today. I had a variety of readings depending on where I was in my ride.

Next time, I’ll probably take a pen and a notecard to record the readings.
Captured and released squirrel #54. I saw three at my feeders today. Seems endless.

Jesse and I went to the Avengers Endgame this evening. Super good!

Admin duties now.
Ready for our speaking engagement at Rockbridge BC tomorrow morning with Ashley!

Friday, April 26, 2019

Grandgirls! Jesse! Email! 4.26.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:44 pm  

Sleep study!

Did Brain Training and Español!

Took Penelope and Everly to the Peachtree Dekalb Airport for lunch and play in the park! Super windy. Enjoyed getting my little pocket kite out to play with.

Everly got a good nap in. She’s such a sweetheart. Penelope only slept about twenty minutes.

The power went out at our house for about forty-five minutes. I called the power company and the power popped back on while I was on the phone!
I’ve really enjoyed this book about one of my new heroes, Wim Hof.

I got a booboo on my finger. Can’t tell if it’s a splinter or poison ivy or
just my imagination.

Had a great dinner with Jesse. Always lively conversation.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -656- “Smile Placebo.”

Change how you feel by how you use your body!

Click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

I got a new Heart Rate/O2 sensor! Wasn’t happy with the iPhone versions.

I’m looking forward to adding this to my list of health related data.

I can take a picture of it with my camera, then take pictures of the pictures with my iPhone to keep all the data together. Notice the time stamp which will correlate with Runkeeper while I’m exercising.

I sent out my part of our newsletter to our 931 subscribers!

Admin duties now.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

KATHY! Podcast! Anthony! Bharat! Newsletter! Azalea! Bike! 4.25.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:17 pm  

Happy Birthday to Kathy! We had a fun little party together last night.

I find my sleep study very interesting. I find it particularly interesting that I’m not snoring.

I continue to practice with the MUSE device plus Wim Hof breathing techniques and am having very positive results.


Always fun to talk with my buddy, Anthony. His webinar last night was very interesting.

I got a message from my friend Bharat in India. I had a nice chat with him today.

It still amazes me that I can talk with video to the UK and India! We were setting up a time to get together when he’s here in the ATL for his son’s wedding.

I wrote and produced my newsletter for the month.

I printed out the newsletter so it can be photo copied by our partners at FBC Doraville. Also printed the labels.

Sent out my bi-weekly newsletter to the Youth Directors that have worked with us in the past. Hopefully, many of them will come back!

I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Breath of Life.” It’s very good. I now have over nine weeks “in the can” ready to be released.

Went to FBC Doraville to check on the mail. I like to keep those checks deposited!

Went to Azalea to check on the kids. No homework. They are testing. But I still like to go see them.

Ashley, Kathy and the girls and a friend of hers went to the Aquarium today. They had a grand time! You get in free if it’s your birthday!

The girls have fun playing!

Kayla is very proud of her hamster.

It’s a family affair!

We always encourage reading.

I listened to Spanish radio on the way home in my car and when I rode on my bike.

It looked like it was going to rain, and I started getting cold, so I cut my ride short. I still did 7.85 miles.

Productive day!
Admin duties now.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Anthony! Bob! Yard! Rockbridge Prep! Webinar! K! 4.24.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:45 pm  

I saw two raccoons at my feeders last night. I was so happy.

Woke up early. I was glad I fell back asleep for a little while.

Brain Training!


Good chat with my buddy, Anthony in the UK.

Also enjoyed talking with Bob Burns, another fun friend. He’s in Scotland.

Came home to work on the other 2/3s of the back yard. It’s a mammoth job and the grass/weeds grow so fast! I need to keep it mowed so we don’t have snakes.

I picked up a bunch of sticks. I took this picture when I was just getting started!

I love my Gorilla Cart. I use it all the time! Put some air in her tires today.

About 30 psi.

I continue to fill up the pit in my back yard, and the mushrooms continue to empty it. I thought for sure it would fill up when I started putting big logs and sticks in it. Nope.

Spent about an hour clipping vines off of my fences. What a hard job.

I’ve mentioned this before, but my yard is almost a 1/2 acre. That’s big, kids.

Over the 20 years I’ve lived here, the yard has gotten a lot better. The back yard when I bought the house was almost totally wild and filled with poison ivy and rocks. I still see some poison ivy from time to time, but I’ve gotten rid of most of the rocks now.

Had a fun webinar hosted by my buddy Anthony this evening. Very interesting and a lively conversation and group chat.

I didn’t go to the mission today. With the testing, there has only been one or two children with homework. I’ll go tomorrow to help.

I released squirrel #52 today. I don’t think I’m making a significant dent on the population, but at least we’re not completely over run with them. I know my bird feeders have seed in them at least three times longer. I actually watched this one trigger the trap. That’s unusual.

Went to Moes for a salad. It’s my current default meal when I’m not eating fruit at home.

Went to Dollar Tree to pick up a few things I was missing for the program Ashley and I are doing at Rockbridge BC this Sunday.

I washed down the garage, driveway and porch when I got home. Another little gift for Kathy.

I sorted and organized 80 bags for Sunday. Didn’t take me too long.

Each bag has a prayer card, a Red Thread that’s been anointed with oil from the Holy Land, a note card, a marker and two tiny Snicker bars.

I also got some goodies for Kathy for her birthday tomorrow. She liked the candy, and balloon. I made some cards for her. The big surprise? I had $70 in a couple of the presents. She wasn’t expecting that!

Admin duties now.

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