Whirlwind Missions

Monday, November 9, 2020

Podcast! Bank! PNC! 11.9.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:04 pm  

Studied Spanish. It’s astonishing to me how many basic facts I am still learning.

Did my brain training. I’m happy that I still do very well even though I’m not practicing every day.

PNC bank holds my mortgage. I gave them a call this morning to verify my appointment at 1pm.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Graveyard Circus.” It’s a good one!

Had a great discussion with my buddy Anthony.

Went to my office to pick up checks. Then to the bank to deposit them.

At 1pm I went to PNC bank to get the insurance check for my roof repair co-signed. It took just over two hours to get that done. It was stressful because they were asking for documents that I had BUT didn’t have a hard copy of. I was very surprised by that because I had specifically asked the PNC people before I came what exactly did I need to bring. No mention of any printed copy was ever mentioned. still, we were able to work everything out. I thought Lisa did a great job getting it all squared away.

Then went back to my Bank of America branch to deposit the check.

Wrote an email to my roofer to let him know I was ready to get the repair started!

Blew the driveway and deck when I got home.

Did the grocery shopping. I’ll pick the order up tomorrow after working at the mission.

I woke up a little after 6am. I feel like going to sleep and it’s only 7pm! That banking stressed me out.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Calls! Plants! 11.8.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:23 pm  

Studied Spanish and did my brain training.

I haven’t practiced my breath work in six days. I did well this morning. Made me feel like all my work hasn’t been in vain.
I went to Stone Mountain to talk with my friends around the world.

Talked politics and humanitarian aid with my buddy Dan in Dallas.

Left a message with my fellow NoZe brother Chris in Colorado. He had his son with him this weekend and couldn’t chat. He’s a great Dad.

Also left a message with another NoZe brother David Hill in San Francisco. He was giving his son a haircut at the time!
Had a fun talk with my friend Elia in Italy. He’s a fan of my podcast.

Bob is one of my best friends. He lives in Scotland. We talked about the state of hypnosis conferences around the world and about the election results.

Left a message with one of my heroes Paul Vigil. He wrote me back a very kind note that made me feel special. He is the best close up magician in the world!
I spent over two hours on the phone.
Listened to Harry Potter on the way home.

I talked with my Mom while I ate lunch. Great to catch up on family news.
Watered my plants. It takes more water now that I have moved my outside plants in for the winter.

Watching the Queen’s Gambit on Netflix. Great series.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Grandgirls! Biden! Podcast! 11.7.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:18 pm  

Penelope and Everly spent the night with us last night. They went to sleep in our guest bedroom, but around 11:30pm came downstairs to sleep with me. Little sweethearts!

I watched the election returns and read Harry Potter in Spanish.

The girls had fun with sidewalk chalk and shaving cream.

Big news of the day is that Joe Biden was elected president. I hope he can bring healing to our shattered nation.

Studied Spanish.

Rode my bike 13.17 miles. That’s the most I’ve ridden in quite a while. I just haven’t felt like getting exercise. I don’t like getting cold.


I’m enjoying watching the Queen’s Gambit.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery “Mind Shower!” We all need to freshen up after this election!

Friday, November 6, 2020

Election! Grandgirls! Stone Mtn Carrilon! 11.6.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:14 pm  

The election keeps going!

Mild weather today!

Paid bills.

Full Sun Moon!

Beautiful clouds!


Everly noticed that my chair was starting to rip. Spent time sewing it up.

Took the grandgirls to Stone Mountain. We played on logs.

We counted the rings on the tree. It was 52 years old!

You can see the sap in this shot.

We went to the carillon side of the mountain.

Largest carillon in the world with 732 bells!

This was right before Everly fell in and I yanked her out.

I hung them out to dry. Perfect weather to get them dry out quickly.

Shoes never did dry out. They are in the washing machine now.

Penelope was fishing.


They enjoyed leaf fishing.

Gorgeous day.

Awesome polypores.

Studied Spanish.

Grandgirls are spending the night this evening.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Grandgirls! Library Park! Mission! 11.5.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:22 pm  

I listen to the Spanish version of Harry Potter every day. Last night, I also started reading the chapter I’ll be listening to. I don’t do it all the time, but it’s fun to see what’s coming up and study the vocabulary.

Got to Global Mall right on time.

Not sure what this sticker originally said.

Always great to see Ashley!

Got a headache and felt really nauseated after I picked up the girls. I may have to give up coffee again for a while.

Studied Spanish.

Last of the Scary Pumpkin guts.

Took the grandgirls to the Library Park.

Found this little nut. I wonder what made the hole?

Big squirrel nest, I reckon.

Beautiful clouds.

Some of the kids drew this at the mission.

Got all the homework done pretty fast today. They enjoy doing art projects.

Called the PNC bank in Doraville to set up an appointment on Monday to get the insurance roof check countersigned. PNC has my mortgage.

Listened to Harry Potter on the way home.

Beautiful sun.

Went by my office to pick up the mail.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Grandgirls! Stone Mountain Playground! Mission and Candy Throw! 11.4.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:03 pm  

Beautiful Full Sun Moon this morning!

Ashley always looks so beautiful each morning.

I thought this sticker was funny.

Scary pumpkin continues to melt.

Cleaned out the little Eureka vacuum.

Called the PNC bank about getting them to co-sign the check for my roof repair. I’ll probably go over there on Monday. Too hard to deal with the grandgirls and do that. Not fair to them.

The girls went to Walmart after we ate breakfast to get candy for the kids at Azalea.

We had fun at the Stone Mountain playground area.

It really is astonishing just how intrepid Everly is. She’s just barely three and is climbing up to the top of what is designed for 12 year olds. Zero fear. Penelope is much more cautious, but I’ve been very proud of her increasing courage.

Everly loves spinning in this. I tried it once. Completely freaked me out.

I spin her a few seconds one direction, then go the other way so she doesn’t get so dizzy.

I’m always studying Spanish when I have some down time.

Helped the kids at the mission with their homework.

Worked on math mainly.

Penelope and Everly enjoy playing with the other kids. EV was sleeping.

Once all the homework was done, we had the candy throw. Penelope was my partner today. She really had fun! Me, too.

When Miles got home, he helped throw some too.

Got gas. Nearly .25 cheaper in Stone Mountain than in Chamblee.

Picked up the groceries on the way home.

Studied Spanish while I waited for the groceries to be put in my car. I was about thirty minutes early for my time slot. I’m starting the mission earlier in the day because of the time change and the weather.

Went by my office to check the mail.

Interesting to see the election results.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Grandgirls! Azalea! Bank! Podcast! 11.3.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:11 pm  

Had a good night’s sleep.

I checked the weather and thought that these storms were interesting.

I was thinking about my British friend when this pulled alongside me.

Full sun moon!

I’m trying to figure out how to estimate F to C temperatures.

This is what our temperatures looked like in Centigrade.

Short chat with my buddy, Anthony. He introduced me to a group he was working with.

Picked up the grandgirls at Global Mall.

Great to see Ashley!

Cooked the girls pancakes when we got home.

I studied Spanish. Finished up the lesson after I got home. I’m really learning a lot.

Ordered groceries. Big list. Big money.

Text from our board members.

Helped the kids at the mission.

Heading home in the dark now.

I’ll talk to our insurance guy soon to see if there’s something better out there. But at least we know we’re covered.

Went by the office to check the mail.

I got the check from my insurance guys for my roof. It’s about $4,600. I have to have it countersigned by PNC who holds my mortgage. I went by to see what their hours were. Wasn’t on the door.

Deposited the checks I picked up at the church.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -804- “Rocks in Socks.” So good.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Chris! Anthony! Podcast! Carnivores! 11.2.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:26 pm  

Enjoying reading Inevitable.

Studied Spanish.

Beautiful, clear day.

Brain Training.

I’m really enjoying my new phone.

My carnivorous plants need to have a dormant season. I got them into their outside tray and took them outside. This evening I decided to bring them back in because it’s so cold.

Scary Pumpkin returning to the elements.

I enjoyed a great chat with my buddy Anthony. I actually called him twice between other calls.

Had a counseling session with another buddy of mine going through a rough time.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Instant Me!”

Did a study on Tae Kwon Do. I’m doing a version of Verbal Surgery called “Talk Kwon Do” soon.

Came up with some new titles for the show.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Podcast! Calls! Plant Migration II! 11.1.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:04 pm  

This is a great time of the year. I love Dia de los Muertos. Sugar skulls are one of my favorite art forms.

Great news!

Studied Spanish.

Brain training.

Scary Pumpkin.

I had a great talk with my Mom.

And with my friend in Italy, Caruso.

Can you spot the Pileated Woodpecker? There are actually two in this picture.

Enjoyed a chat and a recording session with my pal Anthony Jacquin.

I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Wake Up!”

My violets are starting to bloom again. So beautiful.

I have so many interesting plants. They fill me with joy.

I brought all the plants on the deck and by the driveway inside the house. I used the dolly and it wasn’t a bad job at all. Otherwise . . .

Cleaned out the bird baths.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Anthony! Podcast! Plant Migration! 10.31.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:28 pm  

Studied Spanish and did my brain training.

Mileage log, last of month.

Beautiful day but getting cooler.

The colder weather coming led to me getting all my plants inside.

Scary Pumpkin continues to frighten.

Today, for the first time ever I saw a turkey in the wild.

Here’s a turkey vulture.

They cut a tree down near where I record.

The sap comes to the top.

Powerful fronts blowing through make for fantastic clouds.

Checked on the windshield wiper fluid in Kathy’s truck.

Six months of the year, a few of my larger plants go outside. Today, I brought them back in. With the use of my dolly, it was super easy.

I clean all the leaf litter from them and add top soil.

Includes some new bamboo cuttings.


This evening I recited a couple of poems for a zoom meeting my buddy Anthony hosted. I did part of Hollow Men and As an Antidote for Fear of Death. Everyone seemed to have a good time.

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