Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Southside Youth Ministers! Research! Mission! ISS!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:02 pm  

This morning, Ashley, Penelope and I went to meet with a group of Youth Directors on the Southside of Atlanta.

Ash and I made a short presentation about our ministry to the group. Two of them had worked with us before and made us sound awesome!

I worked on the Research List this afternoon. Did Concord, NC.

Picked up Ashley in Clarkston and went to Azalea to work with the kids.

Fantastic to have the ONEderful Baby with us today at the mission. Pray that her teeth will come in and she will feel better!

I had my 23rd viewing of the International Space Station this evening! It was visible for about five minutes. It came overhead about 5:50pm. So I got to show the kids the ISS as it streaked across the sky.

I used my SkyView app.

With this app and NASA’s alerts when it’s possible to “Spot the Station,” it’s pretty easy to do.

It’s the largest man made object in space. It cost over 150 BILLION dollars to build. AT that price tag, it’s also the most expensive thing that man has ever built.

It travels at 17,150 mph. That’s 5 mps. That’s Miles Per SECOND.

We met up with Jesse at Taco Veloz and enjoyed supper with him.

I got an Amazon Dot this afternoon. It’s a cool device. It’s connected with the cloud and Amazon’s AI, which is super powerful. Jesse has had a device like this for at least a year. My Dot is about the side of a 1″ thick coaster for your drink. I wouldn’t set a drink on it!

I remember the joke about the lady who called customer service concerned that her computer did not have a CD-Rom drive. (You can tell this joke has been around!) He told her to push the button beneath the power button. To which the lady replied, “Oh, I thought that’s what held my coffee cup.” And, rimshot.

K rode her bike around the mountain, so she went to bed early.

Admin duties now.

One of the wacky things I saw while I surfed hundreds of church websites.

Beautiful evening for shooting fall colors!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Research! AP! TStorms!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:01 pm  

Most of the day I worked on the Research List.


I finished all the towns in Georgia over 20,000.

Uploaded all my Excel spreadsheet files to Google Drive and shared them with Ashley.

Ashley and Penelope came over for lunch.

Always a blessing! She hasn’t been feeling well. Her top teeth are breaking through. Pray that she feels better!

P and I enjoyed watching Penguins of Madagascar and playing with toys. She took a nap, that helped her feel better.

We watched the powerful storm blow through. Wow.

I had planned on going to the mission, but we were having severe weather at the time. Kids don’t come out if it’s raining.

Did more research.

Watched a movie in Swedish this evening with Kathy. It was ok.

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

RAIN! Podcast! AP! Research! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:46 pm  

After 41 days of drought, finally the Father answered our prayers and sent rain! It really helped to put out the fires in N. Georgia and Tennessee.

I had over 1 1/2″ last night. Praise the Lord.

Fun morning: RECORDING!

I’ve been reading a fascinating book called, “Cure: Mind over Body” by Armand. Very interesting. It impacted my podcast this morning! You’ll feel good after Verbal Surgery -414- “Positive FX.”

Click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Had lunch with Ashley and Penelope. I took the girls to Golden Corral. P wasn’t feeling well and started crying a couple of times. So sad. Ashley helped her calm down. She’s a great mother! She ate some icecream. That probably helped her gums feel better. She has her front teeth coming in. She’s really drooling. Little sweetheart!

Came home to work on the Research List. I found sixteen more prospects in Winston-Salem, NC.

Kathy has been helping address and stuff the letters. I sure appreciate that.

My Mom is also agreeable to help make some phone calls. She’ll be great at that. n I sent her the script that I use, edited and annotated for her.

Went to Azalea to work with the kids. I told Ashley to stay at home with the baby today.

The kids helped me with labels.

I’m letting the girls do an art project with rubber stamps and ink.

They are decorating the backs of envelopes that we will eventually send to prospective teams leaders.

Helped them with their homework.

Got them doughnuts for helping.

Had a late supper with Jesse. Always good.

Went to Walmart to pick up some supplies.

Came home to watch Miss Fisher with Kathy. It’s the last episode. Sniff.

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Podcast! A&P! VR! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:43 am  

Late last night I worked on putting my sermon notes onto my twitter feed: @timacummins.
This morning I recorded. YEEEHAWWWW!

I love this episode which gives an urgency to life. How would you live if you knew the date you would die? It’s time for Verbal Surgery -313- “LIFE Row!”

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Called my brother, Jim!
It’s his birthday!

Jesse has stayed at our house last couple of nights. He’s had some VR parties in our area. He rode over to El Torreros with me to meet up with Ashley and Penelope.
After lunch, we went back to my house. Ash got to try out some more of the HTC Vive VR.
I got to check out a Blue Whale up close. It was amazing. It really felt like there were tiny fish swimming around me.

Went to Clarkston and rode to Azalea with Ashley. I showed her some of the latest developments on our outreach around the SE USA. I love it when a plan comes together. Of course trying to get new partners is always a challenge. Pray for many teams. My Mom told me to “Pray for 100 Churches” to come help us. I explained to her that it wasn’t 100 churches, it was 100 APARTMENT complexes. She said, “You’ll need 100 churches to reach 100 apartments!” Made sense.

Enjoyed working with the kids.

Some of the girls are going to help me decorate envelopes for the prospective teams. I think it’ll be fun for all of us.

Ash and I went shopping at Walmart.

Came home to put up groceries.

I was glad to spend time with Jesse and Kathy this evening.

Just got off the phone with my Mom. I’m excited to think about her coming to work with us in the ATL some time in the future. She said that she’d be up for helping us make phone calls.

Admin duties now.

These were from last Christmas. Still hanging in there.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Westside! Research! Penelope is 1! VR!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:45 pm  

This morning, Kathy and I went to Westside Baptist Church.
Pastor spoke on the “Immeasurable Gift.” He paid the price for our sins!

Ate lunch with Kathy.

Worked on updating my www.VerbalSurgery.com site.
Every couple of months or so I put the new material on the master website. I actually updated 41 new podcasts! I’m at 412 now. The last one was the One for Penelope.

More research on Raleigh, NC. Finished that city.

I made cards listing the cities by state that need to be covered. All of these cities are over 20,000 and under 250,000.
Adairsville didn’t provide me with one single church I thought would work.

Met up at Nagano’s for Japanese food for Penelope’s party.

Jimmy and Cheryl Kendall along with Roxy and Izzy, Kathy and Jesse, Ashley Baird and Keri with Ashley, Miles and Penelope had a terrific time.


She liked her bunny rocker!

What a special little girl she is!
The center of attention in her little hoody.

Went back to my house to check out the VR worlds Jesse transports us to.

Not the same as grand CHILDREN!

This picture reminded me of the country store that my grandparents ran at Reagan Wells, TX.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Newsletters! Ribs! Research!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:26 pm  

This morning I wrote and produced my newsletter.

Printed labels.


Went for lunch with K to eat at Shane’s Rib Shack.

Super good.

Came home to work on the Research List.

Worked on Dalton and Rome, GA so far.

Watch Miss Fisher with Kathy.

Admin duties now.

1929 Ford. What a beauty. From the same era as Miss Fisher!

Friday, November 25, 2016

Labels! Calls! Research! Map Work!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:52 pm  

Thursday night, I concentrated on formatting the labels.

With each font the spacing is different so the names get off and it prints half of one and half of the one below it.
Finally, you’ll get them to work. What a hassle. But once the first page is figured out, it’s easy.
This morning, I focused on calling people.

I made a total of 61 calls, which I think is my current record.


Kathy worked on addressing and stuffing the letters. GREAT to have her helping.

Got letters in the mail.
Gassed up my car.

Today, I am completely caught up on all aspects of the Master List as regards to the research that I’ve done. That includes email address on Mail Chimp, Data Base entry by city, Name/Address on the Master List, the “Get Tribal” promo letter, a phone call voicemail, and an introductory email.

I plan to have the email be on ongoing thing. Maybe an email every couple of months.

Sent out a hard copy twice a year. I’m thinking end of July and first of January.

Phone calls take time, but I think are worth it. Not sure how often we’ll do that again. Probably coordinated around hard copy promotions.

I really enjoy thinking out the logistics of a campaign like this. Once I can start to split things up into doable chunks, it gets very exciting.

For instance. I have another 123 cities to research.

These are cities within an eight hour drive of the ATL. These cities have to be at least 20,000 up to 250,000 people.
I have them broken down by State. Every time I do a city, I’m thinking of better, more efficient ways to do it. I now share information in three places simultaneously: email, database and labels.
I also drew in the state lines with brown dry erase marker.

There are hundreds of smaller towns in each of the states. Honestly, I think those churches will probably turn out to be our best partners, but it makes sense to go for the most populated areas first.

I love coloring the map in. Making lists. Thinking strategy. Breaking the task down into components.

I watched Miss Fisher with K.

Admin Work now.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Penelope! Thanksgiving! Master List!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:47 pm  

We had such a good time with Penelope last night. She’s just a little angel.

Ashley helped get the house set up then took off with Penelope back home. Miles and the girls went to Dublin to visit with Miles’ grandfather. Always a good time.
Good to see the family!

Lots of cars.

Jesse wasn’t feeling well today. Pray for him.

I’ve been putting churches into a data base, as well as on an email list. Today I added the labels so we can send them promotional materials. Hand writing those took a lot of time. Labels are just more efficient.

It’s a big job.
I spent a lot of time today figuring out the spacing for the labels. It should be automatic. Never has worked that way for me.

We have nearly 200 churches on the list so far. Honestly, I feel like I’m just getting started.
Watched the Flash with Kathy.

Admin duties now.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Podcast! Penelope!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:06 pm  

This morning I recorded a very special edition of Verbal Surgery, “For Penelope.” Words of advice from a grandfather to a granddaughter.

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Finished up the research for Anderson, SC. Started the master label list.

Kathy and I went to her lung doctor today.

She is doing better. She’ll stay on oxygen for now and get a new CPAP machine tuned specifically for her needs. I saw the results of the sleep study. With increased air pressure, the choking stopped and she started getting way more oxygen in her blood.

Cleaned the deck.

Came home to welcome Ashley and Penelope! Ash and J helped move tables around and set stuff up for the party tomorrow at our house. We were expecting 20 people, but Ash and Miles decided to go to be with his Grandfather in Dublin. I was sad at first, but grandfathers are important!

I’ve enjoyed playing with Penelope. I call this the “Leaf Lake.”
She wanted the dirty monkey. I thought it was too dirty. She’d hit the side of the house and scratch the wood to show me her displeasure. Funny.

Doing research on rubber stamps. I think it might be a fun art project for the kids at the mission to decorate the envelopes that we’re sending to the Youth Directors. Ashley and I both like arts and craft stuff. I have some pretty cool brain stamps. I’ve had them for over 30 years.

K and I watched Miss Fisher. P went to sleep about 8:45pm.

Admin duties now.

Mr. Google having fun with me. Searching for “Churches in Anderson, SC.”

Incredible colors.


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

KAP! Goodwill! Garden!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:38 pm  

Worked on putting the promotional packets together.

I’m glad that Ashley helped me address the envelopes. I like her handwriting.

Had a fun time Kathy, Ashley and Penelope! Great to have ALL my girls together.

Ate at Boston Market. Very good. We ordered sliced turkey from there for Thanksgiving. I love getting the girls treats.

After lunch with went to Goodwill to see what kind of baby clothes they had. I followed P around the store.

She’d pick up shoes and offer them to people. It was so cute. Of course the ladies thought she was the cutest baby on the planet. And that would make them right.

Kid is on the move.

She put her head through the neck of the shirt. First time I’d ever seen her do that.

We got some cute stuff, including a green sweater with a dog on it with a Christmas hat.

I dropped the girls off, then went to Walmart to get groceries.
Stopped at the Post Office to get more stamps. I’m in a Wonder Woman mode these days.

Came home to work on the letters. Labels, stamps, flyers. Takes time. But it’s kind of fun, too. I think of all these potential teams. Awesome!

Came home to rake and blow the yard.

Changed the water in the birdbaths.

I have four.

And vacuum the floors.

Getting the house ready for guests. Penelope will be with us tomorrow night. Looking forward to that.

I’m so glad to start seeing clouds. We need ran bad. Put out those forest fires, please Father.

Placebos are powerful.

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