Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Conferences! Shopping! Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:33 pm  

Worked on setting up the schedules for the Winter and Spring conferences this morning. We’re looking forward to a great year of sharing about our ministry. I’m especially looking forward to our time together with Peachtree Corners Baptist Church and Roswell United Methodist Church.

Went to Walmart to pick up supplies for the house.
Jesse and I met up with Ashley at Azalea. Had a great time with the kids.

Came home to work on admin duties.

Enjoying watching a movie in Hindi with Kathy this evening, “The Three Idiots.” Bollywood. What a hoot!

I thought the lichens growing on this dead tree branch were cool.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Genetics! Mission Conference! Jesse! Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:16 pm  

Did you know that you can have your genome tested? 23 and Me is a genetic company that can see what your heritage is and what possible disease traits you may have inherited. They’ve marked down their offering from $300 last year to $100! I thought it’s well worth knowing that info. I got the service for both Kathy and I.
Worked on updating contacts this morning.

Set up a missions conference that I’ll be speaking at in March. Atlanta Chinese Christian Church North has worked with us for years. Looking forward to working with the whole church.

Had a good lunch with Kathy and Jesse.

J and I worked on getting his banking cards reissued. It all takes time.
We also went to the Apple Store to get his iPhone replaced. He had a cracked screen. Fortunately, he had insurance so it’ll only cost us $50 once it’s all reconciled. We need our phones!

Worked with the kids this afternoon at the mission. Always fun. Miles came too!

We also had two new volunteers from Perimeter church. Awesome.
Enjoyed visiting with the kids. They’re always funny!

Home now to finish up my admin duties.

Looking forward to watching TV with K in a bit.

Jesse and I saw this hawk on a dead pigeon today. Wow! It fought off another hawk to get it.

Magic? Really?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Podcast! Jesse! Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:50 pm  

Had a fun day today!

Worked on a podcast! My first of the new year.

It’s a good one! Check out Baby Dedication What a cute baby! And it looks like YOU! Just click on the title!

Jesse lost his wallet last week. It will probably turn up, but we went by the bank to start getting new cards. Also went by Plaza Fiesta to check on getting his iPhone repaired. It dropped and shattered the screen. The folks at Apple will get him a replacement phone. He’s backing it up and we’ll take care of that tomorrow.

GREAT to see the kids today. They had homework, but not too much.

Ashley was home with Miles today. He wasn’t feeling well. I know he appreciates her taking care of him!

Stopped by the North’s house on the way home. Always great to see Ian and Ruthie!

Back home now to work on admin duties and enjoy watching episodes of the Mentalist with K. My favorite show. Although I must say that Elementary, the new version of Sherlock Holmes, is a close second!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Jesse! Stone Mountain!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:09 pm  

Got some great news this morning. Jesse was discharged! Kathy and I ate a quick lunch then went to the hospital to get him!

He seems to be doing a lot better. K, J and I went for a hike up Stone Mountain.

It was beautiful there. Especially the sunset!

He was really tired afterwards. He fell asleep in the car. Glad he’s home!

THANK YOU so much for your continued prayer support for our family!

Working on admin duties now.

Looking forward to seeing all our kids at the mission. School starts tomorrow for Dekalb County.

Monday, January 7, 2013

CIBC! Kendalls! Miles! Jesse!

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:49 am  

Kathy and I enjoyed going to Clarkston International Bible Church this morning.
Pastor Phil spoke on the church of Ephesus in Revelation. A good church that had lost it’s first love.
We also had a baby dedication. Cute!
After church, we went to eat lunch with the Kendall family at Ted’s Montana Grill. It was good!

Enjoyed a fun afternoon with Ashley and Miles. We worked on getting him a new phone. His iPhone was having speaker problems. You can’t hear what people are saying. We got that squared away. Also worked on figuring out the warranties for the iPhone.

This evening K and I went to the Mitchell’s house for supper. Always great to visit with Kathy’s sister and family!

We talked with Jesse this evening. He seems to be doing better although his new medicine gave him a bad reaction in his jaw muscles. Pray that they will be able to figure that out rapidly and that he won’t have that reaction any more.

Enjoyed watching Elementary with Kathy this evening. Love that show.

Admin duties now.

I liked this sticker. It’s true.

These leather roses looked cool on the shoe.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Groceries! Jesse!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:25 pm  

Did the shopping for the family today.
Enjoyed resting this afternoon. I’ve been an emotional wreck with Jesse being in the hospital. Really tires me out.

Kathy and I went to see him this evening. He seems in good spirits, has been taking his medicine, and is pretty clear headed. Praise the Lord for that! We appreciate your prayers for our family SO much!

Admin duties now and rest.

I liked this sign.

Friday, January 4, 2013


Tim A. Cummins @ 7:52 pm  

Many of you know that my son suffers from Bipolar. Wednesday evening he began acting very erratically, so much so that he had to be hospitalized. This has caused our family immense stress. I haven’t cried so much in years.

I continue to try and help him as much as I can. I got his glasses repaired and took them too him in the hospital.
We can only see him on Saturday and Tuesday nights. He is still not thinking clearly.
Please pray for our family and for Jesse to cooperate with the doctors.

I try to continue to act normally. I took my car to get repaired. The thermostat wasn’t working properly.

Also took the baby fish to the fish store. I inherited fish from Jesse and Ashley. These are the third generation from the originals.

Kathy and I went to eat lunch at Boston Market today. This bag had a special meaning for me.

Sometimes this is how I feel.

I want to thank you again for the support you have given to the Cummins family. If you’re reading this blog, I know that you care about us.

Please pray with a special urgency for our family.


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Newletter! Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:16 pm  

Worked on getting all the labels and stamps for the newsletter today.
Ashley picked me up and we went to the mission at Azalea together. We also picked up the newsletters that our friends at the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association print for us.

The kids were helpful getting the labels on!


Went to Walmart to pick up some supplies, especially printer ink.

Home now to rest and finish admin duties.

I like this bumper sticker.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Trent & Elizabeth! J&A!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:06 pm  

Jesse, Ashley and I enjoyed a lunch meeting with friends from Louisville today!

Trent Deloach is working on his Doctoral project which involves giving care to local cross cultural missionaries. Ashley and I enjoyed sharing part of our ministry with him and his wife Elizabeth!
J, A and I went to Walmart to pick up some supplies.
Admin duties now.

Had fun watching the season finale of Burn Notice.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013! Family!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:02 pm  

Worked on admin duties this morning. Wrote some letters to supporters and packaged up a couple of things for my brother and dad to send back to Texas.

Had a fun lunch with my family!

We ate at Golden Corral with the families of three of Kathy’s brothers and sister. Always great to see them. Brother Bill actually gave me some gifts.

Jesse and I decided to see a movie since the weather was so bad. Sadly, we picked “Flight” which I thought was a lousy film. Denzel is a great actor, but the character he portrayed was so unlikable it made the movie suck. So it goes.

Admin work now and getting the newsletter ready to send out.

Jesse’s new watch that Ashley bought him his cool.

I thought this red pipe on the gray wall was weird.

I like the logo of Life of Pi.

What exactly is this handicapped thing for?

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