This morning Jesse and I went over to the Kroger and Subway to pick up the supplies for the manager’s meeting this afternoon.
It was a good meeting! Chuck Vogt, my partner from Metro Lawns, made a presentation.
Chuck helps refugees start their own business. Also had Jouvens give out some fliers for his cleaning business.
It was good to see those guys in action.
Ian also came to the meeting to get to know the managers and the principals from the local schools. Groovy!
I liked this bumper sticker.
We went to FBC Doraville to check on the grills and the order ready for the Spring Impact Atlanta on the 25th. I need to get everything completely set up because I’ll be out of town that week speaking at a conference in Detroit. Sure I’m glad to have Ashley and Jesse helping me with that!
J and I also got some wood glue and a clamp to repair a guitar for one of Jesse’s students.
We took the food that was left over from the meeting to the kids at Azalea. J and I helped the kids with their homework.
Several of them had practice tests for the CRCT coming up.
We came home after we finished up with the kids.
Ran 4 miles. Felt like I ran all the way to Savannah. The lighting on the trees and flowers was stunning!
Working on email and the financial report next! Up again till after midnight!
And now. . . .what you’ve been waiting for . . . Stoooooory Tim!
Where I’m nearly killed by a bottle. Silly intern. . .