Whirlwind Missions

Friday, May 1, 2020

Anthony! Bike! 5.1.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:57 pm  

Woke up early this morning and studied verbs.

Also did my Duolingo and brain training.

Had a good chat with my buddy Anthony.

Watched some El Dragon in Spanish.

Also listened to radio from Madrid, Spain.

Beautiful day today.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “List-o-mania.” Practical, great tips and how to get more done.

I got my video from John 2 recorded and shared with my buddy Bill Cordrey who is one of our pastors at Rockbridge Baptist Church. I was glad he liked what I did.

I biked 15.37 miles today.

While I was riding somehow my water bottle fell off the bike. Which was weird because I didn’t even notice it! I took the holder from Kathy’s bike and put it on mine.

I listened to more radio from Spain as well as Harry Potter in Spanish.

I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery today called “Slippery Push.”

That’ll release next week.

Been doing research on microphones to use with my iPhone.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Friday, May 1, 2020

Bubbles! Grandgirls! 4.30.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:21 am  

I did some studying about the Starlink program last night.

Made some lemon squares.

I also studied Spanish verbs.

This morning I studied more Spanish and did my brain training.

It was a cool day today.

The grand girls came over to visit. That’s always fun.

We had a good time with bubbles.

They also had some fun with me in the backyard. We picked up some sticks and I showed them some stuff about trees.

Worked on their hair. Gave Everly a little trim.

Filled up my car with gas after taking them back home to Chamblee.

I ordered some pinwheels for my yard. I always like that.

I tried to see the Starlink satellites tonight. It was too cloudy and it was just a very small chance of seeing it. I should have a better luck a couple days from now.

I created a PDF of the testimony that I gave for the case in London of a friend of mine who got hurt.

I left some voicemails with good friends of mine this evening.

I downloaded some other Starlink apps.

I learned how to record a video into iMovie directly from my Mac Air. That took some work as is typical for most projects. I think it turned out looking pretty good. I’m happy about it. I also used an external Samson mic. Made it sound way better than the computer mic.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

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