Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Podcast! Calls! 1.23.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:01 pm  

After testing positive, the last two tests Kathy has taken have been negative.

I may do this with my pumpkin. Looks like the coons would have fun with it!

That’s not zesty.



Cold again.

Ya yo se esta palabra.


Keep going.

Ashley worked on our websites. I gave her the information that I had and she reset passwords.

I’m not putting my carnivorous plants outside till after all this weather in the 20s abates.

Recorded the podcast “Lookist” this morning at Stone Mountain.

Talked to my Mom.

And to my buddy Anthony.


Saturday, January 22, 2022

Covid! Testing! Podcast! Boba Fett! 1.22.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:36 pm  

Everly wanted the Rapunzel doll. Came in last night.



Had a good prayer time with my buddy Mark Commagere in Texas. Sent him a little gift for a blessing. I used some of this oil for it.

I got my result for the covid test. I had a negative result as did Miles, Everly and Penelope. I also took J for a test and hers came out negative as well. Kathy also took a second test yesterday and hers was negative after showing positive just the day before. She went back for a third test today!


I ordered a new power supply for Kathy’s CPAP. The wire has been shorting out.

And filters.

I released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “First Thirst.”

I enjoyed watching Boba Fett on Disney+.

Had a good rest day. Didn’t even leave the house which is rare for me.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Covid! 1.21.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:50 pm  



I like this.

We are dealing with Covid today.




Knew this one from Harry.

I got the test results on Kathy’s swab this morning. Turned out Positive. That’s not good.

Everly and I went to Huntley Hills to get Penelope out of school. I called Miles and let him know the situation. He came straight home and then all four of us went to get the test today. Hopefully, we all turn out negative and they can all go back to normal, EXCEPT I won’t be able to help. I’m not sure who will be able to watch Everly. I’ll be exposed to Covid every day, at least for the next five days I guess. Then K and I will need to take another test insure we both are Covid free.

I thought this art by Penelope was really cool.

Mas Harry.

I’m surprised they don’t say to get tested.

Resting now. It’s been a hard week.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Grandgirls! Azalea! Freezing! 1.20.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:49 pm  


C’mon, guys!

Glad to see this.

We can do better.

Still good, baby!


Tallulah is a lifetime favorite. I turned 30 there.


Cold and wet.


Love my girls!

Grouping and counting.


Deposited checks.

I’ve started recording the stories I make up for Everly when it’s nap time.

Dreary day. It’s what I call “Europe Weather.”

Kathy was told yesterday that she had been exposed to Covid. She took a home test that came out negative, but the test was expired by a month. So she went to a testing center in Chamblee. We should get the results tomorrow, I hope.

There were National Guard folks out there helping.

Honestly, I couldn’t believe I had a bunch of kids come for help with homework. It was a new record for us: A wind chill of 30 degrees. We just keep going and I was constantly cracking jokes so it turned out fine. We were out there for about two hours. I was glad I had some extra hats. I gave them all away.

Checked the mail at the church.

Went by Walmart to pick up my groceries.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Grandgirls! Azalea! Sunset! 1.19.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:26 pm  

I ordered my set yesterday.


I’m not exactly sure what happened, but I got to Global Mall earlier than ever! You know it’s early when Google Maps is still black!


My girls!

So many beautiful clouds today.

Everly helped me clean the glass doors.

We got more rain than snow and ice.

Everly and I went to Pho 24 today. Vietnamese sandwiches are so good.

She had fun playing with Play dough.

Went to Walmart to pick up a few things including strawberries!

I thought it was pretty windy, surprised at this reading. We don’t have wind from the South very often.

Turned out to be a nice day. Still pretty cool for me!

Our new thing is to wait for Penelope to get off the bus while we wait near her apartment. I think she felt like only the parents with really little kids met the bus. Cool with me if she wants to feel grown up.

Penelope liked the strawberries too.

I called my appliance guys to see if I could get someone to come look at my washing machine. They told me they’d give him the message. He didn’t work today.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Juvenile Red Tailed Hawk I think.


The shots I was getting this evening were amazing.

So beautiful!

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Grandgirls! Azalea! ISS! 1.18.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:30 pm  

Good one.

From the Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal.


First thing this morning I checked Google Maps to see how my commute to Global Mall would be after the snow and ice. Clear sailing.

Cold morning.


Gorgeous! This was from my morning drive.

And this from when I got home this evening.

Great to see my girls!

I’m helping a friend with an unusual problem. He’s interested in using a botanica.

Adelante! After I write my blog, I’ll probably spend at least twenty minutes studying this evening. Particularly practicing pronunciation at full speed.

Got gas and checked fluids. Everly played on the rocks.

Ordered groceries. I’ll pick them up tomorrow on the way home. I hope. Sometimes they’re super busy and don’t have mine done.

Never too much Penelope! She’s such a blessing.

Took them to El Torerros for chips and cheese.

She’s learning to blow bubbles.

Helped the kids with their homework. It’s pretty hard for them. Impossible without my help, really. They need someone to explain how to do the stuff. Like how to multiply two large numbers with decimal points. Where to put the decimal point when the problem is finished.

As you can tell, it’s cold outside. I’m usually outside with them for two hours. Or more.

I remember giving her those hat and gloves.

Notification of the International Space Station. Tonight I saw it for my 75th time!


Getting ready for the big mission conference in Alabama in a couple of weeks.

Ordered Covid tests.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Nana! Movies! Rest! 1.17.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:21 pm  

Looks like we’re going to be in for a long winter.



I had to update my wardrobe to deal with all the snow drifts in my area.


Don’t think I’ll be able to see it this evening. Too cloudy.

Looked like the main roads were fine for travel.

Always more.

Very windy today.

I wondered what the temperature in Jerusalem was today. Colder than I expected.

My friend Anton wanted me to check out how well the dog beds his company makes is packed. I’ll do an unboxing for him.

Had a great talk with my Mom. It’s her birthday today! Woot! Love you, Nana!


I had a nice rest day and watched movies.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Snow! Anthony! 1.16.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:18 pm  

I love this.

Ultimate recycling.

This would be cool.


Let me at ’em.

Started snowing. Doesn’t seem too bad in our area. It’s supposed to freeze tomorrow which could make the roads a lot worse.

I thought this was wild.





Films and TV shows being shot in Georgia currently.

Had a fun chat with my buddy, Anthony.

Wow! This movie was terrific on Disney+ from National Geographic. About the kids caught in the cave in Thailand.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Bank! Podcast! Storm! 1.15.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:27 pm  

I find listening to the ATC interesting.

Big wintry storm headed our way this evening.


One day soon for me.

Here it comes.


I found Everly’s laser pointer.

Refilled Kathy’s truck’s radiator fluid reservoir.

Watered the inside plants.

Cleaned out the birdbaths. I’ve needed to do that for a while.

Deposited checks.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Wake Up Sauce.”

Friday, January 14, 2022

Grandgirls! PDK! Azalea! 1.14.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:00 pm  

We are expecting big weather this weekend.

It’s interesting to read about what affects GPS. It’s important to have a GPS lock when you’re flying drones.


Makes sense.


It was cold.


Setting up websites differently. J is in charge of that. Ashley does a lot of it as well.

I really enjoyed hearing this song today. It made me feel “full.”

Love my girls!

I like this perspective.

Everly and I went to Goodwill after going to Waffle House. She bought two computer devices for learning letters and sounds. She helped me figure out the sizes of batteries (Double AA and Triple AAA and what those words meant), that the flat part went against the spring and how you pushed it in.

We worked on brushing teeth.

Trimmed bangs.


I’m always glad when I can get Everly to take a nap. We rest and we feel better.

Did some verb review this evening.

I love how maternal Everly is.

I took the girls to the Downwind Airport at PDK Airport.

I practiced with my FlightRadar app.

Then to the Airplane Park. It’s a nice one-two combo.

Helped the kids with homework and learning multiplication tables.


Checked the mail at my office.

Picked up Jess from work.

Released Verbal Surgery -911- “Watching the Show.” So good.

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