Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mushrooms and Refugees!

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:55 pm  

Today I had a disappointment. I was looking forward to meeting up with my new Kenyan pastor friend. Unfortunately, he had wageni (visitors) in town so we had to put it off until tomorrow. Bahd luck.

The good news is that he’ll meet me up in Alpharetta at NAMB so that’ll save me lots of miles on the car!
Probably worked out for the best. I stayed up till about 1:30am working on admin stuff. Little extra rest is always good.

Had a fun family lunch today!
It’s been rainy and damp for about a week now which means that there are lots of mushrooms popping out. I walked about a mile through the forest searching for cool new species I haven’t seen before.


Went to Clarkston this afternoon to help the refugee kids with their homework while Jesse taught his guitar class.

Also took Bennett over to pick up his van. Glad I could help!

Back home now working on my home work.

I’ll lift weights later.

Kathy is running a slight temp and has a cold. Pray for her!