Central! Shades! Global! Madina! Mission!
I got my new iPhone 6 on line today! Woot! I really like the bigger screen and faster processor.
Ashley and I enjoyed briefing our team on Islam and Hinduism today.
We had our dedication service, “It’s up to ME.”
And signing the Landing Pad.
Then off to Ashiana for delicious Indian food.
Spent time in the Hindu temple.
Then over to Al Madina to check out N. Africa and the Middle East.
Ashley and I came back to the FBC Doraville to get the stamps on the letters and then over to the US Post to mail them.
Went by the missions to check on the kids and say goodbye to the team from Birmingham, AL. I really enjoyed working with this motivated group of middle schoolers!
Stopped by Walmart on the way home to pick up supplies for the presentations.
Then home to work on admin duties and spend time with Kathy. I hope to finish watching Fury this evening.
I only had about 5 hours of sleep last night. Hope to get a full 8 tonight.
I don’t seem to be coughing as much so that’s good news.
Beauty all around!