Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

NAMB & Bayo. DMV no go.

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:00 pm  

Jesse and I picked up Bayo at Huntington Terraces on the way for me to do my presentation at the North American Mission Board.
It was a great group of candidates at the board today!
After the seminar, we took Bayo to the Family Christian Book Store to pick him up a new Nelson Study Bible. He loves it!

Then on to Clarkston where we met my partner Joe Scott at Willow Branch.
He had a car that was donated to our ministry. After the donation, we give the car to on of our missionaries, in this case Joe! We went to the DMV, but unfortunately all the paper work wasn’t in order. We’ll get it next time!

Came on home to work on the new contract for our teams and my normal assignments.