Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Sickish! Languages! J! Vote! 10.23.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:10 pm  

Still not feeling great. Slept nearly 12 hours last night. Wow.

Studied languages this morning.

Practicing verb forms.

Ate lunch with Jesse. It’s his birthday tomorrow!

Then did the early voting thing. Total time was about 15 minutes!

I like that it’s in Spanish as well.

I normally meet with my friend Carl Barrington today. Cancelled that meeting as well as the mission. I don’t like sick people being around me, why should I expose them?

Admin duties now.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Sickish! Languages! Shopping! Podcast! 10.22.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:01 pm  

Had a hard time going to sleep last night. Not getting enough exercise, but feeling too weak to do it. Up till after 2am.

Still not feeling great. Maybe a tad better. At least that’s what I’m telling myself. Rested all weekend. Decided I’d give myself one more day and see how I feel.

Studied Spanish, Swahili and Hebrew this morning. I do about 15 minutes each. More on Hebrew memorizing scripture in the evenings and reviewing Spanish verbs in the evenings, too.

Got the groceries. I’m still enjoying my bags. They are way better than the plastic ones and better for the environment.

Recorded a new podcast late this afternoon. At least I look like I’m feeling well!

That always helps me feel better. The sun was fantastic shining through upper level stratus clouds. Creates a rainbow effect. It’s always the same distance from the sun. If you stretch out your arms and hold your hand out the distance from the sun from the tip of your thumb to the tip of your little finger is where the rainbow will be. I’ve seen it completely encircle the sun in the right conditions.

Played some Spider-man.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery-603- “Leisure Measure.”

Get more done and feel good, NOW! Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Put the files on my Mac.

I try to stay at least two weeks ahead. My goal is record twice each week. That way, if I don’t feel well or get too swamped, I have stuff in the can.

Admin duties now.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Better! Resting! Walk! J! 10.21.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:32 pm  

I’m feeling a little better today, but still actively resting!

Studied languages.

Hebrew is definitely the hardest. They all seem that way when I first start!

Got a new bluetooth speaker that runs on AC power. Sounds great. I use it for white noise and Radio Garden broadcasts with my iPhone.

Went for a short 1.41 mile walk with Kathy and Jesse. It was good to get out of the house.


Afterwards, K and I went to QT got treats and coffee. Then to the Dollar Tree to get birthday decorations for Jesse. We’ve been playing a lot of Spider-Man, so I got him that theme for birthday stuff. He got a kick out of it.

They didn’t have an 8 so I got him two 4s. I laughed and laughed.

Watched him play Spider-Man on my PS4. Fun!

Watered my plants. Always like to spend time with my green friends!

Admin duties now.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Sickish! Albums! Languages! 10.20.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:26 pm  

I haven’t felt well for the last few days. Today I took the conscious step of just resting in bed. Didn’t even leave the house. That’s rare for me!

I had a friend issue me a challenge of naming my favorite albums. I had fun thinking through the list.
Here’s my ten favorite of all time.

And here are modern ones I enjoy.

Studied languages.

Played Spider-Man and rested the rest of the day.
Admin duties now.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Podcast! Languages! Girls! 10.19.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:42 pm  

I released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -602- “Size Wise!”

Get up close and personal to your best friends with this GRANDIOSE version of Verbal Surgery!

Click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Didn’t sleep well last night. Whenever that happens, I study Hebrew. I ran through 1 Chronicles 29:10-13 word by word verifying that I know what each of the words means in English.

Studied languages this morning.

Hebrew is definitely the hardest.

Went to Stone Mountain with the girls this morning. Big Halloween festival.

They liked this game.


They are building Snow Mountain.

Love this big rock!

We joined in the Halloween Parade!

Ashley went to ride horses today. This dress reminded me of one she had when she was little.

Stone Mountain Village is cool!

We went to Pizza Cafe for lunch. The girls liked this mirror.

Double blessing!

Penelope has a similar strategy for pizza and doughnuts. Eat from the top down.

Pile ’em in the car on the way to meet up with Mama!

I’ve still been feeling at about 80%. Not my usual Tiger Tank self. Trying to rest more. Haven’t exercised in a few days beside lifting weights.

Figured out how to add Gmail to my dock on my Mac. I continue to make progress. Not nearly as hard to transfer over as I thought it might be. I still do things on my PC, because I use a mouse with it.

Admin duties now.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Languages! Eyes! Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:47 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning.

It’s weird how I almost take Duolingo as a type of fortune cookie.

Also worked on Hebrew from 1 Chronicles 29:10-13. Here’s the total piece. It has a video to go along with it with a native Hebrew speaker who breaks it down into each syllable.

It’s not really that hard, it just takes time. Over the months and years to come, I should have it down pat. If I’m going to say it out loud to people, I have to practice it like that, as if I was quoting it. Takes a lot longer. Plus I’m trying to concentrate on what the words mean. I already have it memorized in English.

Went to the Post Office to mail a copy of my book to the Sutton and Commagere families. They have been great supporters of our ministry over the years.

Took Jesse over to Walmart to have his eyes checked out at the vision center.

Not sure who came up with the title for this product.

Went to FBC Doraville to drop off the items we used in our presentation at Rockbridge BC last night.

Helped the kids at the mission.

There was hardly any homework today, so I mostly watched the girls. I’m always teaching them about science and nature. Today I pointed out a tiny polypore (a type of mushroom.)

Never know what Everly is going to try and taste. She was into acorns today.

She wasn’t impressed.
She liked the cars, though!

The clouds were fantastic today. I love the power of the summer clouds and the delicacy of the winter clouds.


Can you see the opalescence?

Bought Ashley a treat. These are her current favorites.

The Lotto is almost up to a BILLION dollars! What?!

Admin duties now.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Non-vote! Mission! Rockbridge! 10.17.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:09 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning.

I spend time on Hebrew as well! Still working on 1Chronicles 29:10-13. It’s a big one!
I’ve done some work on Hebrew on Duolingo as well to get the sound of the language and work on the recognition of letters.

Kathy and I tried to vote early today. Apparently, we were too early although the material they sent us said it would be open. Wait a week. NBD

I liked this sticker I saw on a car there.

Went to pick up Kathy’s meds. She went to the doctor this morning.

Went to the church to pick up stuff for speaking at Rockbridge BC this evening.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Spoke to the Awanas kids at Rockbridge BC this evening. Always great to watch Ashley work. I said a few things, too. Hard to keep me quiet!

Beautiful moon this evening.

Kathy came to help, too!

Fun time!

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Podcast! Dentist! Mission! 10.16.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:57 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning. Stayed up late last night working on Hebrew.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -601- “MEmicking!”

Copy your best self for massive improvement and feel good, NOW!

Click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Recorded a new podcast this morning called, “Garbage Disposal!” It’s a keeper! I’m about two and a half weeks ahead.

Still not feeling that great. Keep pushing and resting.

Went to the dentist to talk to them about getting some x-rays sent over to our other dentist for Jesse. Got is squared away!

After eating lunch, I came home for a brief rest. Then on to the church to check the mail.

Went to the mission to help the kids. Lots of homework. It’s always awesome to watch Ashley doing her thing! We were both really busy.

The girls like to play with the markers.

Got a few things at the Walmart. Juice is always good!

Got gas on the way home.

Added a couple of new lights for my little banana plants. Now that I’m tuned into them, I’ve started seeing banana plants in quite a few yards. Not sure if I’ll put them outside or not. I have the same reluctance to do that with my Venus Fly Traps, too. The VFT are supposed to have a winter rest season. I’m thinking about putting them outside in a plastic container so that the animals can’t get to them. The squirrels messed them up last year. After having transported 44 squirrels to a forest on the other side of the river, they are much less of a problem!

Admin duties now.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Sickish! Girls! Mission! 10.15.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:49 pm  

Woke up not feeling great. Tired and throat kind of scratchy. Rested most of the morning.

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

Got the groceries.

I did Runkeeper on my shopping.

Picked up my suit pants from the dry cleaners.

Ashley got her truck’s oil changed today. Also had the alignment and a tire pressure sensor checked. Everything looks good!
Penelope helped me pick up the mail from the office at FBC Doraville. She’s such a sweetheart.

Peek a boo!

We got to the mission later than usual because of the car work. No kids showed up so we worked on financial details and a NAMB assignment.

Tried to deposit checks, but some idiot had smashed the touchscreen of the ATM at the bank.

Deposited them at the bank near my house.

Beautiful sunset!

No biking today. Didn’t feel well and got home too late. Walmart shopping had to do!
My baby bananas seem to be doing well after the transplanting yesterday.

Went to Walmart to help Jesse get his new glasses. I thought this was interesting.

Admin duties now. Hoping for an early night’s sleep.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

NoZe! Westside! Bike! Bananas! 10.14.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:39 pm  

Did research on the NoZe Brotherhood last night. I was trying to figure out what the derivation of the phrase “kekoemuckitymuck” came from. I wrote a post to the other Exiles (former Brotherz) about it. Got some interesting information including some pdfs of yearbooks of our old Brothers when it was the NOSE brotherhood.

I’m looking forward to going to ComeHoming this year at Baylor and seeing the guys.
Went to Westside BC this morning.

Cool enough to wear the map jacket!
Our church youth group is growing.

I enjoy playing djembe and singing in the choir. John has done a good job.

We have a new project at church. Hard to get people to come.

I’m putting time in memorizing the Hebrew version of 1 Chronicles 29:10-13. I enjoy praising the Lord in Hebrew. Makes me feel like I’m doing something special for the Father.

Came home to rest.

Then rode my bike 19.11 miles.

I go through all my memory verses. I’ve also memorized several poems. Takes about 25 minutes to quote everything. It’s a lot.
I worked on Hebrew for probably around an hour. I like to ride and quote it out loud. Sometimes really loud!

I like to imagine I’m David praising the Lord in front of the Israelites. The Father tells me my accent is a little off, but he likes my passion!

I always stop at the Yellow River bridge. The water is quite a bit higher since a few days ago.

On my way there, I saw a family walking with fishing poles. When I was on my way back from my loop, I saw them in the water.

After I studied Hebrew, I listened to an internet broadcast of one of the main radio stations in Spain, and another one in Meru, Kenya. Radio Garden is one of my new favorite apps.

Came home to clean and refill my bird feeders. I still have some hummingbirds, but most of them have left. I pretty much keep them up the whole year. Drastic optimism.

There is a house on my bike ride that has a beautiful banana tree. I decided I wanted to grow some, too! Ordered four little plants from Amazon. Got them last night. Went by Lowes to get potting soil and pots.

Got them in the soil today.

Watered all my indoor garden.

Studied languages this evening.

I’ve expanded my regimen with a Spanish verb list using Quizlet.

I am also practicing my Hebrew writing again using Write It!

There are SO many great learning tools on the web! Almost all of them are free or just a couple of dollars. Well worth it.
I added my sermon notes to my Twitter feed.

Admin duties now.

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