Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:32 pm  

I’m sitting at my computer watching Tour de France which starts today! Sweet! Originating out of London. Fantastic video. I love watching the country go by with the camera riding on a motorcycle. I had SUCH a good time watching some of my biking heroes race by around my own Stone Mountain earlier this year.

My favorite is George Hincapie. He was with Lance for his 7 wins. I don’t reckon he’ll win, but I’m pulling for him.tour de georgia
Checked email and calls.

Ran 4 miles this morning.

Ashley and I went to get the new Mac computer. She’s getting into the digital design work for our ministry. In particular working on brochures and our maps. I think she’s really going to come up with some great stuff.ashley's mac

Ashley and I also ate Indian food together at Vikyhat restaurant. I love that place. Not only is their curry fantastic but the Patels speak Swahili too! They’re originally from Nairobi. It’s a hoot to order just like I was back home in Kenya.curry
