Whirlwind Missions

Friday, May 13, 2022

Grandgirls! Bank! Azalea! 5.13.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:21 pm  

I had a chat with my buddy Anthony. He was telling me about his Dad’s house which was built in 1740! Wow. We got in a conversation about Oglethorpe who was a really big deal in Savannah, where I worked for years. I always liked this stature of him.


My girls!

Cloudy day. Poured down rain this afternoon.


Processed and deposited checks. Then entered them onto our spreadsheet for donations.


My outside clock fell and broke the glass. I was shocked it was glass! Got all the pieces picked up. There is still about a third of the top part intact. I’m glad it still works.

Everly was playing with pill bugs and made a little playground for them. She’s so sweet.

Everly and I ate at Hot and Cold today. It was really good.

There was a car in the parking lot with this sticker.

I found a bike for Penelope today. The rims are kind of messed up but it still rides ok. Penelope really liked it.

I got her a 1st Grade workbook. She worked at least an hour on it today. I was astonished. They’re not doing much in school right now. Only one more school week left!

We kept seeing cool aircraft fly over while we were doing homework. Air show tomorrow at the airport near the mission.

Helped a couple of guys do some work on their study guide for math. It was pretty hard for them. I was glad I was there to help.

Penelope just kept on working! I wasn’t able to help her a lot because I was so focused on the other kids.

We enjoyed watching the airplanes go by.


Went by my office to check the mail and my ficus.

Had a good chat with Ashley. Never too much time with her!

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Grandgirls! Bike! Azalea! 5.12.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:56 pm  



This morning Ash and Miles had a mix up with their keys. I came to Azalea to pick up Everly so Ashley could make it to work on time.

Everly watched me while I gassed up my car and checked the levels.

I’m always cleaning my car and throwing trash away.



Jessi went in to see the doctor today. While she was there, Everly and I found a Goodwill we’d never been to.

They had this cool “Sparkle” bike that had pink tires that she just loved. With the seat all the way down, she can ride it just fine.

She was super happy. I couldn’t find a good one for Penelope. Man, was she upset about it. Still, I bought P one a few months ago that fits her fine now so everyone should be happy. I want to have bikes at my house for both girls so we don’t have to drag them back and forth from the mission.

She rode it around the cul-de-sac near my house too.

Transported a squirrel to Azalea. I keep the trap covered so it keeps them calm.

Penelope cracks me up.

The last couple of weeks it seems like NO kids were outside. I reckon they were chilling watching something on the web. Yesterday, I had one of the kids knock on my door. He needed help getting ready for some end of year tests. I was glad to help.

I’m good at algebra. We worked on this stuff today. I’ve worked with him for years and years.

Went by my office to check the mail.

Had a good chat with my Mom on the way home. I want Jessi to come with me to Texas in June. I’m going to see supporters as well as family. I’ll be taking the grandgirls with me as well.

Watered my plants. The ones I’ve recently transplanted at least.

Filled up m water jugs and cleaned bird baths.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Everly! Doggy Park! Jon! Azalea! Podcast! 5.11.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:19 pm  


Love them!

Took Everly to the Doggie Park.


Seems like a lot, right?

It was great to see my buddy Jon Paul today! Love him! We go back 25 years now.

We ate at Metro Cafe. I brought some food back for Penelope plus a big slice of cake for us to enjoy. Most of it was left for Ash and Miles.

Every day I walk around the complex to check on the kids, but no one is every outside. Today, I had a couple of the middle school kids ask me for help so I set up and worked with them. It’s always good to feel useful. I feel kind of dumb sitting outside by the table is no one needs help.


Went by my office to check the mail.

Transported a squirrel when I got home. Endless. But I haven’t had any of them try and get into the house, so there’s that.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Building Blocks.” Excellent!

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Grandgirls! Picnic! Bank! 5.10.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:45 pm  


Love my girls!

Everly and I went to Publix this morning to get fruit.


One of the students I’m competing against is named Heike. I wondered where her name came from. I’ve found the Germans to be serious competition.

They may not do much in the weeks before I get to them, but they definitely rise to the challenge and are difficult to beat. She more than doubled what she’d been doing.

Everly ate great. I like her eating vegetarian, although I never insist on it. For lunch I bought her a hamburger. Next time, I’ll get her an incredible burger and ask her if she can tell the difference. I doubt she’ll be able to.



Gorgeous weather. Still very cool in the morning.

Picked up Penelope. We hung out at the house for a while, then went to QT for a treat. They get slushies and a candy bar. Today I had a picnic with them.

They broke their candy bars into pieces. I’d ask one a question like, “Who is the oldest?” Then Penelope would take a bite. “Who’s the youngest?” Everly would eat a bite. Penelope came up with the game. Maybe they did something like that in class, not sure.

They really enjoy animals, although I never trust cats. This one was pretty chill.

Full sun moon.

Went by my office to get the mail. Processed the checks. I sign and alphabetize them, then take pictures and add them all up.

I deposited them when I got to the bank near my house. I always feel safer there.

All this studying is really paying off. I got almost everything I heard this afternoon. I listen for about thirty minutes a day.

Dropped off a squirrel.

Monday, May 9, 2022

#1! Stone Mountain! Nana! 5.9.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:29 pm  

Last night I had another exciting finish on Duolingo. A lot of the competition is figuring out how to make a lot of points fast before your competition can respond. Every time I finish a set of lessons, I get a double XP reward. I save a bunch of lessons which have been done except for the last lesson of the unit so I can get multiple rewards one after the other.

There is a special test that you can take that is only offered for four days and the last three hours of the competition. I saved all those lessons up so I could get the most points when they really counted. Robin and I went back and forth for #1 the whole week. As you can tell, we were WAY ahead of the rest of the competition.

At the end of the evening, I came out on top by a whopping 2,000 points. The main thing is that I’m learning a LOT.

Want to guess what this image is for?

Penelope wasn’t feeling well last Thursday. Everly and I went to get her chocolate. This is how she likes her slushies from QT.



Quite cool morning, but turned out warm.

Went to my spot in Stone Mountain to record and talk to my Mom. I was distressed to see a LOT of trees with pink ribbons around them. That normally means they are targeted to get cut down which is something I’m never happy about. That’s especially because I depend on those trees to keep me shady in my car.

There are always a lot of movies being shot around Stone Mountain.

I’ve seen a lot of geese with their goslings lately.

I had a good talk with my Mom. Jessi came out to join our conversation too.

I ordered her a weather station for her house for Mother’s Day.

I realized to my chagrin that I didn’t have a hide a key for my car. Not sure when it fell off. Went to Lowes to get another made. Sadly, they didn’t have the blanks for it. Went to Home Depot to get it done. Also got another hide a key device for K to use. Hers was super hard to open.

If you don’t have these for your car, you should! Most car keys have a chip in them, but you can use one without the chip just to get into your car.


Adelante. I really enjoy learning.

Spent most of the afternoon resting. My back is still bothering me but it’s a lot better. Amen.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Español! Podcast! Groceries! 5.8.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:06 pm  

I saw Harry Potter is on HBO Max now. I get it for free from ATT. I’m looking forward to watching all the films again just to see how much I’m getting from listening to the books. So far great!

I think it’s good to review things like gender with words.

Went to the bank to deposit checks.

Added the information to our spreadsheet.



Ordered and picked up groceries today.

Finished cleaning up my staircase.

Cloudy and cool day. I actually wore my big jacket and knit hat this morning. Wow.

I’ve been seeing this tree with beautiful purple flowers recently. In the past, I’m pretty sure I mistook it for Wisteria. Turns out it’s actually the Princess tree. Dig that.

The bike rack keeps coming loose on my car. Decided to tape it to keep it secure.

Taped up all the loose ends as well. I like things to look tidy.


Transported two squirrels today. I saw four of them at my feeders this morning. It’s that time of the year.

I downloaded the episode of Verbal Surgery I recorded yesterday as well as the one I recorded this morning onto my Mac.

My headphones shorted out. Can’t stand that. Ordered another set.

Cleaned my vacuum parts.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Podcast! Yard Work! Cleaning! 5.7.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:40 pm  

I love carnivorous plants. I find them fascinating. I was excited to learn that there’s a carnivores plant grower near me. I’ll be visiting his nursery soon.



I love my orchids. These are the ones blooming now. I have flowers all year long, even during freezing weather!

The pollen on my deck is so heavy that I have to use a hose rather than a blower.

Cleaned my outdoor carpet. Keeps me from tracking stuff inside.

Cloudy and cool today.


Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Phase Two Shoes.”

Blew and cleaned off the sides of my house.

Cleaned and refilled bird baths.

After the yard work, I cleaned my “Phase Two” shoes. Not new, but not as rough as my “work shoes.”

Vacuumed the house.

Cleaned my staircase.

Friday, May 6, 2022

Penelope! Calls! Bills! Rest! Podcast! 5.6.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:48 pm  

Woke up at 5:30am and read a text from Ashley that Penelope wasn’t feeling well. She has a sore throat. Ashley kept the girls and took P to the doctor.

I studied for about an hour. Then went back to sleep.

Paid bills.


Rained hard.


Had so much fun talking with my buddies Anthony and Marcus today. I just laughed and laughed.

Rained about .5″


Spent most of the afternoon resting. That’s what seems to help my back heal the fastest. Enjoyed playing Horizon Forbidden West.

Released Verbal Surgery “Perfect Trajectory.”

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Grandgirls! K! Evergreen! 5.5.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:21 pm  

I was up at 5:30am studying.


Never too much girl time.

Talked to Everly about voting. We went to early voting this morning. There was hardly anyone there, so it wasn’t too scary for her. She doesn’t like big crowds at unknown places. Who does?

I told her which buttons to push and she pushed them. In a bunch of races I had no idea who was best. I let her pick those. She had fun.


Ordered groceries.

Adelante! That number at the top right represents how many units I’ve passed. Each unit has six separate lessons. My score represents over 6,000 individual lessons. And the course just keeps growing! Spanish is the second most studied language in the world after, you guessed it, English.

This England hat is my favorite these days. It was looking a little dirty. Gave it a scrub with warm water, dishwater soap and a soft washrag. Turned out great.

Mas y mas.

Everly helped me spray all the pollen off the deck. It was a lot!

Went over to Evergreen for a swim. It’s so lovely there. I go when the place is pretty much deserted: never during the Summer, holidays or weekends. It’s good exercise for her. The hot tub helped my back.

We went to Burger King for lunch. I had the Impossible Burger. It really does taste like meat. I’ve been a vegetarian now for nearly four years. We also thought all the hundreds of drink varieties were fun.

K and I brought Everly back to Azalea. I took a nap with E for nearly two hours. I didn’t sleep enough last night. Penelope was complaining of a sore throat. E and I went to get her some food and treats. Seemed to help her feel better.

Went by my office to check the mail.

K and I went to eat at Piccadilly.

Gassed up my car and checked fluids.

Picked up groceries. I still don’t understand why everyone doesn’t do this. It’s WAY easier than going in. And only takes me an average of ten minutes there at the max. I couldn’t have even gotten the cart and gone in the store in that time. With $35 of purchases the service is FREE.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Grandgirls! Newsletters! Clean Up!

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:34 pm  



Everly likes being creative.

Rained this morning. Made it perfect for bringing out the bubbles.

Hot and Cold with Everly. She eats well there.

One reason why I love hanging out with the girls.

The girls helped me seal the envelopes.

Then they put them in the mail. I thought they’d have fun with that. They did.

I went into cleaning mode at the mission. Cleaned the fan. it was hardly making any airflow at all.

Scrubbed walls and baseboards.

I got Everly in on the act. She does well.

Waves of heavy weather in the morning and late afternoon.

Got the estimate for the work one of my back molars needs. Wow. Dental is so expensive. Even with insurance!

Voting season again. I’ll be voting early. Maybe tomorrow.

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