Whirlwind Missions

Monday, February 21, 2022

Podcast! Dan! Anthony! Outreach! 2.21.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:44 pm  

I was having a conversation with a friend of mine who also loves robots. I sent him this picture of me as a seven year old with my new robot. I thought I was the coolest kid ever.

One of my favorite robots.

Still true today.

I’m a big fan of Princess Bride.

I’ve been studying weather.

Good one.

Hard to finish this high on the leaderboard. Especially in the top league.

Really interesting article on stress.


Got a new night light for the bathroom.


Milder and rainy.


Great call with my buddy Dan Perez in Houston.

And with Anthony in the UK.

The pavement is getting pushed up by these big pine trees.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “What Now?” Very good.

Almost to the end of this over 25 hour book.

New word for me. Interesting how it can mean grin and grimace. Pretty different!

Ordered groceries.

Sending a pair of pants back that I bought for Kathy. Too big.

A letter I sent my friend bounced. He’s living in Tennessee right now. Forwarded it on to him there.

Downloaded the new episode of Verbal Surgery onto my Mac.

Sent an email to the director of missions for the Georgia Baptist Convention about hosting teams. We’ll see what he says.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Nana! Podcast! Stone Mountain! 2.20.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:42 pm  

I’m really enjoying this game. And so beautiful!

This really cracked me up! So American!



Studied weather today.


The Queen has Covid. I have a special relationship with her because of her becoming Queen in Kenya.

We have some COVID tests at my house that the Government went us. I decide to use one since I’ve been coughing and feeling sick. Fortunately, I don’t have COVID.

Great talk with my Mom.

Straightened out our Go Daddy account.


Nice hike around Stone Mountain.

I love shooting nature.

He looks happy.

Milder night temperature means I could take my carnivorous plants outside for a while.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Podcast! Nana! Walk! Forbidden West! 2.19.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:18 pm  

Not feeling great. Stopped up, headache and some coughing. Mainly just tired.

Duolingo has had such an influence on me that I recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery called “The Duolingo Effect.” Here’s how I did last week.



My keep studying face.

Beautiful weather. But windy.

Had a good talk with my friend Barbara Hays. I’ve known her family for over 50 years!

Deposited checks. Amen.

Had a nice walk. Even though I’m not feeling well, getting some air seemed to help.

While I walked, I talked to my Mom. Always a blessing.

I always enjoy seeing geese. These were at Stone Mountain.

I planted a Cherry Blossom tree in my yard two years ago. I hope it has a few blooms. It doesn’t get much sun. I saw my Pink Magnolias were budding out. I hope it doesn’t freeze and kill the buds.

These trees are in Stone Mountain Park.

Harry! Nearly finished the book.

Released Verbal Surgery -920- “Drawbridge.” Excellent!

I’ve been trying to rest more to get over my cold.

Having fun playing the sequel of my favorite game “Forbidden West.”

Also watching “The Expanse.” Cool sci-fi series.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Grandgirls! K! Yellow River Wildlife Sanctuary! 2.18.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:39 pm  

I’m feeling a little under the weather. I had a headache and was tired this morning. I felt better later this afternoon.

I upgraded my iPhone’s iOS this morning.


All my girls!

Great to have K with us today! And Penelope!


These came in the mail today.


We had a great time at the Yellow River Wildlife Sanctuary. K came with us. There were enough seats and the pavement was easy to walk on for her too.

The girls have been working out.

Ride ’em!

Good walk.

Metro Diner for lunch.

Miles came and picked the girls up this afternoon. The kids at Azalea are out of school.

The nightlight in our bathroom conked out. Got a new one ordered.

Repaired a hole in my comforter.

Vacuumed the house.

Cleaned the vacuum out and let it air dry.

Cleaned my shoes.

Horizon Forbidden West released today! Looking forward to starting to play that this evening.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Grandgirls! K! Azalea! 2.17.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:51 pm  

I helped Kathy make an application for an appointment with an eye doctor this morning. Took a while to get all the forms filled out. She would’ve had a really hard time doing that by herself.

Seth Godin has been a favorite author of mine for years. I’m pleased to have been invited to participate in the Carbon Almanac. It’s a major work to help fight against global warming.



Incredibly mild day.

Love my girls! Everly enjoyed riding her bike around Global Mall.

I enjoyed my time with Everly today. We are both a bit sick. Everly is worse off than me.

I thought this splatter was cool.

We went to Kroger to pick up some meds for Jessi and get some chocolate Easter bunnies.

I’ve been impressed with Everly’s desire to write her name. I think she’s really doing well.

This morning I helped my buddy Anton with a project for his business. His distribution company sent me a dog bed he is selling. I showed him how the condition the box got to me. I took pictures and did a live conversation with him as I unboxed it. He lives in the UK. Technology is so cool.


Very windy today.

We enjoyed eating Mexican food.

Worked with the kids at the mission. I liked the artwork they did for me.

I wrote the NOAA about a cloud formation I found interesting. I got a reply from them today.

I have a trash can in my back yard where I keep the dog food and bird seed I give to the wild animals in my area. I love birds and really enjoy watching the raccoons and opossums that come to my feeders in the evening. I have a red light so I can see them. The night animals can’t see red light.

Finished set up.

I refilled all my feeders and cleaned out the bird baths before I came inside for the evening. As I mentioned, I’m not feeling well. I plan on trying to go to sleep early tonight.

I couldn’t get over how warm it was this evening. I was outside working in short sleeves.

I’ve been studying Spanish first thing in the morning and then again a shorter session in the evening.

I had an extended conversation in Spanish with one of the kids this evening at the mission. It’s the first time that I remember that happening because normally the kids prefer to speak in English. It felt like a breakthrough to me.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Grandgirls! K! Azalea! 2.16.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:32 pm  

Love this.



Love my girls!

Everly wasn’t feeling well today. I bought her some new shoes to cheer her up.


Took the girls to eat Vietnamese. Love their sandwiches.

Helped the kids at the mission. I’m trying to preserve their privacy. The kids think it’s funny.

The sunset was fabulous.

Picked up my groceries.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Grandgirls! Lilburn Park! Azalea! 2.15.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:59 pm  

Wow! I never thought Japan would get THAT cold!

What media do you ingest? I watch CNN since I used to work for them.



Beautiful day!

Love my girls!

I took Everly over to the Lilburn City Park this morning.

I’m always looking for stuff on the ground. Found someone’s High School ring today.

I spent time trying to track them down this evening to no avail.

Everly and I ate at the Buford Highway Farmers Market for lunch. We took Penelope some food. She really got into the chocolate cake!

She’s so funny!

I had a good group of kids today. Most of them don’t like having their picture taken so I try to give them some privacy.

Nearly to the end of this book.

Went to pick up my groceries this evening. For some reason the app messed up and the groceries were ordered at the wrong store. I’ve only had that happen once before out of the at least one hundred times I’ve done pick up. I cancelled the order (there wasn’t much) and reordered the items at the store I go to all the time. Called the other store to let them know what had happened.

Beautiful sunset!

Went by my office to check the mail.

Gassed up my car and checked fluids.


Released Verbal Surgery “Scar Wash.” Heal!

Downloaded the Verbal Surgery episode “WYSIWYG” onto my Mac.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Valentines! Live Stream! CPAP! Podcast! 2.14.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:11 pm  

I thought this would be pretty bad, then I looked at Barry’s hit list and I liked a lot of them!

Jessi fixed an issue I was having with the website.

It’s interesting how I respond to this competition stuff. Definitely makes me work harder.


I called the CPAP place. They said they’d received the orders from the doctor BUT they said they couldn’t reset it to the pressure Kathy needed. I must admit I got pretty upset with them, since this is literally a matter of life and death for her.

Called her doctor to let him know what was going on, but after waiting for a few hours I decided to take things into my own hands and figure it out on my own. I’m good at finding information and this is what I came up with.

I got Jessi in to help me. It’s always good to have a couple of sets of eyes on what’s going on. It never did make the two beeps, but it did have an unlocked icon. We reset the pressure to 12 and it worked! Amen!

I had a good talk with the Director of Missions for Gwinnett county this morning. Got some ideas but no firm commitments from him.

I did a live feed with a friend of mine from the UK, Ian Timothy. He has a big following in Europe. I always enjoy doing my thing which turned out to be very popular with his group.

Vacuumed the house.

Harry! Almost to the end of this book.

Cleaned out the bird baths and refilled feeders.

I always clean out all the pieces after each time I vacuum. Keeps it working at peak efficiency.

Full Sun Moonflower!

Watered my plants.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Kathy! Zoo Atlanta! 2.13.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:07 pm  

Tee hee!

I resonate with this.

Deep time.

I will check these out.


Cold and windy!


Kathy and I went on Safari to Zoo Atlanta.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Anthony! Feeders! Podcast! 2.12.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:33 pm  


Just do it.

Greg is one of my board members. He’s given me some great leads. Amen.



Fun chat with my buddy, Anthony.

I’m using regular tap water for some of my plants that don’t need distilled. I filled up three jugs with my hose this morning.

Swept off my outside carpet and filled my bird feeders.

Had a great lunch with Kathy.


Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery “Rocky Soil.”

Enjoyed playing Horizon Zero Dawn. The sequel to this game comes out on the 18th of this month. Really looking forward to that!

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