Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Spanish! Swahili! Westside! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:47 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning.

Went to Westside BC!

Pastor Ben spoke about evangelism.

Dropped a baby crib we don’t need any more off at Goodwill.

Didn’t think this was much of a dream home.

I found a whole sheet of these little hexagonal tiles in the street when I went on my bike ride.

I love the azaleas in my yard.

Vacuumed the house.

Blew the deck and the garage.

Rode my bike 7.65 miles.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Spanish! N. Gwinnett Church! BHFM! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:43 pm  

Studied Spanish this morning.

Ashley, Penelope, Everly and I enjoyed briefing our team from N. Gwinnett Church.

We took then on Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Another family came to visit!

Great to have all my girls together!

Fun group!

The sisters had fun.

Kissing the frozen Cow Head. They kiss its enormous frozen tongue! Crazy talk I get people to do.

Love these girls!

Got some groceries while I was at the Farmers Market. Fruit!

The team did great at the missions!

Great day at the missions!
Came home to ride my bike 6.92 miles.
I saw this lady working in the yard. I have the same hat.

The Sunflowers were in full bloom!

Loved the pansies.

Beautiful sunset!

It was a pretty hard ride. I was tired.

Edited the video I shot of the team.
Uploaded to YouTube.
Admin duties now.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Spanish! Podcast! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:49 pm  

Worked on Spanish. Yo pienso que es mejor que portuguese.

Released a new podcast!

Verbal Surgery -540- “NEXTpectations!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

I recorded a new episode and put it “in the can” for next week. My bag for carrying my recorder and all the paraphenalia for recording my podcast.

Uploaded “NEXTpectations” to Facebook.

Got the check for my taxes and approval of using Esignatures for my returns.

I got an old pin while I was in Cave Spring, GA. It fits my jacket perfectly.

My car battery was dead and Kathy and Jesse had both left the house. I walked to my mechanic’s garage.

No charge! Battery was still under warranty.
My azaleas are starting to bloom.

I captured and released squirrel #14.

Went for a 7.82 mile bike ride.

Cleaned and filled my hummingbird feeders. I have four.

From out my window.

Charged up my minidrone batteries.

Admin duties now.

Thursday, March 15, 2018


Tim A. Cummins @ 6:59 pm  

Kathy and I had a fun few days in Rome. GREAT to spend time with her. It was very cold with strong winds most days.

I had fun with bubbles.

I couldn’t believe the length of these paper towels for one use!

We visited Berry College. Home of Bald Eagles!

Even though out of town I released new Verbal Surgery!

I like to go to Cave Spring, GA to get pure water!

Historic area


I like Christa’s in Cave Spring. Cool stuff.

I love the colored glass.

I liked this pin.

I had fun shooting this old barn in B/W.

Downtown historic Rome, GA.

Started Duolingo over in Spanish.

Stopped at Pop’s Antiques. I like his signs.

Fun to see the Bald Eagles!

Best viewing of the pair with their chicks ever!

We enjoyed Las Palmas. I really liked their Sun/Moon art.

We enjoyed our trip and learning Spanish again.

I also took a look at Swahili!

I couldn’t get the PT Cruiser to start on our way home. The AAA guy tried to jump it to no avail. Battery was dead. We towed the car all the way back to Stone Mountain to get it worked on. Three cheers for AAA!

Made it home. Jesse came to help us transfer our stuff into his car to go home.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Spanish! Midway! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:24 pm  

Worked on Spanish this morning. I’m testing out of as many of the categories as I can. That’s like completing seventeen lessons in a row.

Ashley, Penelope, Everly and I had a great time with our team from Midway Church.

On Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market!

Then to three missions!

Great group!
Edited the video that I shot.
Uploaded to YouTube.
Need to send the final email.
Admin duties now.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Portuguese/Spanish! Podcast! Live! Groceries! Supplies! 3.9.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:30 pm  

Studied Portuguese.

After 282 days straight and 43 days added to that, I am going back to studying Spanish. Way more opportunity to converse.

Transported squirrel number eleven last night and twelve tonight. I put a towel over the cage to keep it calm.

Edited video that I shot this week of King University.

I edited it all on my iPhone 7+.

Videoshop is powerful software and really easy to use.

I love her so much.

I got a new camera today! It’s this year’s version of the Canon Elph 360 Power Shot. Fantastic camera.

My first shot with it.

I set it up and will use it. Ashley will use my old camera. It still works ok, has focus issues and lens retract problems from time to time. I decided months ago that the Iphone 7+ was just not a good enough camera for my needs. The 12x power optical zoom makes all the difference.

With this application, your iPhone can talk and transmit pictures with the camera. You can even use the camera as a remote view source!

Released a new edition of Verbal Surgery -439- “Off the Clock.”
Link on Facebook.

I put two more episodes of Verbal Surgery on my server to release next week, while K and I are out of town.

Went LIVE on Facebook with Verbal Surgery “Off the Clock.”

Did the grocery shopping.
Supplies for the three block parties tomorrow. I split the supplies up into three bags while at the Dollar Tree.

Admin duties now.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Portuguese! King! Plaza Fiesta! Enigma! Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:23 pm  

I trapped my 11th squirrel from my bird feeders last night. Released it on the other side of the river about five miles away. I put a towel over the cage to keep it calm.

Studied Portuguese. I’m thinking about switching languages to Spanish.

We had our D Day or Dedication Day today! I enjoyed leading them in Oshe Baba!
The girls created their own version.

We always enjoy giving gifts to our teams!

We talked about folk Catholocism in Mexico.

Did it work?

Signing the Landing Pad.

On Safari to Plaza Fiesta!

Penelope and I had fun playing on all the rides and games at the mall.

Also went to Engimas. Always weird things to see.

I liked these little altars. Fascinating.

This soap is supposed to give you control over your son. Whoa.

Once I got the team to Azalea, I said goodbye and came back home to work on admin duties.

Just finished editing the video of the team I shot this week. It’s uploading to YouTube now.

I should be able to send the final email to them with all the links to the photo galleries and video this evening.

We have another team coming for a one day trip on Saturday.

Kathy and I will be going out of town for a few days next week while we have a break.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

King! Global Mall! Al Madina! BAPS! Kitab! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:22 pm  

Late night visitor to my feeders.

Studied Portuguese this morning.

Can’t say this was true for me.

Got the newsletters separted by donors. Folded the Stay on the Team pages. The water was cut off in Dekalb county. Major water main collapsed on Buford Highway. The team was late getting to the church. Had some extra time to work.

Enjoyed working with our team from Tennessee.

I also got the red threads for Rachel’s Tree of Love.

Lots of singing and dancerizing.

Fun presentation.

Rabbi Tim.

Sweet sisters. Penelope was pushing Everly around in the chair. Fun!

We had our Red Thread Ceremony. Promising to pray for a friend.

On Safari to Global Mall.

Always great to see Miles. He was in the area.

Every day I see something I’ve never seen before in my life.

I thought Ganesha was looking pretty dapper today.

Got the newsletters in the mail.

Had fun with the kids at the mission.

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

King University!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:39 pm  

We started working with our team from King University from Bistol, TN on Monday. Ashley, Kathy and the girls did a conference in Columbia, SC while I was in Carrolton, GA.

I started the team by myself while Ashley drove back from SC.

We visited the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

We met up with Kathy and the girls at the market.

They’ve done a great job at the mission.

Ashley and I always enjoy briefing the teams.

Tuesday we took them on Safari to Asian Square.

And China Town!

The calligraphy is always popular.

The Serenity Garden.

After I took the team to Azalea, I went to the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association to pick up the newsletters.

Nearly 1.5″ of rain today.

Captured another squirrel this afternoon. I actually watched it get trapped. That makes ten.
Admin duties now.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Roopville Road Baptist Church!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:13 pm  

Friday through Sunday night I was one of the missionaries at Roopville Road Baptist Church.

I enjoyed speaking to one of the SS Classes.

The choir was very strong.

Pastor Steven did a great job.

I stayed out in the country.

Cool barn!

Beautiful orange moon.

The clouds were fantastic.

Examining my eye color. I’m nearly sixty and until only recently have I realized that I I really have blue eyes.

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