Hose! Bike! Newsletter! 6.30.19
My water hose burst today. It was almost two years old. I spent quite a lot on it then because it had a life time warranty. Sure enough, they gave me a replacement today. I had the original packaging and receipt.
I also got a new spray handle. My old one was acting weird.
Went for a 12.80 mile bike ride.
The sun was marvelous.
When I was coming up the Parkview hill, my chain came off. I had it in the wrong gear. Rookie mistake. I was by the Mormon church. Three of their young guys helped me. They have a lot of experience with bikes!
Wrote my newsletter this evening. Also got the labels done. Still need to get stamps and get it printed.
Ny arm is still bothering me. Kind of hard to type.
Admin duties now.
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