Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Language! Girls! Podcast! 11.28.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:49 pm  

Super cold last night. Got down into mid 20s.

Woke up early and listened/studied Spanish.

I’m still keeping up with Hebrew, in particular the writing part.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Think First.”

Went to Walmart to pick up a few things. Mainly coffee supplies!

Saw this bumper sticker I liked.

I had a slow leak in my back tire that I got fixed today.

Ashley wasn’t feeling well today, so we didn’t have the mission. Doesn’t make sense to expose all those kids to germs. I checked the mail at the office then took her a burrito and some Tylenol. Took the kids out for a couple of hours to Plaza Fiesta to let her rest.

Everything becomes a playground.

I thought it was kind of sad that at Plaza Fiesta all the dolls were of white kids.

Long ride home every night. I’m figuring out a few short cuts with Mr. Google showing me the main way. He never has me drive through parking lots, or around and back through intersections. I’ve discovered a couple of time savers in the last few days IF he takes me that direction.

When I go home by Harmony Grove, I stop at the new Racetrack gas station. Cheapest around.

Blew the leaves off the driveway and garage when I got home. That always makes Kathy happy.

Played some Horizon Zero Dawn. Perhaps one of the very best video games I’ve ever experienced. Wow.

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Penelope! THREE! Verbal Surgery! 11.27.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:54 pm  

Studied Spanish this morning. Por supesto!

Penelope turns THREE! WOOT!

Released Verbal Surgery -613- “IlluMEnation”

Just click on the link and get illumined!

Uploaded the episode to my server.

Link on Facebook. I’m glad to be back. I missed hearing from my friends and seeing blasts from the past.

Also did a “Live Shot” on Facebook on the episode. Fun!

Played some Horizon Zero Dawn. What a beautiful game.

Got birthday supplies from the Dollar Tree. Lots of toys plus balloons.

Got the newsletters from the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association.

Wrapped the gifts for Penelope while I was waiting to pick up pizza for the party.

I did four bags full.

I’ve been listening to a LOT of Radio Garden from Madrid. I hear about this team ALL the time. I need to start watching stuff about them.

We had SO much fun at Penelope’s party. She is so loved.

The kids enjoyed the pizza and cake!

Time passes fast!

She was serous about the gift opening.

Beautiful trees today!

Picked up the mail at the church.

Long drive back home. Listened to a lot of Cadena SER.

Ashley and I got the newsletters folded up and stuffed. Got them in the mail stream.

Admin duties now.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Labels! Info! Azalea! Birthday Prep! 11.26.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:27 pm  

Printed the labels for our newsletter.

Got all the materials we needed together.

Studied Spanish early this morning.

Spent over an hour listening to Spanish radio from Madrid. Did exceptionally well.

I had my pillow cases cleaned. Put them all back on.

Repaired some holes in my comforter and in my pajamas.

Found a tape dispenser and tape roll for K.

Spent over an hour talking to Xfinity about internet charges. Seems like we have the best deal, even though it’s expensive. I can’t do business without it!

Also talked to my mortgage guys today. I’m on an accelerated program to pay my house off. I’ll be 67 when it’s paid off. September 2025 will be a big day for me.

Recorded a new podcast! PROvict! The opposite of Convict! It’s a good one!

I’m a big hand washer. I’ve seen this poster many times reminding employees to wash their hands. I think it’s some of the creepiest hand art ever.

I put all my Venus fly Traps outside. They’re supposed to have a dormant period. I got a clear plastic box so that they can get sunlight.

I wrote to Predatory Plants to ask them what I should do with the Sundews and Pitcher Plants.

I did the grocery shopping. I always like looking at marketing slogans.

Went to the Post Office to get stamps for the newsletter.

I continue to listen to Radio Garden from Madrid, Spain. I’ve been hearing this word a lot lately.

I got some glue for my mailbox. It’s come loose. I think glue will be the right approach.

We got our Christmas tree up today! Thanks, Jesse!

Went by FBC Doraville to check on the mail.

To the mission to help the kids with their homework and do the labels for the newsletter.

Penelope turns THREE tomorrow! What a blessing she is!

Everly is heavenly.

Went to Walmart again today. This time for supplies for Penelope’s party tomorrow. I may have overdone it. Naw.

Enjoyed playing Horizon Zero Dawn.
Admin duties now.
I’m back on Facebook. I was off all social media for two weeks. I’m limiting my time now that I’m back.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Westside! Bike! Newsletter! 11.25.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:29 pm  

Studied Spanish. Also listened to Radio Garden in my car on the way to church and while I was riding my bike.

Worked on the bills this morning. Got them in the mail.

Went to Westside BC.

Pastor Ben is starting a series based on the Great Commission found in Matthew.

Deposited checks into the Whirlwind Missions account on the way home.

I rode my bike the first time in over a month. I don’t push my body when I’m not feeling well.

With the wind chill of the bike it was in the low 30s. Coldest ride I’ve ever done for sure.

I got my bike ready. Needed air in the tires after my sick break.

I got on my heavy weather gear. After today’s ride, I’ll add a second map jacket for extra insulation.

It was a beautiful day, even though it was cold.

After a hot shower, I watered my plants.

Enjoyed playing Horizon Zero Dawn. In this part Aloy is climbing up a waterfall.

Worked on my newsletter.

Printed labels.

Got everything ready to put together. Still need the stamps.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Spanish! Grindelwald! 11.24.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:01 pm  

Studied Spanish and Hebrew this morning.

Also practice reading.

Went to Walmart to pick up some food for the animals and bracket to strengthen the mail box support.

Enjoyed watching The Crimes of Grindelwald. I thought Johnny Depp was terrific.

I thought the polypores and lichens on this log were beautiful.

Nearly 4.5″ of rain this week.

Cleaned bird feeders and baths today.

Fantastic trees.

Enjoyed playing Horizon Zero Dawn today.
Admin duties now.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Girls! Plaza Fiesta! 11.23.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:29 pm  

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -612- “Ride ON!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link of Facebook. It is the only thing I’m doing on FB currently.

Studied Spanish. Many methods!

Stopped at FBC Doraville to pick up the mail and drop off the chairs that we used at my house.

Went to Azalea to pick up the girls with Kathy.

We ate lunch at Plaza Fiesta and had fun with them there.

Can you name all these locations?

The place was packed.

I haven’t seen triangular cartons like this since Kenya days.

Came home to play Horizon Zero Dawn.

Working on Admin Duties now.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving! ISS! 11.22.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:25 pm  

I’m thankful for YOU! Thanks for taking a look at my life!

Studied Spanish.

I love this shot of Everly that Ash sent.

I set up the chairs and tables. K moved some of them around to get more sun. Made sense and the slant on the driveway wasn’t a big deal.

We used this area for putting food out. We had plenty of table space outside. It was quite mild.

Cleaned glass.

GREAT to have so many friends here. Also cool to have our Cindy and her family here as well. She has meant SO much to Ashley’s life with the horses!

Lots of good times with such a wonderful tribe.

It was my 41st viewing of the International Space Station this evening! Very clear and bright and just streaked along!

Beautiful full moon!

Put the chairs in my car to take back to the church tomorrow. K and I will also watch the girls while Ashley teaches a lesson.

Admin duties now.

Enjoying playing Horizon Zero Dawn.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Spanish! Prep! Horizon! 11.21.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:31 pm  

Studied a variety of programs of Spanish this morning. Duolingo grammar.

Clozemaster and Quizlet for vocabulary.

Went into Doraville/Chamblee to check on the mail at the office. Also picked up extra chairs and tables for our Thanksgiving party at our house from the mission. Glad Kathy’s brother Paul was able to come and help us. Although I was less enthusiastic about riding in the car with a smoker. Cough, cough.

Glad I got to give my girls a hug and kiss.

Came home and unloaded all the supplies.

Played some Horizon Zero Dawn. Beautifully rendered landscapes. The hero is in a desert like area now.

Admin duties and prep work around the house. Glad that Jesse is helping us!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

David! Stone Mountain! 11.20.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:28 pm  

Studied, you guessed it!

Gorgeous clouds today.

And trees!

Had a fun chat with my friend Anthony Jacquin.

Recorded “Second Chance” a new podcast for Verbal Surgery. Always one of my favorite things.

Went to Stone Mountain to meet up with my fellow NoZe Brother, David Hill from California. He’s been one of my favorites to get to know over the years. After checking out the Village, we went up to the top of Stone Mountain. Loved it!

Got some coffee and saw this factoid.

Good hike!

Came home to play Horizon Zero Dawn.

It is really one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever played.

Admin duties now.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Girls! 11.18-19.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:26 pm  

Sunday morning I watched Spanish church on YouTube.

Studied Spanish grammar.

Keep pushing forward.

Watered my plants.

Ashley brought Penelope and Everly over Sunday afternoon. We had such a fun time with them.

Beautiful, milder evening.


Love these girls!

Fed ’em, bathed ’em. Then put them to bed. They had a lot more energy than I anticipated!

Started reading a book in Spanish based on the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu’s time together in 2015.

Penelope drew me her first smiley face today! Also her first “P!”

Studied Spanish this afternoon.

Language learning is all about consistent effort.

Did the grocery shopping.

Haven’t been getting much exercise due to being sick. I’m better now. I measured my Walmart shopping.

My car was a low on oil.

I’ve been off of Facebook for six days now.

Can’t say I’ve really missed it. Focusing on studying and reading instead.
Admin duties now.

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