Whirlwind Missions

Friday, March 29, 2019

Podcast! Girls! Cherry Tree! 3.29.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:27 pm  

I’m getting back in the habit of practicing brain training in the morning and in the evening. Helps me be more focused and calm.

I don’t always do as well as I’d like, but that’s why I practice!

But going from my normal extra-exuberant self to dead calm is a skill worth developing.
I also continue to study Spanish.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -648- “Line in the AND”

How you describe yourself changes you! Click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook!

I just now put the link on my Twitter feed. Something I’ve never done before! The Mac makes it easy to do. Just a matter of organizing and creating a habit of doing it.

I’m also ramping up my email lists. I got a clear word from the Lord about all the work I’d done collecting and putting those lists together. “Son, you’ve done all the mining, it’s time to start getting the jewels.” It’s true. I worked so hard collecting those email addresses and then did basically nothing with them. That is going to change!

Had a fabulous time with the Grand-girls! Lunch at Taco Veloz.

Penelope was getting a little too enthusiastic painting her face with ketchup. LOL.

Next stop was Walmart for some new shoes for Penelope. While I was there, we checked out the flowering trees. I’ve really loved my Pink Magnolias! I got three of them a couple of years ago. I picked up a Flowering Cherry tree today! Even as I’m looking at this I may go back and get another one tomorrow. They are just SO beautiful! And the others I planted, including the Gardenias have really brought be tremendous happiness. For $29 I think that’s super cheap.

We had fun with the sprinkler on my back deck. I liked this shot of the sun through the trees.

I let them take a hot bath to warm back up! Then outside for some swinging and fruit, or what I call, “Food by God.”

Then to the Doggie Park!

I pushed them several hundred times and then handed them over to Miles’ dad, Jim! He’s a terrific guy and the girls love him. But, not as much as me! I have to be kind of tricky when I leave or Everly will throw a huge fit and try to break my heart. She gets really upset even if Ashley is there! But if she’s being swung, she’s so happy she doesn’t notice my disappearance. I even kind of snuck through he bushes to ensure it. I’m so crazy sometimes. Ok, most of the time.
Tim Ferris has a great blog that I enjoy. Here’s a part of it.

Admin duties now and to sleep very soon.

I have a new app called Sleep Cycle which tracks my sleeping. I’m interested in getting a data base of it going. I invested a few dollars a month to upgrade it so now it talks with my Runkeeper app. I want to see the correlation between exercise and deep sleep. It also tracks snoring. I snored for about five minutes last night. It even records it to let me listen. Wild.

I’m looking forward to my team tomorrow. Just reviewed the names with the pictures. All this memorizing that I’m doing is making be better and better at it. I just glanced at the twenty names and almost got them all the second time around. Wow.