Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Grandgirls! Immanuel BC to BHFM! SA, SP, AZ & NP! Podcast! 6.21.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:51 pm  


They sent me another bag of birdseed, but haven’t picked up the wrong bag.


Took the grandgirls to the Church Park before the team arrived.

I found this on the ground by the pool near the Church Park.

Picked up my car from T&G! Glad they figured out how to make it work. Took some real engineering on their part.

I drove Kathy’s car all day which doesn’t have AC and the passenger window doesn’t roll down. She normally only drives about ten minutes a day so it’s not too horrible. The girls and I were in it all day long on the hottest day of the summer. It was pretty bad.

Gassed up my car and added some oil.

Filled up my quart from my gallon size oil can.

Ashley got a package in.

A great “dirty money” day. .58 for me with .02 for Everly.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery “Direct Suggestion.” Powerful!

Our team from Immanuel Baptist Church in Savannah, Georgia did a fantastic job at Shallowford Arms, Shallowford Pines, Azalea Place and New Peachtree! I took them on Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Grandgirls! Hummingbirds! Show Prep! Plants! 6.20.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:01 pm  

Came in #1 in the Duolingo leagues last week. Excellent.



Watered the plants on the deck.

Cleaned my outdoor carpet.

Straightened the St. Francis shrine.

Cleaned and refilled the hummingbird feeders.

Cooler day today. It’s getting ready to be a really hot week.

Full sun moon.

K and I took the grandgirls around the Doggie Park this morning. We enjoyed having them spend the night last night. Ashley had a big interview for another doctor’s office. They REALLY want her to come on board. If had had enough money, I’d want her back too!

Beautiful circuit around the park.

We did double this distance.

Ashley and I set up for The Show tomorrow morning with our team from Savannah.

I also set up our new microphone system. It sounds super good. This year I’ve upgraded our PA, mics and projector. They old gear was pretty beat up and barely worked. It served us well for about a decade! I got a new Mac Air two years ago so I should be doing well for quite a while!

I got the new equipment registered this evening.

Called and went by T&G to check on my car. It’s been a slow process. They’ve had to do a lot of research on how to fix it. The Mercury is 25 years old. It’s still my favorite car to drive in the 25 years I’ve been working in the ATL.

I miss working with Ashley so much. I’m so proud of what she’s accomplishing. I’m glad she’s still involved with the ministry helping with the Admin duties.

With my car in the shop, we’ve had to use Kathy’s truck to drive into town. She doesn’t have AC, which normally is not that big a deal since her work is about five minutes away. But me using it in this heat in Chamblee is pretty rough. I used to drive cars with no AC for years, but that was when I was a lot younger. Fact of the matter is, I’m just not as tough as I used to be.

Gassed up the Expedition and checked all the fluids. Cost nearly $100 to fill up, and we still had a 1/4 of a tank left.

Walmart delivered the wrong size of the wrong kind of bird seed for me today. Don’t like that.

Deposited checks.

Picked up groceries.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Father’s Day! Garden! 6.19.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 3:29 pm  

I miss my Dad. He made me what I am today.



Transported a squirrel.

MUCH cooler today.

From Eric Barker’s book “Plays Well with Others.”

Great talk with my buddy, Anthony.

Love my plants. Such a blessing to me.

Grandgirls will come over to spend the night tonight. Always a blessing.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Metahuman! Podcast! Bank! 6.18.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:52 pm  

My buddy Anthony is in the Lake District of England where Wordsworth spent most of his life. I did some research on him this morning.

Coleridge was also his friend and lived nearby.

Did this transformation so my buddies in Europe could get a feel for how hot it is. Very.


I enjoyed working with Unreal Engine 5 last night in their Metahuman program.

Going to be really hot next week when the team is in town.


I released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Under-Distanced.”

So good.

Ordered groceries.

Beautiful spider web.

Went to the bank to deposit some cash and checks into my checking account. I made a large payment towards our credit card debt.

My car is at the mechanics. Tried to gas up Kathy’s car, but the pumps were out of gas at Walmart.

I forgot that Kathy’s car didn’t have a Stone Mountain sticker, so I recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery in a back lot of Walmart. It was shady and not too hot.

It’s called, “When’sday.”

Friday, June 17, 2022

Grandgirls! HOT! Office! Mercury! 6.17.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:59 pm  

I have a friend of mine who is super into ultra-marathons. He’s been dealing with plantar fasciitis. Sent him this article.


From Plays Well With Others by Eric Barker. I talk about this with the Grandgirls all the time, although I say, “Tired, Hungry or Have a booboo.”


Love my girls!

Been looking for a bike with this size rims. I’m thinking about taking the rims from it and putting it on another of Penelope’s bikes.

Moana breakfast for the girls. We had pizza for lunch.

Watered some of the liriope. It’s been very dry. Supposed to rain this evening. Maybe. The showers are heavy but extremely localized.

Cleaned and refilled all the bird baths and feeders.

It’s been so HOT! I kept the girls in almost all day long. It’s just too much. It’s going to be a rough week next week with the team in town.

At around 3 PM.

The girls and I went over to Shallowford Arms to talk with Tiffany who is the manager. I’ll be having the teams at her two properties next week as well as Azalea and New Peachtree.

Went by my office to check the mail.

We went to Goodwill to look for a bike, but didn’t find any that Penelope liked. Everly found a couple of small toys, but Penelope didn’t. So we went to Dollar Tree to get her a couple of things.

I got some art project things for next week.

Over the last few days, I smelled something that seemed like solvent. Couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. Today it got much worse. It started making me feel dizzy and gave Penelope and me a headache.

I drove with the windows down all the way home (HOT!) because it was making me feel so bad. I ran the AC again just before I got home so my mechanics could smell it. They definitely did! I was beginning to think it was my imagination, but I’d been overwhelmed by fumes once when I was painting Ashley’s room. I knew the smell and how it made me feel.

The guys figured out that it was a vent from the gas tank that must have been stuck open.

I left the car there. Too dangerous to drive. I’m still not feeling right two hours later. Fortunately, the girls are just fine. I’ve got a fan blowing on me so I’m going to be fine.


Thursday, June 16, 2022

Grandgirls! St Mtn Park! Bikes! German Bakery! HOT! 6.16.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:08 pm  

My favorite Jefferson quote.

I loved this picture with Ashley and me.

I’ve enjoyed the book “Plays Well With Others.” Thought provoking.



Some of my thousands and thousands of proverbs.

My sister-in-law’s medical condition.

I picked up my bike from my bike guys today. They replaced the tube in Everly’s bike as well. Sadly, a few hours later it was flat again. I’ll take it back tomorrow.

Watered my plants. It’s SO HOT and dry.

We had fun at Stone Mountain Park. It’s shady.

Everly did a fantastic job balancing today. Incredible really.

We dropped off the bikes then went to the German Bakery. I met the owner today.

The food was excellent. Penelope used her good tooth to chew on the lemon squares.

I love the sunglasses supa coo look. Peace, man.

Picked up our bikes.

We had a lot of work done.

I ordered a replacement pair of sunglasses. Mine got all scratched up yesterday. Still not exactly sure how it happened. Mine have a lifetime guarantee. Just pay the shipping and handling fees.

Penelope practiced her sight words.

Powerful heat wave.

Miles picked up the girls early. Enjoyed resting this afternoon with a fan on me.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Grandgirls! Best Friend Park! Bank! K! 6.15.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:59 pm  

News about gas prices.

More Republicans acting against the common good.

A neighbor and I filed a code violation report against this guy for never cutting his land.

Deposited checks and added to our spread sheet.

Filled out a form for financial support with Peachtree Corners.

Great talk with my Mom last night.



Made it to Global Mall to pick up my girls.

We tried out Best Friend park this morning. It was a good park, but even at 8:00 AM it was hot.

The three amigos.

Ordered groceries.

It was so hot today.

Kathy got to spend most of the day with us. We went to the Lazy River pool.


Picked up groceries.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Grandgirls! Lazy River! Nana! 6.14.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:09 pm  

I was thinking about this verse this morning on the way to pick up the grandgirls. I’ve had a lot of physical injuries lately. Makes it hard to be upbeat sometimes.

I liked this.

Español! I get started early.


Red hot.

My girls got haircuts!

Excellent word to learn.

Took the girls swimming at the “Lazy River” pool aka the Mountain Park Aquatic Center. We had a great time. I was glad to see how well Penelope is healing after her terrible bike crash last Friday evening.

We went to Metro Cafe for lunch. I always enjoy watching them draw.

Everly said these were, “Sad, happy and surprised.”

We had this magnificent piece of cake for dessert. Snickers cake to be exact.

The girls broke their piggy bank this morning. I took it to my house to glue back together.

Got in contact with my pastor friend Jay Hackett from Peachtree Corners BC. Looks like they’ll bring a team at least for one day. Amen.

Filled out a financial assistance form for Peachtree Corners this evening.

Had a good talk with my Mom this evening.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Rose! Hummingbird! Podcast! Crown! 6.13.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:45 pm  

One of my favorite animals: the Blue Morpho butterfly.

The January 6th committee keeps coming out with more damning evidence.

I have really enjoyed watching this!

Had a good conversation with Nathan about bringing a group of seniors on Safari.

We’ll be talking about Hinduism and visiting the BAPS temple. Probably eating at the restaurant on their campus. They have white people food as well.

Worked hard on Spanish last week.



I worked on my wisteria plants today. Moved one of the vines off of the fence and tied it to the pine tree. Also got rid of another prickly vine.

Watered my indoor plants.

I kept one of my tea rose bushes inside. It wasn’t doing well. Decided to move it outside. Dug a hole and prepped it with potting soil. I think it’ll do a lot better.


Cleaned and refilled my hummingbird feeders. It’s been good to see my little friends again.

I helped my sister-in-law with her phone yesterday. It was missing a screen protector and a case. I’ll get the new screen protector on it soon.

Paid bills, including getting my car taxes in.

Transported a squirrel to Stone Mountain.

Recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Pre-Test.” Very good.

Went to my dentist today. Unfortunately, he couldn’t put the crown back on. The gums were still too swollen. I’m supposed to come back in two months.

Hot day.

Got gas. Always a sticker shock. Added some oil.

Lots of utility work in my area. They keep digging up the roads to work on pipes.

Mas Español.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Podcast! Anthony! Ted Lasso! 6.12.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:30 pm  

This sounds interesting! Love Vanilla!

I love beech trees. I have two in my yard that I treasure. Their leaves last all winter long.


From the Duolingo blog. I love being a polyglot.


I have eight nearly complete lessons. I will score gigantic amounts of points in the new leader board tomorrow.

Still came in #2 this week! It wasn’t that long ago I figured that was impossible. Yet I keep making the top 3!


I found an unusual nest. Butterfly cocoon? I left it alone.

Had a fun talk with my buddy Anthony!

Got hot. Very humid.

Penelope is doing really well and the swelling has gone done a lot! Did some research on when her new tooth should come in. Sometime in the next year or so. Amen.

K and I went to Ann’s house to take her some food. I set up the voicemail on her phone.

I released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “The Fear of Fear.” It’s powerful.

Recorded Verbal Surgery called, “Steel Myself.”

Looking forward to catching up with Nathan and his team.

I’ve finally gotten to watch Ted Lasso, a show I absolutely love. We have a lot in common.

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