Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Clarkston, Sony camera & Bengali speaking Mexicans!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:25 pm  

This morning  I was supposed to have a meeting with my computer partners at ReBoot.  They help us refurbish old computers to outfit the missions and families that need computers.  Unfortunately, the timing didn’t work out so we had to reschedule for next week.

I went by Clarkston to drop off the two new Kinyarwanda Bibles I had for my partner Terry Earl and to see the Wonderful Wednesday program at Clarkston International Bible Church.
Then Jesse and I went over to Clarkston Community Center to say hello to my partner Cathy Palmer and to bring her some more yarn from one of my partners at NAMB.

We then met up with Ian North to eat lunch and debrief all the missions conferences that we worked at this weekend.  He’s also putting out his first news letter this month.  Busy!
My other assignment today was to pick up a new video camcorder that could shoot in HD.  After research I decided on the Sony MHS-PM1.  It’s a tiny guy with a big heart!  Shoot 1080i true highdef video and has a 5 mp sensor.  I picked it up at the Sony Style store at Lenox Square for about $170 which I thought was a great price!  I want to do a lot more with video and I think that it being so portable (it’s about the size of a box of cigarrettes) will enable me to do that. Always great to get a little extra money from my tax returns!

I liked some of the displays at the mall! Cool!

Not sure if you watch the Story Tim videos, hope you do.  I think they’re all really funny or interesting! Here’s a sad story about a car wreck I covered.

After picking up the camera, J and I went over to the Borders bookstore across the street from the Mall.  I think it’s the best bookstore in the city!

Then over to Best Buy to pick up a 8GB  storage card for the new camera.  Only $40!  Amazing how storage cards have gone WAY down in price.

Also went to check on the kids at Azalea.   We have a new kid at the mission named Tambir.  He’s from Bangladesh and speaks almost no English.  SO, I went around trying to teach the kids some of the Bengali phrases that I know.  They got a HUGE kick out of it!  The children I work with are very similar to MKs, we’ve both grown up around multiple languages.  I think we’re wired to pick up other languages faster than most people. The kids jumped right in with the “Asalaam alekums” and the “kamon asens” the “balos” and the “ajamai.”  It’s always fun to learn new things!
Came home and spent about two hours mowing my yard.  My throat was bothering me this afternoon.  Kinda scratchy.  After all that dust today, feel pretty weak.  Pray that I keep my strength up!

Also pray for the people suffering with the new strain of flu.