Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Work and Stickers!

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:23 am  

This morning I worked on my financial report. Jesse helped me enter some data. Sure appreciated that help! We dropped that off at our treasurer’s house. Glad to have that job completed.
I’m in the middle of editing the team videos from last week. Shot a lot of material. I know the kids will enjoy seeing that!
K and I went for lunch at Red Robin. Dig those burgers! Also enjoyed my favorite thing: hanging out at the book store!

I thought this quote was interesting.

I was surprised it took 3 minutes to figure out Einstein and only 30 seconds for Religion!

Came back home to rest and work on editing video.

Another warm day in the ATL.
It actually hit 100 on my car briefly.

Then to Lawrenceville to meet one of my partners. We checked out some of the complexes in the area where we’ll host some block parties in a couple of weeks. One of the locations we go to regularly made it sound like we might not be able to again. Still not exactly sure why. Have to have a feeling of urgency with my work. No guarantees.

Enjoyed watching some movies with Kathy. Always groovy!

This tree looked like is was splitting open. Weird.

I thought these stickers were interesting.