Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

North American Mission Board Video!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:51 am  

You may remember several months ago when the NAMB video team came to do a story on the multi-generational Cummins family!

The board posted the video on their website and on YouTube.  Here’s the story for your viewing pleasure!

Monday, May 18, 2009

First Baptist Atlanta, Perimeter, Azalea and Towing!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:08 pm  

Had a fun time with some of my favorite partners today!
Jesse and I went to First Baptist Atlanta to meet with my partner Derrick Posten.  He’s really suffering with back problems.  Looks like he’s going to have to have surgery soon.  Pray for him!
I wanted Derrick to meet another one of my best buddies, Carlos Salaverria.  Carlos is extremely talented and brings a wealth of experience to our team here in Atlanta.  He’s another of our North American Mission Board missionaries.  His task is to work with our Hispanic churches to get them more involved with the community!

About three weeks ago First Baptist hosted the Easter Impact Atlanta where they mobilized 170 people in 15 different complexes around the metroplex.  The great news was that over 124 people accepted Christ!

The hardest part is to get those people discipled and then into a local church.  That has traditionally been the hardest part of our job.  Carlos and Derrick and I are trying to eliminate that gap in the process.  Carlos is working on a dicipliship course that I think is going to work out great!  We’ll plan on mobilizing the teams from Impact Atlanta to be our follow up leaders.  With backup from the local Latino churches, I think this is a plan that can really work.  But it won’t be easy!  We really need your prayer support as we roll this new strategy out!
After FBA, Jesse and I went to Perimeter church.  These two churches are my two favorite partners out of the whole city.  So I was doubly blessed!  I talked with my partners Debra Potter, Jackie Deiter and Chip Sweeney about our Compassion In Action outreach in the Fall. I’m really looking forward to some exciting partnerships!
From Perimeter J and I went to check the mail at my office at First Baptist Doraville then to Azalea Mission.  We had fun with the kids there.  I had a little gift for Clinton that he swore he’d share with the other kids.  It was a DVD set of the animated show Naruto.  They were SO excited about it!

Then we tried to start the car.  Nothing.  Clicking sounds. . . then nothing.  We go the cables out and tried to jump it off.  Clicking and nothing.  So I finally called AAA to bring over the tow truck.  All my cars have over 100,000 miles so I’m a big believer in AAA! 


After about a 30 minute wait the driver hooked us up and took my car back to my mechanic in Stone Mountain.  Hopefully, it won’t be too expensive!

Ashley’s been working on an art project with paper mache! Groovy!

C’est la vie, baby!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

King Tut!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:29 pm  

Spent this morning studying Samuel.  Transition of power between Saul and David. Fascinating!

This afternoon, Kathy and I went to the King Tut exhibit at the Atlanta Civic Center.

  I’d seen the sister exhibit (there’s 3) in Philadelphia.  It was fun to see these artifacts nearly 3,500 years old!  Beautiful artwork.  A real world class exhibit! These pictures are actually from the gift shop, since you aren’t allowed to take pictures of the actual artifacts!
I’d still like to see the original exhibit in Cairo one day!  They don’t let the full death mask out of Egypt any more.
It’s incredible to think that this minor Pharoah, only 19 years old, scrubbed from Egyptian history, is the person that most people think about when they think of Pharoahs!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

First Redeemer at Azalea Place!

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:24 pm  

Jesse and I went to Carniceria #1 to pick up a pinata for the party at Hamptons at Lenox.

We bought a bunch of candy to put inside it.  While we were there, we saw Pedro Yanez, a buddy of mine that I’ve known for about ten years.
He used to live at Azalea.  He had his wife and two little boys with him.  It was great to see one of my kids doing well!

We went over to Azalea to help the team from First Redeemer host a block party.  On the way over to the mission I told Jesse, “Looks like it’s going to pour down rain.”  So when we got to the mission, first thing I did was have them move everything inside.  Sure enough, about five minutes later it absolutely poured down.
We still had a great time with the kids.  The team cooked hot dogs and had chips and ice cream for the kids.  They had a terrific time!


After our outreach event at Azalea, Jesse and I went to Walmart to pick up some supplies for the mission then over to Hamptons at Lenox to take them the pinata!  I’m sure they had a great time at that party too!

We also went over to Huntington Creek to check on Ian and Ruthie North.
Jesse had a CD for them and I wanted to pick up my video equipment that he’d been using.  I got him his own camera to use now, so I’ll keep the old one at my house.

Came home and went for a 4 mile run with my sweet ol’ Sugar dawg.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Coin Show!

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:47 pm  

Jesse and I had an unusual day today!  We went to a large numismatic show!
Jesse is interested in collecting silver as in investment so we went specifically to look for silver “Walking Liberty” dollars from 2006.  We were able to find six of them, so he was really happy!  They’re solid silver and worth about $20 each.  We got them at this big show for $18, so that put a smile on his face.

Lots of interesting old money there, primarily from the USA.  I’m more interested in ancient coins, particularly from Roman/Greek and Biblical times.  I got to handle a Greek coin that was nearly 2,500 years old.  Sweet!
I’m a big Ben Franklin fan, he’s one of my heroes.  He was a scientist, writer, statesman, philanthropist. . . list goes on and on.  Did you know he invented the lightning rod, rocking chair and bifocals?  Or that he started our first library and fire department?
He was our ambassador to France and the French government made a coin in honor of his 300 anniversary of his birthday in 1706. So I bought a coin that has his picture on it and lightning.  It’s cool!

Other neat thing was that they had a bar of solid gold.  Nearly 2.5 pounds that we got to hold!  Worth about $30,000.  Incredible.

Also a gold nugget found in Alaska: 22 oz!

Also had some exhibits of fossils and butterflies that I also thought were really awesome.
Got to see examples of the 30 pieces of silver that paid off Judas.
And the widow’s mite!
Plus gold bars from shipwrecks!
So we had a good time.

We’re back home now.  We hope to go to see Angels and Demons in a little while with Ashley.  Kathy is enjoying a bike ride around Stone Mountain!

Groovy day!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:48 pm  

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Clarkston and Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:46 pm  

Video Blog!

Today I had my wingman AND my wingwoman with me: Jesse and Ashley!

Had a great time with Howard Greer from FBC Conyers this morning!
Ashley and Jesse and I took him around to meet with the students at Dekalb Tech and their ESL program.
The students were all super friendly.  We met folks from Burundi, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Bhutan, Burma and Mexico. . . .to mention a few!

We met up with Bennett Ekandem to let Bro. Howard take a look at one of the missions and get a feel for how his church could get more involved in the mission field.  Fun!
Jesse, Ashley and I went to my office in Doraville to check on the mail, then over to Azalea to see how the kids are doing.  Always fun to spend time with them!

Also picked up the Lumina from Huntington Creek.  The North’s have been using that car.  Now that they have another one to use we got that one back.  The van that Kathy uses doesn’t have AC, so in the summer she needs the Lumina.  I’m glad that God worked out the timing so perfectly!

Ashley and I went to Kroger to do the shopping for the family and gased up the cars.

Then I ran 4 miles when I got home.  Still pretty hot!

Kathy’s not feeling well tonight.  Pray for her!

Here’s a Stooooory Tim on camping with Hippos in Naivasha!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

NAMB! Reboot!

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:21 pm  

Today Jesse and I took a ride up to Alpharetta for me to do a short presentation with the new candidates for the North American Mission Board.
This is always one of the highlights of my month.
They were a very enthusiastic group, as always!

I was supposed to be at another meeting for lunch with the property managers of Chamblee/Doraville.  Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to figure out how to be at two places at one time.  If you figure that out, send me the memo!  Glad to see my manager friends understood.

We went to check on the kids at Azalea.
They don’t really have any homework, so we just hang out there for a while and check to see that everyone is doing ok.  They’re always entertaining!

Picked up bills at my office at FBC Doraville.  It’s a weigh of life!

Then over to Huntington Creek to drop off a case for Ian’s new video camera.  I sure do love mine!

Final assignment was at Reboot, my partners that help with refurbishing computers for use at the mission.
They’ve made it possible for thousands of kids to have access to the internet and be able to print up their papers.  It was good to meet with their director and see how we can help each other even more in the future!
Then back to the house to start working on homework!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

City of Refuge!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:58 pm  

It’s always great to spend time with partners!  One of my favorites is Jason Leming!  We’ve worked together for nearly eight years now.  Jason was a terrific leader at Perimeter Church.  We set up ministry with over 900 students in 30 different complexes together!  In the last few years his ministry has become more focused on helping the least and the lost.  He has a great entrepreneurial mind which translates to helping people discover their talents and start their own business.  It’s been great to see him bloom in his new position at a ministry doing incredible work:  City of Refuge.

One of saddest things I deal with is a homeless mother with kids.  If there is no domestic violence involved there was basically no where for them to go.  City of Refuge has filled that gap in a wonderful way.  It was terrific to see what they’re doing in troubled mom’s lives!

Please pray for City of Refuge, a ministry partner working on “the most dangerous street in Georgia.”  They’ve had four homicides less than a few blocks from their campus since January!  God is doing a great work there and I feel confident that those statistics are going to change in the years to come!

I took the group out to eat at a new food fave, thanks to Jason! Ever heard of ChowBaby? Excellent stir fry at 1016 Howell Mill Rd.

I took Ian and Ruthie North to meet Jason today.  Ruthie is working on her own microenterprise ministry:  Refugee Beads.  I wanted her to get to know one of my partners with a similar mind set.  Jason is also very involved with the music scene in Atlanta something that Ian really resonates with.  Of course my faithful wingman Jesse was also with me–what a blessing!

Today I took the Norths over to Lenox Square to pick up another of the Sony HD cameras that he can use with his ministry with the kids. 
It’s still amazing to me that a camera so small can shoot HD video for less than $170!  I’m looking forward to seeing what Ian can produce with that little camera.

We also went to Willow Branch to participate with Jesse and his guitar class. 


It’s always fun to watch Jesse do his thing.  His students, including Bennett, are doing great!

Bennett is doing a wonderful job with the refugee kids! It was great to see Susan Coker there today. She’s one of my heroes!

My knee was still bothering me this afternoon.  Hope to get back for a run tomorrow!

And now, for your viewing pleasure:  Stoooory Tim!  Here’s where I see weird lights in the sky in S. Texas!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Kingdom Wise!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:01 pm  

Kathy and I had a fun Mother’s Day together!

This morning we had a great time with one of my favorite partners:  Todd Harrison. 

He has been a huge partner and supporter of our ministry for years.  His company has supplied drinks and snacks for thousands of kids at the missions!  He has started a new business where he’ll provide supplies that churches regularly need: paper towels, trash bags, foam plates, etc.  He sees his business as a way to minister to churches and provides these supplies at a fraction of the cost!  I’m looking forward to helping him help my partnering churches!
We enjoyed good company at Madina in  Clarkston.  It was fun to see Bennett Ekandem there too!

Jesse and I went over to visit with Ian and Ruthie North.  J is helping them figure out their website.  I also wanted to take a look at the signage she came up with.
They were both feeling a bit under the weather.  Not really sick, just weak.  Certainly know the feeling.

Then we checked on the kids over at Azalea.  We helped Mustak with some math problems.  He wasn’t too happy to have homework!

The kids were racing down the hill in this Barbie car.  Crazy!  I was glad I had bandaids and antibiotics!


Came home and tried to run.  My knee was hurting me so I aborted the mission. I biked about 11 miles on Saturday. Took its toll! Maybe tomorrow!

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