Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Bank! Plants! Grandgirls! Azalea! Podcast! 9.21.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:41 pm  



Listened to radio from Spain.

My fifth time to go to PNC bank to get this mortgage payment figured out. I think we have it done now. I will have to go back to give a full month’s payment the middle of next month and a full payment at the end of next month. After that it’ll be a bi-weekly auto debit. I hope.

I sewed up a dress of Penelope’s.

I moved all my orchids to one table of my garden. That’ll help with the watering. I have to water them more often because of the change of medium that they’re now in, that’s to say wood bark rather than sphagnum moss.

Yard looks way better when I look out the windows now. Amen.

Went to my office to check the mail and put up the supplies I used this Sunday at Peachtree Corners BC.

Felt hot today.

The men were working on the road in front of Azalea today. It was completely blocked. I called Huntley Hills Elementary to give the bus driver a heads up.

Processed and deposited checks.

Everly made a new friend! Her name is Perla. I went to her house to help Everly meet the family and introduce ourselves to the parents.

Helped the kids with their homework. They like to ride down the hill on one of the parent’s truck.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery “You Turn 2.”

Get your life on the right path!

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Mowing! Azalea! Grandgirls! 9.20.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:00 pm  



Sending a couple of Covid tests to my Mom.

Helped her pick out a present for Everly.

Warmed up!

I uploaded this file a few days ago but the server didn’t receive the whole file. Sent it again today.

Mowed about 2/3s of my back yard. Pretty heavy.

I start getting worried about snakes!

Had to quit because I ran out of gas.

Listened to radio from Spain.

I ate and got food for the girls at the Buford Highway Farmers Market. They were out of the chocolate that they like, I looked around and found our favorite cookies from Turkey. They are SO good.

Went by my office to check the mail.

Helped the kids at the mission. BIG group! Only a couple will let me take their picture.

The girls had fun making a little castle.

Filled up my car and also the gas can I use for my mower.

I’m still having issues with setting up the auto debit for my mortgage with PNC. I have to go back tomorrow to try and get it squared away. This will make the fifth time!

Monday, September 19, 2022

Truck Tires! Oil Cap! Bank! Azalea! 9.19.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:59 pm  

Came in #1 in the league this week. Lots of right answers really fast to do that.

Went to the bank. Deposited checks and put the results on our Drive online.

Sometimes it amazes me how long I’ve been blogging. When I started, people didn’t even know what a “blog” was! I had to explain to them, “Well, it’s a web log. So they call it a blog. Get it?” More than a quarter of my life has a detailed account of each day including pictures. Just like this! It really is a big part of my life every evening. It’s good to really think through what has happened. Makes me realize just how productive I am.


Español! It’s amazing to me how much Duolingo talks about lasagna.

I used K’s truck today which is a 1998 Expedition. She had slow leaks in both front tires. Got gas and a new oil cap. The old one was missing.

Walmart didn’t have the oil cap I needed. Neither did Advance Auto. But Auto Zone did. Amen.

Went by my office to check the mail and water my ficus.

Getting K’s tires plugged so they don’t leak air gave me a good reason to learn some new vocabulary.


Picked up the girls from the bus. Penelope wasn’t hungry and just wanted to watch a show. I like to have Everly time. She really is my best friend.

Penelope was pretty excited when we got home. We brought her two cheeseburgers and fries. She did a dance for us.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

PCBC! Roof! 9.18.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:01 pm  


It was good to hear that the tech work I did for my sister Ann worked.

Español! Today Duolingo didn’t give me a day count. Weird. The streak is still there, just not that splash page.

I spoke at the K-5th grade departments this morning. The kids did well for that age group.

They had a game and a music time before I spoke.

Gorgeous weather.

Listened to radio from A Coruña, Spain on my way home from PCBC. I enjoyed going to Cici’s pizza, which is one of my favorites. I just hardly ever go there because it’s kind of out of the way.

Studied some Spanish conjugations besides my normal work.

Checked on the status of the printer cartridge for Ann.

The weather has been dry for a while so I wanted to get the roof and especially the gutters cleaned out. It’s a WAY easier job if you keep up with it and don’t let it pile up deep and get wet. Then it because a real JOB. Today was pretty easy. I need to start thinking about doing it mid and first of month.

Blew off the deck and the driveway.

Take it out, Put it up!

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Printer & Router! Bike! Groceries! 9.17.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:24 pm  



Talked with my sister about some problems she was having at her house, in particular with her printer and her router. I took the printer apart, checked which toner cartridge she needed, checked prices on Amazon and Walmart and ordered it. She also got a new router. I took the other off line and connected the new one. Unfortunately, I needed some information that I didn’t have about account numbers so I’ll have to go back to finish that job. Same for the printer.

Made an appointment for Kathy to get her Covid booster and flu shots.

Talked with my neighbor this morning about all the Jaro spiders we have in our yards these days. They’re an invasive species from Taiwan. Bizarre.

Beautiful day. Great weather for riding a bike.

Watched an hour of Baylor playing Texas State. That’s all the free trial would give me. We clobbered them 42-7. I listened to more of it on internet radio, but it was hard to hear while I was riding my bike. Too much wind noise.

Repaired my bag.

Looks like they’ll be running fiber optic cable in our neighborhood soon. Not sure how that’s going to affect my trees.

Rode my bike 16.00 miles. That’s the longest I’ve ridden in probably a year or more.

Filled out a lengthy survey about my experience with the PNC bank folks dealing with my mortgage. I’ve had to go to the bank four times now. Still not sure they have it figured out correctly.

Listened to radio from Madrid.

Picked up and put the groceries away.

I have everything ready for my presentation to the kids at Peachtree Corners BC tomorrow morning.

The girls sent us some funny “What kind of dog am I?” videos.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Bank! Orchids! Feeders! Podcast! 9.16.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:42 pm  

I upgraded my iPhone 11 Pro Max to the newest iOS 16. Doing research on the best features to use and settings to change.

This is one of the villages I’m going to visit in Guatemala next year. I’m interested in the weather patterns. I found out yesterday that our upstairs neighbor at Azalea (whose family just moved a week ago into a house!) grew up there.



Went to the bank to work on the mortgage situation. Even my banker was frustrated by her own mortgage department! I had to pay the whole month’s payment at once. Usually, I pay bi-weekly.

Gorgeous weather for working outside.

One of my rose bushes is blooming.

Kathy had been “organizing” last month and left a big pile of dishes and glasses and stuff on the stove which I had eventually moved to this card table. Finally got tired of looking at it all and put it all on the top shelf of the cabinet out of the way.

The biggest project I worked on today was repotting my orchids. I enjoy setting up a work station and getting stuff done.

They look happier. Hope I did everything right.

I finished working on K’s truck tires this morning. The left front tire was also very low. Supposed to be 44. Those big tires take a long time for my pump to fill up when they’re that low. It actually started overheating. Hope it’s ok.

Cleaned and refilled the hummingbird feeders.

Ordered groceries.

I trimmed the growing tips from my San Pedro cactus. The base is rotting, I probably watered it too much. I hope to grow new plants from these cuttings.

Cleaned the area outside my back door.

Worked on St. Francis.

Repotted this little bamboo plant.

Cleaned the driveway. It’s getting ready to get covered up all the time. Fall’s on the way!

Cleaned and scrubbed my two shower/tub areas.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Wonderempty.” Very strong.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Grandgirls Lunch! Prep! Azalea! Tires! Jouvens! ISS! 9.15.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:39 pm  

Español! They changed a bunch of things up on Duolingo. Affects how many points I can get at one time. Always something!

Downloaded the new iOS 16 operating system for my iPhone 11 Pro Max. It has some cool features I like. Still learning it.


K and I went to Huntley Hills Elementary School to have lunch with Everly. Luckily, Penelope’s teacher let her eat with us. Amen. Jimmy and Cheryl Kendall, the other grandparents also came. Groovy!

After lunch, we checked on my office and picked up things I need for the speaking gig with the kids at Peachtree Corners BC this coming Sunday.

Processed and deposited the checks. Amen.

K and I went to Plaza Fiesta to get a little exercise. We walked 1.37 miles.

Great to see all my girls together! Ashley has Thursdays off now.

Helped the kids with their homework. There was a lot.

GREAT to see my buddy, Jouvens! He came by to see me.

Nice weather. Looks like clear weather coming. I need to get the carpets cleaned and blow the gutters and roof.

K said one of her tires looked flat. Supposed to be at 44 psi. Front right was at 10. That’s not zesty. Pumped it up and the right rear which was about 10 pounds low. I can’t fill up more than a couple because the pump gets so hot after it’s been running about 20 minutes or so.

I’ll take her truck into town next week to get that tire plugged.

Also added over .75 of a quart of oil to K’s truck.

Saw the ISS for the 77th time tonight!

Raked some gravel out of the road. It’s been bothering me. I’m afraid someone will get a cracked windshield.

Made an appointment to get my mortgage payment squared away. This will be the third time I’ve had to go down to the bank for this.

Ran out of dental floss. Had to order more. I don’t like the waxed kind so I have to get unwaxed from Amazon.

Looking forward to the weekend.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Jon! Azalea! Files! 9.14.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:43 pm  

Glad to see that my reaction to the inoculations only lasted one full day. Felt pretty good today. Amen.

I can certainly see a difference in the price of my groceries.

Last night I had four raccoons at my feeder.

Read this article and learned a new word.

My security cameras haven’t been syncing up with my wifi. Glad to see that this morning they were working fine.



Had a good chat with my buddy, Anthony.

My iPhone charging system in my car has been shorting out. This morning, I used one of my external batteries and a USB cord I was sure was good and figured out that it was the device that plugged into the car’s lighter.

Ordered a new one.

Had a good lunch with my friend and treasurer of my board, Jon Paul. Always great to spend time with him!

Deposited checks.

Listened to radio from Madrid.

Got gas. I get a discount at Walmart.

Added oil.

When I got home after the mission, I filled it up again with my big jug of oil.

Helped the kids at the mission. Big crowd of kids, but most are picture shy. I don’t force it.

We’ve been doing a lot of map work.

I organized and put up files when I got home.

I feel way better than yesterday, but I’m really tired now.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Reaction! Ian! Podcast! 9.13.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:09 pm  

I had a rough night last night. Even though I felt great the whole day after getting my Covid-19 Omicron, Flu and Shingles shots, about 10:00 PM I started having chills and fever. I was just shaking from the cold! Didn’t sleep well. Got up and had a bad headache as well as my arms being really sore. Probably wasn’t a good idea to get all those shots at once even though the nurses assured me that wasn’t a problem. Oh, well.

Doing well in this week’s league.



Jessi and I had a fun lunch with our buddy, Ian! Such a great guy. I was sad I was feeling so crappy, but it’s been a long time so I went!

Miles was feeling sick. He tested negative for Covid but didn’t think we should be around. That actually helped me a lot so I could go on back home and rest. Slept over an hour.

Talked with our apartment manager, Lonnie! We had a good chat about working together with the police in our area.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery “Rehearsal Reversal 2” this afternoon. I’ve done so many recordings that from time to time I use a title that I’d used before. It’s always a surprise to me, but my server always lets me know if there’s redundancy.

Sure was glad I didn’t have to stay at the mission. I wasn’t feeling well at all. Better than getting the actual diseases!

Monday, September 12, 2022

Español! Shots! Grandgirls! Azalea! 9.12.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:13 pm  

Español! Had a great week in Spanish. Absolutely clobbered the competition.

One of the things that makes me happy about being vegetarian.

The Queen looks like a penguin in this picture. Hard to believe she was 96. Wow.

Went to my office to process checks. I’ll go to the bank tomorrow.

I’ll be speaking to the kids at Peachtree Corners this Sunday. Looking forward to that.


Bills in the mail.

Went to Walgreens today to get my Covid-19 booster which included the new Omicron variants.

Our insurance wasn’t taken for the flu shot. Went to Walmart for that as well as the shingles shot. Both were free. Amen. So I’m swimming in antibodies now!

Cool day.

Ashley got me signed up to eat lunch with Everly on Thursday morning. That’ll be fun.

Went to my office to pick up checks. There were a lot. Amen. Checked on my ficus. Still doesn’t need water.

Met the grandgirls at the bus. Penelope was hungry for huevos rancheros at Taco Veloz. They both ate well.

Helped the kids at the mission. Shockingly, hardly anyone had work to do. I was expecting a huge crowd. Hard to guess sometimes. I helped a small group. One of the girls is new in the country, helped her with her English skills.

Listened to radio from Madrid on the way home. It’s super fast. When I listen to normal people talk it’s WAY easier to understand.

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