Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Podcast! Mission! ACX! 9.4.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:50 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning. Hard subjects getting easier.

I’m speaking a LOT of Spanish at the mission with mothers and kids who hardly speak any English. Ashley had EIGHT ladies in her ESL class this morning! Way to go, Ashley!

I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery this morning called “I’mpossible!” Good stuff!

Took the Financial Report that Ashley creates to our Treasurer.

Got the groceries for the household. I’m enjoying using my own bags. I’ve probably saved using at least 100 plastic bags so far!

Started paying off my gutter and board replacement.

The squirrels did about $800 worth of damage. I had a report of a guy that had the same thing done to his house (remove the squirrels and fix the damage) and it cost him over $10,000! Glad I did the removal process myself. Took me a couple of months and relocated 44 squirrels. I see one every few days maybe now.

Paid bills.

Got a new coffee cup from QT. I normally drink tea and I have to keep the cups separate or it makes the tea taste weird. Been getting coffee in the afternoons on the way to the mission. It’s also cheaper if I use my own cup.

Came home for a short rest, then over to the mission.

Busy day with lots of kids needing help. Always enjoy hanging out with the girls!

Came home for a 9.06 mile bike ride.

Always pushing against it getting dark, although now that I have 5 flashing lights on my bike, I’m less worried about being unseen!

GREAT NEWS! Looks like I have the final approval for my new book to be on Audible any day now! WOOT! Makes me feel good that the project is nearly completed!

I’ll be taking some promo pictures with headphones on tomorrow with Ashley’s help!

Admin duties now.

Just a reminder.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Podcast! Girls! Doctors! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:44 pm  

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery this morning! Always my best therapy!

K and I had a great time watching the girls. Always a blessing.

We took the to eat lunch and then over to the park at Stone Mountain.

Afterwards, we took them to Lawrenceville to meet up with Ashley and Miles after their date time and horse riding. They had a fun time, too!

Did some research on doctors for Kathy, Jesse and me.

We have new insurance from last year after Blue Cross/Blue Shield stopped offering services to us. Our other issue is that our Dr. Pat is planning on retiring this month. I needed to figure out what the best course of action will be for us.

I got some new lights for my bike. As Fall approaches, I don’t want to be caught riding in the dark without being visible. It sneaks up on me sometimes.

Went for a 16.81 mile bike ride. Felt great.

Always something beautiful to see.

The clouds continue to be spectacular. Interesting shape at the edge of this one.

Cleaned and refilled my hummingbird feeders.

I have a solid system now. Takes me less than ten minutes.

I released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -589-

Link on Facebook.

Admin duties now.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Westside! Fish! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:37 pm  

Went to Westside BC this morning!

Brother Fowobi spoke today on the importance of who are we trying to please, man or God?

We also started the “Know Your Row” campaign to try to get people to know the names of our church members.

Came home to rest.

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

Can you see what I’m talking about? The “correct” answer sounds so weird!

Cleaned my fish tank.

Went for a swim with Kathy.

Kathy doesn’t ride her bike hardly at all, so I took back my bike seat from her bike and put the one I’ve been using back on hers. It was much harder than I thought it’d be.

Did a 8.84 mile bike ride.

Beautiful clouds.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Sp/Sw! Bike! Plants! 9.1.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:49 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning. I’m at nearly the end of the Swahili Duolingo course for the first level and I’m practicing past tense in Spanish. Both sections are difficult. I feel like I’m learning!

The road guys left our main corridor in a mess. Who knows when it will be repaired. Certainly not this weekend!

Went for a Personal Record in my bike riding with a total of 37.38 miles! Wow! Astonishingly, I still wasn’t all that worn out. Not anything like the running days when I could barely climb the steps after a long run. Great work out taking exactly 4.00 hours!

I did all three of my routes: Lucern, Garner and Evergreen.
I can tell when it hasn’t rained in a while, because the Yellow River gets really clear.

Cacti blooming!

I liked how these branches were twisting around.

I burned 1,744 calories in my ride, so I went to QT and had an ice cream cone to celebrate. Gassed up my car while I was there. The sign on the street said 2.55. Not sure how much I was charged now.

Watered my plants this evening. They are looking so beautiful.

Admin duties now.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Podcast! Girls! Bike! 8.31.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:01 pm  

Studied Spanish this morning. Worked primarily on past tenses.

Recorded a new podcast this morning called “Permanent Think.” What once was taken as fact (Like Pluto being a planet) now not so much. Same goes for OUR history. Does your memory hold you back? Powerful stuff!

People are resurfacing Tarleton Drive, the main road into our subdivision. They seem to do it about every four years or so.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -588- “Light Fight”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

There are always two sides to the story! Get them!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

We enjoyed having the girls over for the afternoon.

We had a nice swim in the pool and played with checkers.

Ashley went to ride horses and got some great shots. I decided to some shots of Penelope with OUR horses!

Beautiful polypore mushrooms near the pool.

I’m always trying to teach the girls about the world around us and to notice even tiny things.

My goal is always to exercise them to the drop asleep.

Surprisingly, Everly only slept about fifteen minutes and woke up. What?! We still had a fun time.
I built Penelope’s new tricycle for her birthday coming up 9.26.

Went for a 8.62 mile bike ride. Cut short because it started getting dark.

Beautiful clouds!

I plan on writing a letter to my friend Jouvens this evening.
Admin duties now.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Podcast! Jesse! Fish! Mission! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:19 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili. Yeah, baby!

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Typing Class!” It will release in about two weeks. How to memorize and learn faster!

Had a fun lunch with Jesse!

After eating, we went to the Nemo fish store.

I’m trying to figure out the fastest way to help kids learn the math facts of multiplication and addition tables.

One of my projects this school year is to take a picture with the kid’s name so we have a record.

Got a call from my friends at Rockbridge Baptist Church about some Bible Story pictures and teacher’s guides from Sunday School.

The girls had fun playing in their “boat.”

Went by Rockbridge Baptist Church to pick up the materials.

Went for a 11.00 mile bike ride. Used what I call the “Garner Loop” which goes by Parkview High School. It has some semi-dangerous areas to drive. Lots of traffic at a couple of places. I’m always having to figure out what’s the best routes. It has a couple of strong hills to practice on.

Beautiful clouds.

Tiny mushrooms growing in the backyard. I always find them interesting.

Gross yet beautiful.

Admin duties now.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Global Mall! Goodwill! Mission! Bike! 8.29.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:53 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning. Swahili on Duolingo is sometimes frustrating because the people they have doing it don’t speak English all that well. Sometimes the “correct” answer sounds really bizarre.

Cleaned and refilled my hummingbird feeders and regular bird feeders.

Went to Global Mall to eat with Ashley and the girls and do some shopping for The Show. We wanted to get a couple of new outfits. While I was there, I had a nice visit with my pal, Anthony Jacquin. Always great to see him!

Beautiful dresses!

Went to Goodwill near Perimeter Mall. Ashley got some clothes and shoes. I picked up a couple of new drums for the teams to bang on. We wore Penelope out.

Helped the kids with their homework. Great to hang out with the girls!

Penelope tried on Ashley’s new yellow shoes with her new Minnie dress.

I installed a couple more hoses to the down spouts to keep the water away from the house.

Went for a short bike ride.

BARELY missed getting poured down on. Radar looked like I was going to be ok. Sometimes weather moves faster than I expect. Had to walk the last hundred yards. Not safe to ride if it’s that wet.

Beautiful sky.

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Podcast! Carl & Jesse! Mission! Painting!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:19 pm  

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery this morning! Woot! Check out Verbal Surgery -587-
“WOW Power!” Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook!

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

Had a great lunch with Jesse and my friend Carl Barrington today. Carl was the president of the board for Whirlwind Missions for over twenty years! He has retired from teaching because of his cancer treatment. We’ve been having a great time of prayer together every other Tuesday.

Came home for a brief rest.

Went by FBC Doraville to check on the mail.

Then to the mission to help the kids with their homework.

Worked on helping Elvir with his reading skills.

Ashley helped me learn more about using my new MacBook Air. It was her old computer that Jesse was able to get going again. Amen!

Didn’t leave to come home till nearly 7:30 pm, so I didn’t get a bike ride in this evening. Beautiful sunset!

I did work on a carving that Ashley bought. I stained and put a preservative on it.

I look forward to seeing how it turned out tomorrow. May need to put a second coat on it.

Since it’s been getting dark earlier, I also repositioned my bike light to flash in the back rather than below me. Makes a lot more sense.

Put my new fan together. My old one stopped working yesterday. It was at least ten years old.

Jesse and I had a good conversation this evening about working on his new book and getting it ready to publish. Gave him some tips and ideas from my experience with Kindle and Audible publication as well as the printed version.

Admin duties now.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Podcast! Groceries! Mission! Bike! 8.27.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:50 pm  

Today I started to use my “new” Mac!

I’ve been looking forward to gettin out of the PC environment for years. My old PC is still working, more or less. I’ve gone to editing all the video I shoot on my iPhone 7. Editing video on the PC was making it crash. The computer I’m using now is Ashley’s old computer. It was having bad battery problems. We spent hundreds of dollars getting the battery fixed, but it still wasn’t charging. The repair guys said it’d cost over $1,000 to fix it, so we just went ahead and got a new one for Ashley. Jesse took the old computer, completely reformatted and redid the operating system. Seems to be working ok now! Not sure how long it will last, maybe years! So we are an all Apple family now. I’ll still keep the PC going as I transition completely over. I got an HDMI adaptor so I can use my Sony TV as my monitor. Groovy!

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Sneak Tweak.” How to change your body, in particular to lose weight. It’ll release soon.

After recording, I got groceries.

Went to the Post Office to get stamps for the newsletters.

Picked up the newsletters at the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association or AMBA.

Then to the mission to work with the kids! They helped us do the labels.

Got the letters in the mail!

Doughnuts for a treat!

Then I let the kids play with bubbles, play dough, and jump ropes. They had a great time!

Aiyana did a great job on her poster!

Came home to ride my bike 10.76 miles. Almost went too long, got pretty dark.

Crazy pool float!

Different bumper sticker!


First blog post complete on my Mac! Yeah, baby!

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Westside! Newsletter! Bike! 8.26.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:05 pm  

Studied Spanish this morning and Swahili later this afternoon.

Went to Westside BC with Kathy.

We had three kids get baptized today. Awesome!

Pastor spoke on the importance of evangelism. Get to fishing!

Tanesha joined the church this morning.

Ate lunch with K.

Had a rest.

Then wrote my article for my newsletter.

Printed labels.

Produced it and sent it to our friend Joel Harrison to print.

Went for a 16.03 mile bike ride. Would have gone longer but started to get dark.

I’ve ridden over 85 miles since last Sunday. Wow!

Got a notification on how far I’ve ridden this month.

And I still have five days to go. It’s astonishing how good my body feels after riding a bike, even for nearly three hours as opposed to running. Running beat me up. Does this sound like a lot of miles to you?

Watched with interest the news concerning the President and all the legal troubles he’s encountering. No doubt in my mind that he’s done many illegal things. Sad.

Admin duties now.

Ever wondered how many calories are in a pound?

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