Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Podcast! Mission! Plaza Fiesta!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:15 pm  

Rained about 1/2″ yesterday.

Had a great time this morning: RECORDING!

You can control how you feel by how you use your body. A terrific episode, Verbal Surgery -428- “Laffirmations!”

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Enjoyed lunch with Ashley and Penelope. After lunch we went to Once Possessed, one of my favorite antique and oddity stores.

I got a 3D Jesus whose eyes follow you around the room.

Also got a cool light bulb.

And these two figurines from the 50s.

Great to have all my girls together!

Worked on the Granular List. Finished the first set of cities.

Picked up the girls plus Miles and went to the mission.

Got rid of trash around the mission.

Ate at Plaza Fiesta after working with the kids. We let Penelope ride the horses.

Dropped them off, then came home to watch Raising Hope with K.

Admin duties now.

I looking forward to the eclipse tomorrow. Fantastic viewing weather today.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Granular List! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:58 pm  

This morning I started to work on the Granular List. The GL is an extension of the Research List. It consists of the 41 cities within an hour’s drive of our HQ in Doraville.

I found out that one search city, such as Carrolton, may include seven or eight other cities that are also on my list.

Of course there is a lot of repetition. I’m always asking myself, “Didn’t I see this one before?” After a couple of pages, I definitely recognize the site and go to the next church on the list.

Ate Nepali food in Clarkston with Ashley, Penelope and Kathy. Penelope likes to play with the machines.

She also thought it was fun when I spun her around in the chair.

I like the signage there.

Did 22 more Promo Packets for churches in Indiana and in Georgia.

Sorted pages.

Got them in the mail.

Came home to work some more on the Granular List,

Went to Clarkston to pick up Ashley and Penelope.

Stopped by the bank to deposit money. Amen for that!

Helped the kids with their homework.

We have fun with P when there’s not much homework.

Gassed up the car on the way home.

Admin duties now.

Another personal best in Battlefront: Total score of 11,860 with 20 droids captured.

Do you know where this is from?

My guess is Hawaii


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Research List COMPLETE! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:25 am  

I spent most of my day working on the Research List.

I completed all the cities in Indiana and Illinois.

That marks the completion of the initial 15 state, 168 city list.

I have each city tagged with a state color.

Then I organize them alphabetically.

I took out the Georgia cities, because the next step in my plan is to have a granular approach. That means now I start going through every city on the map within an hour of Atlanta.

We will especially promote the One Day Mission Trip for these churches that are close by.

Met up with Ashley and Penelope for lunch. Always good.

Came home to work on the map and figure out the cities on the new list. Looks like 43 Georgian cities within an hour drive from our HQ.

Went to Clarkston to get the girls, then over to the mission to help the kids.

Penelope loves to make a big mess.

She laughs and laughs.

It was raining, so I didn’t really expect anyone to show up. We had six. I was surprised.

Did the grocery shopping before going to Clarkston and back home. We ate subs before getting back on the rainy highway. It was the first time for Penelope to try a sippy cup. She did great!

Put up the groceries.

Watched Raising Hope with K. We’re almost through four seasons! What a great show.

Admin duties now.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Podcast! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:54 pm  

Sunday evening I posted material to my Twitter feed.

They’re my version of sermon notes.

Five released every day. I have till mid March before they run out.

Great morning: RECORDING!

Terrific episode on dealing with conflict from outside AND inside! Plug into Verbal Surgery -427-“Versus.”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Enjoyed lunch with Kathy, Jesse, Miles Ash and Penelope. Good times!

Enjoyed browsing the bookstore with Penelope. She loves books and the trains!

Picked up Ash and P at her house later to go to Azalea.

We helped the kids with their homework. I brought doughnuts as a treat.

I made some keys for Ashley and gassed up the truck.

Watched Raising Hope with K.

Did some laundry.

Admin duties now.

Burning Tree.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Research List! P! Westside!

Tim A. Cummins @ 3:20 pm  

Saturday, I focused on Indiana on the Research List.

We had a question about the tax donation letter from a donor. Went through all the checks to make sure what we had told her was correct.

K and I watched Penelope for a couple of hours. Always a blessing.

She likes to put things back up.

Such a warm, loving family!

Watched Raising Hope with K Saturday night.

Sunday morning. worked on the Research List. Almost completed Indiana.

We went to Westside BC.

It was our Rise Up Sunday!

We had a good lunch after the service.

Admin duties now.

Friday, February 3, 2017

KAP! Penelope! Promos!

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:50 pm  

Working on the promo packets again. I had enough promo pages that I could finish that job.

Talked with my friend Eduardo Zamora this morning.

His family is ready to come back to Atlanta. Not sure how he’s going to be able to do that unless he and his wife find jobs. Hard to raise money and get volunteers to help and find a free place to stay!

Had lunch with Kathy, Ashley and Penelope. All three of my girls aren’t feeling well. I’m still not 100% either.

Got the letters in the mail.

Admin duties now and Research List.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Penelope! Promo!

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:47 pm  

Thursday, I tried to write my blog but the server for our website wasn’t working.

I posted pictures of the new podcast.

I put packets together in the mail for our promo campaign.

K and I watched Penelope. Always fun.

I went by the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association and picked up our flyers.

Folded promos.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Podcast! Promo! Taxes! Westside!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:47 pm  

This morning I had fun: RECORDING!

This episode is especially fun where I talk just to YOU! Check out Verbal Surgery -426- “Super Mega Hype!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Dropped off the Financial Report at our Treasurer’s house that Ashley puts together.

Went to Walmart to pick up some invitation envelopes. Rather than refold all the packets that I put together in Chattanooga, I just changed the size of the container.

Labels, stamps and inserts.

Worked on getting the promo letters in the mail. I put together over 100 packets. I still had the addresses for another 25 more so we are asking our friend Joel Harrison of the AMBA to help us make more copies.

Got theme in the mail.

Ashley came over and we worked through the 13 names that we had but weren’t sure about the addresses. She looked up the information on the hard copies of the checks we photocopy. Not too hard, but time intensive.

We didn’t go to the mission today because I had a speaking engagement at Westside Baptist Church.

I shared with them a few things about the International Village, how many people groups we have, and then short cultural things about Catholicism, Buddhism and Islam. The kids seemed to enjoy it and the adults in the room said they learned something as well.

Came home to eat supper with Kathy. She’s not been feeling well.

Her oxygen saturation was better today. PTL.

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Research! AP! K’s Lungs! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:52 pm  

This morning I worked on the Research List focused on Indiana.

Paid bills and got them in the mail.

Our neighbor Lisa, brought her new dog over. She was our dog Sugar’s “Other Mother.” Eventually, Sugar just lived with Lisa and her husband. The sweet ol’ dog died just a couple of weeks ago.

Great to have lunch with Ashley and Penelope. Baby is better but still has a runny nose and coughing. Sad. She’s on meds and I’m sure she’ll make a swift recovery.

P is incredibly athletic and agile. It’s hard to constantly be vigilant. She can put herself into a dangerous situation so fast.

Took Kathy to her Lung Doctor today.

K’s lungs are healing, but she needs to stay on the oxygen.

Went to Clarkston to pick up the girls then on to the mission.

We had a couple of new volunteers today.

Kathy helped me match the tax donation letters to our donors. Ashley had printed out the letters for us and calculated how much they’d given.

I also went through our mailing list for our donors and marked those that had given and those that hadn’t. Every year, we send a letter asking those people who haven’t given if they want to stay on the list.

Gorgeous sunset!

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Podcast! KJAP! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:39 am  

This morning I had fun: RECORDING!

A timely version of Verbal Surgery -425- “DOOR!”

A piece on borders in and around us.

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Had a great lunch with Kathy, Ashley and the Magnificent Baby.

Penelope wasn’t feeling well. Although she pretty much always seems to be in a good mood.

Came home to rest. Still not feeling that groovy.

Picked up the newsletters from the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association.

Went to our office at FBC Doraville to pick up checks and water my Ficus.

Went to the mission to work with the kids. Penelope isn’t feeling well, so Ashley stayed home to take care of her. Baby is Job #1.

The kids got a big kick of me showing them pictures from 5 years ago on Facebook. I just spent time on my phone going to old galleries to show them tomorrow.

Enjoyed supper with Jesse. Always delightful conversation.

Gassed up my car. Twenty one cent difference between MY QT and the QT on Buford Highway.

Came home to work on photocopying the checks and getting them ready to deposit tomorrow.

There were a lot of checks in memory of my Dad Al A. Cummins.

Printed out the labels for another 120 churches that I’ve added in the last week or so.

Admin Duties now. K was nearly asleep by the time I got home.

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