Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Westside! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:01 pm  

Went to Westside BC This morning.

Choir sang.

Pastor Ben spoke about having goals.

After church, I called some friends. Talked with the man who translated for me in Brazil, Cesar.

Great guy!
Also talked with my best friend Anthony Jacquin. Always good.

We are interested in the brain and how neurotransmitters work.

Went for a 13.47 mile ride. Didn’t go fast. I haven’t been biking much during the winter. Absolutely beautiful.

Clouds were fantastic.

Cool stuff to see.

I covered this up.

Cleaned all my birdbaths.

Felt great to be out riding again.

Watered my plants.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

100,000! Portuguese! Podcast!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:37 pm  

Last night I went over 100,000 downloads of my podcast Verbal Surgery! Eleven years old and getting better every time!

Studied Portuguese!

Trees are blooming!

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery “UN Control.” It will release next week.

Jesse and I planned to go see Black Panther today. It was sold out. The trees nearby were beautiful.

Kathy and I went out to eat at Hot n Cold. We don’t eat out that much any more.

I’ve been listening to Santigold. I’ve enjoyed it.

Woke up really early this morning. Probably going to sleep early.

Admin duties now.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Portuguese! Podcast!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:00 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning! Por que nao?

Enjoyed releasing a new podcast! Verbal Surgery -532- “The Joy of Ignorance!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

I continue to trap and release squirrels from my area. I’ve caught nine so far.

VERY mild today! Especially for February!

Went LIVE on Facebook with the video version of “The Joy of Ignorance.”

Wanted to ride my bike today. Got dressed out and started, but a light sprinkle made me stop. I don’t ride on wet roads.

I wrote a series of questions about gun control on Facebook. After a few hours I erased all evidence of the threads. Shocking what people will say about guns.

Admin duties now.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Portuguese! Taxes! Opelika! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:08 pm  

Studied Portuguese! Sim!

Worked on my taxes. The hard part is always adding up the household utilities.

Ordained ministers get a certain amount deducted from the taxes.

Packaged everything up and got it ready to mail.

Jesse has been enjoying his outdoor office/hammock.

Ashley, Penelope, Everly and I took out our team from FBC Opelika! It’s been fourteen years since they worked with us. WOW! That’s when I was a solo act. SO much better now it’s hard to compare!

We took them to Plaza Fiesta and the Buford Highway Farmers Market. AWESOME!

We look forward to working with their team the first of June. Over 100 people!
After our prayer time together, I sent them on their way.
Took the girls back home. Then took my car to mail my taxes in.

Also went to the Apple store to pick up Ashley’s old computer.

Hopefully, Jesse will be able to get data off it. Most of what Ashley really needs is already in the cloud.
Ashley’s new computer will be delivered to my house Friday. It’s a refurbished 2017 computer. It cost the same amount and trying to fix her old one that is five years old.

Helped the kids at the mission with their homework.

Another mass shooting at a school in Florida. I thought this graph was interesting.

When I got home, I found I had captured another squirrel. That makes nine in all. Took it to my release spot about five miles away.

Gassed up my car on the way home.
Admin duties now.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Portuguese! Penelope! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:58 pm  

Penelope spent the night Tuesday night. Didn’t work on Admin duties because of that. She had a hard night. She’s teething, had an earache and coughed most of the night. Miles and Ashley took her to the doctor today. She was also complaining that her ear hurt.

Studied Portuguese shis afternoon before going to the mission.

I opened the mission, and they came back before many kids had even gotten there.

We had a roomful be the end of the session.

Ate a Taco Veloz on the way home.
Mr. Google always takes me different routes each evening. Fascinating.
Caught up blog from yesterday.
Admin duties now.
Tomorrow, I plan on working on my taxes.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Portuguese! Penelope! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:50 pm  

Studied Portuguese!

Tuesday, I released new Verbal Surgery -531- “The Good Stuff.”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Continue to capture and release the squirrels in our area to a forest about five miles from here. Trying to get rid of the squirrels in my attic.
I cover the trap to calm the animal.

Vacuumed the house.

Worked with the kids at the mission.

Edwin likes the tree background.

We have been sick lately. Glad to be open regularly again.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Portuguese! Girls!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:46 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning. Cada dia!

The girls came over for a visit. YEAH!

All of us have been sick except for the baby!
Penelope loved the hammock.

Did the grocery shopping.

Anthony posted a picture of me and my buddy Bob Burns from Scotland. Such a fun guy!

We didn’t work a the mission because we weren’t feeling well.
I transported three more squirrels from our house last night to make a total of six. As of today, we have stopped hearing the chewing in the house. No more squirrel problem! I got the material to fix the holes they’ve made at Walmart when I got the groceries.
Played some Battlefront 2 and watched Dark Matter on Netflix.
Admin duties now.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Portuguese! Westside! Squirrels!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:14 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning.

Went to Westside BC.

I played djembe this morning with John.

Pastor Ben spoke on Love! Always a favorite topic for me!

Captured and released three squirrels today. That makes six in all.

I take them about five miles away near Anniston road.
Added more material to my Twitter feed.

My version of sermon notes.
A little more than 1″ of rain today. Everything is soggy.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Portuguese! Podcast! Errands!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:17 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning.

Recorded a new podcast.

Foggy day!

Your rules?

Over 2.5″ of rain last two days.

Cleaned the fish tank.

Captured and released another squirrel today. Three so far.

Watered my plants.

Watching Dark Matter. Resting. Played some Battlefront 2.
Admin duties now.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Sickish! Portuguese! Cars!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:17 am  

Still not feeling well. Catching up with the blog today.

Studied Portuguese.

Recorded a podcast. Always makes me feel better.

Ashley and I were supposed to have lunch with our friend Ben Birdsong, but neither of us felt up to it. Why get a friend sick?

Dropped off cars to get worked on. Over $600 yesterday! Ouch!

Interesting con trail.

Found out yesterday that this is a Chinese Dog year! Yeah!

Slept twelve hours last night. What a body needs.

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