Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Merry New Year! Bill & Deborah! GOW! 1.1.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:19 pm  

I watched “Leaning Into the Wind” last night. It’s the new documentary about Andy Goldsworthy. He’s my favorite artist after Banksy.

Studied. . . do I really need to say it?

That’s why they call it a habit.

Released a new edition of Verbal Surgery -623- “Multiverse.”

Deep stuff to make you feel good, NOW!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Fun lunch with Bill and Deborah. Always interesting conversation.

We went out to eat together, then I took them to Kitab Bookstore and Al Madina. Always fascinating and fun.

It’s all about the mileage.

Ashley’s art with Penelope adding background.

Beat the God of War game main story. Still bits and pieces to play. Incredible rivers of lava.

Worked on getting the documents together to get the title transferred into my name tomorrow.

Admin duties now.

Monday, December 31, 2018

Nana leaves! Girls overnight! 12.30-31.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 2:32 pm  

Studied Spanish on Sunday morning.

Audible reminded me that I’d read 19 books this year. Normally about ten more. I started listening to Spanish radio from Madrid and Tito’s sermons and stopped listening to audiobooks.

Took my Mom to the airport Sunday. Tearful good byes.

Received email from Duolingo about modifications to their Swahili course. I’ve probably had at least ten changes accepted. Five in just the last couple of weeks. One reason I stopped studying Swahili was because their English translations were SO bad I couldn’t figure out the “right” answer most of the time.

Miles and Ashley brought the girls over last night to spend the night. Always a good time. Got maybe three hours of sleep.

Watered my plants. I’ll study Spanish next.

Catching up on admin duties.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Zoo! Kendalls! 12.29.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:59 pm  

Interesting sculpture in this game.

Studied Spanish.

Saw these when I parked at the zoo.

I thought the way they had trimmed these banana trees was interesting.

Christmas Zoo!


Cool! More than 5,000 individual pictures.

Still the king.

Tracking each other down.

Red Panda has new digs.

Raccoon dog.

Called Satuki.

Enjoyed seeing the Kendalls when they came over to our house this afternoon.

Doing research on a new phone for Kathy. Hers has about given up the ghost.
Upgrading her to the 6S. Seeing what deals are best.

Admin duties now.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Girls! Plaza Fiesta! 12.28.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:55 pm  

Incredible art and imagination.


My Mom and I had fun with the girls at Plaza Fiesta. We enjoyed lunch with Miles and Ashley, too!

We took them home for naps.

I didn’t sleep. I worked on memorizing my final poem for 2018: Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood, by Robert Frost.

The girls woke up, then time for more fun!

Went by FBC Doraville to check on the mail.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -622- “Old Year’s Resolution.”

Resolve to improve! Click on the link and feel good, NOW!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Foggy night in the ATL!

Admin duties now.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Girls! Newsletter! 12.27.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:38 pm  

Enjoyed playing God of War last night. The relationship between him and his son is very interesting. The art is fantastic.

Normal Español routine this morning.

Called T&G this morning to get ideas about when I could bring in the Mercury for them to look at. The check engine light has come on. Probably something simple. I hope.

Working on getting the newsletter together. We wrote the article and had it printed about two weeks ago. Now it’s time to get it out. Labels. Stamps. Collate and put together. Then to the mail.

On the way to get stamps, I deposited money into the Whirlwind account. Amen.

Also went to get groceries. I liked these sayings that were etched on hammers.

Honestly, I don’t ever see a dude buying himself a hammer that said something like this. Surely, chick marketing.

Always great to hang out with Mom.

Then stamps.

I’ll miss Mom when she goes back to Texas.

Took recycling to the curb.

Ashley came over with the girls. Always a blessing. We worked on getting the envelopes ready for mailing.

I kept bringing out bags or boxes of toys for Everly to play with. Penelope was crashed out.

136 this mail out.

Made the 5:00 pm deadline.

Had over 4.5″ of rain in the last couple of days. Whoa.

Good talk with K and J this evening. Jesse has been sick, so I haven’t seen him a lot lately.

Admin duties now.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Girls! 12.26.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:30 pm  

Studied. You guessed it.

Spent time with Radio Garden/Madrid.

Packaged up an item to send back to Amazon.

Girls came over for a visit. Ashley needed to wash her clothes. Always fun to hang out.

Ordered Maglite bulbs for K.

Played some God of War today. One of the most beautiful games I’ve ever played. Tonight I was going through a huge mine of amethyst. Incredible.

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Doverspike Christmas! Sullivans! 12.25.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:56 pm  

Got some great news from a neighbor. We’ve been fighting this.

Studied Español this morning.

It’s all about consistency.

Went to David and Debi Doverspike’s house today. Had a great time with their side of the family and with the Sullivans.

Group shot!

Photo bomb!

Gassed up the car on the way home.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -621- “Time Lyin'”

Click on the title and GROOVE! How can we get time on our side, and keep it there?
Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Admin duties now.

Playing God of War.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Cummins/Kendall Christmas Eve! 12.24.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:48 pm  

Studied Español.

Today marks the near half-way mark to my previous streak when I studied Portuguese for 248 days straight. The streak was broken because my phone could not connect with the internet while we were in Rio de Janeiro.
I also studied vocabulary and sentence construction with Clozemaster.

I think 132 is a high score for me. The computer decides how many points to give depending on the difficulty of the vocabulary in their estimation.

Ashley sent me this wonderful picture of Everly. I’m sorry she’s not feeling that well.

I swapped out the batteries in my outdoor weather gauge. It was reading 57 degrees outside of the last couple of days. I KNEW that wasn’t right!

Checked the bird feeders and feed supply.

The family got together at Metro Cafe Diner. It was very good.

Then back to the house for the gift exchange. We normally do all our gift giving on Christmas Eve.

GREAT family time together. Everyone seemed to really like their gifts. Ashley got me a constellation globe. Groovy.

Playing God of War.

Admin duties now.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Family! 12.23.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:26 pm  

One of the things I really enjoy about video games is the art. God of War has been one of the best. Wow.

Listened to Madrid radio for a couple of hours. Always looking up words.

Ashley and her family have been sick. Went to Walmart to pick her up some meds.

One of my favorite things: NEW SOCKS!

Had a good lunch with the family!

Studied Spanish grammar this afternoon.

Went to Walgreens to pick up a Eustachian tube unblocker with my Mom this evening.

Wrapped presents for tomorrow. We usually open gifts on Christmas Eve. It’s a Cummins’ tradition. Think it’s based on a German thing from my grandmother’s side.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Azalea Christmas! 12.22.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:31 pm  

Studied Spanish this morning. Duolingo has upgraded their look.

I took my Mom to eat at Pho 24.

I thought this advertisement was interesting.

LOT of fun at the Christmas party at Azalea. Unbridled Joy, brought a couple of their miniature ponies to the party. Real crowd pleaser!

They enjoyed the cookie decoration/eating.

I like Ashley’s front door mat.

Beautiful family!


We had a good group of kids!

Over 250 gifts for 65 children and their parents.

After the party, I went by the church to check the mail.

Then my Mom and I went over to check out some antique stores.

Always fun. I found this really bizarre KKK money clip.

Beautiful moon!

Admin duties now.

Sorted out a non-delivery of some things from Amazon. Should be ok now.

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