Whirlwind Missions

Monday, August 3, 2009

Trey and Bayo!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:11 pm  

This morning Jesse and I met up at El Toreros (mi oficina #2) with my great partner Trey Garrard!
Trey helped Ashley at her mission at Kensington Station. Whirlwind has been supporting him at Dallas Theological Seminary where’s he’s working on his degree so he can be a Pastor! He’s a great guy and I’m glad we got to spend time with him!

We went by office at FBC Doraville to pick up the mail and check on the internet connection from my partners Deborah and Ron Hayes. I’m glad that they got it working again! J and I worked on it for about an hour and the ATT guy said we’d have to call back the next day. Glad Ron was there to figure it out!

We gathered up toys that a friend and dropped off and took them over to Huntington Terraces for my partner Bayo Otiti to use. He’s doing great at the mission there and seems to be settling in well.
Went by Walmart to pick up some supplies then over to Azalea Place to go check on the kids and ask them how they felt about school getting ready to start. Girls were ok about it. Boys not so much.
Took Bayo back to the mission and Jesse and I came on back to Stone Mountain.

My back is better, but still not good enough for me to start running again.

Working on financial reports.