Friendly Village and First Baptist Atlanta
Had a busy day today!
Jesse and I went up past Duluth to let the new manager of the Mobile Home Park about the Outreach Event this coming Saturday.
I went in the office and I hear Spanish. But Spanish that sounded different. And some of it wasn’t conjugated correctly. I looked at the manager, who looks kind of Latino, and wondered. The lady is trying to explain something to him. After a while I just said in English, “She making sure that she has to pay a late fee if it is after the 5th.”
“OH!” he said, grateful for any help.
Honestly I thought he was doing really well. I know I make all kinds of mistakes. I’m sure I make up words all the time.
So when it was my time to talk with him, he was grateful and very excited about having the team on the property this weekend. GREAT!
The complex is called Friendly Village. Dig it.
Unfortunately, we never could catch up with Marco. Bahd luck. He’ll take care of letting the folks at The Falls know about the party.
We went to Azalea to check on the kids. Lots of homework.
It was great to see Jouvens this afternoon.
I don’t see him nearly enough. He’s working a lot at the Dollar Store. He’s being considered for Assistant Manager of the store. I think that’s great!
I dropped Jesse off at the church and went to pick up Bayo Otiti from Huntington Terraces.
We went together to First Baptist Atlanta. It’s always such a treat to see your friends again.
I thought this was interesting.
The colors on the trees are incredible.
On the way home I saw the Tornado Bus. We had some good times on that bus.
I showed the Jesus Film in Spanish a bunch of times on that bus!