Whirlwind Missions

Friday, July 9, 2021

Grandgirls! Goodwill! Perimeter Mall! 7.9.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:56 pm  

I’ve always been a Churchill fan.


Por supuesto!

Looks Babylonian.

This struck me as funny. I’m going to record a podcast called Maximum Reality based on the other sign.

We were on Safari a lot today. Started at Waffle House and some rock climbing.

Mucho dinero.

I got the insurance for the mission squared away.

We came back from Good Will with two big bags of toys.

Included a helmet for Everly. We went trying to find her a bike. She needs one at her house and at mine. None that she liked.


Mas historias en Español.

.5″ of rain yesterday.

Polypores! One of my favorite mushrooms.

I was on a mission to find a new fedora straw hat today. Mine is still ok, but it’s pretty beaten up. I got it at J Crew. Went to Perimeter Mall to see if they had any. I wasn’t optimistic about finding one. Turned out I was right. None there. Maybe Lenox Mall.

Our first stop at the Mall was Shake Shack. Kind of slow but the portobello sandwich was really good.

We enjoyed the really sensual shops like Lush and Bath and Bodyworks. They smell fantastic and it’s fun to wash your hands with the scented soaps.

We enjoyed looking at the window displays. I had them counting fish.

I’d never seen an Amazon brick and mortar store before.

Rained a lot in the ATL today. We got a bit wet getting back to the car in the parking lot. NBD.

Made it to the frozen yogurt place before we went back home.

I really enjoyed listening to this. It’s fun to see progress in my comprehension skills.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Grandgirls! Playdough! Crows! 7.8.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:21 pm  

Un poco mas cada dia.

Got my girls!

These are Black-Faced Nonday Parakeets. I see them regularly.

Deposited checks.

The girls like to play on the rocks near the Walmart gas station. They think it’s like Pride Rock from Lion King.

Gassed up the car, cleaned windshield and checked all the fluids.

I sewed up a costume dress that Everly likes. It was really hard to sew. It didn’t turn out too well, but she can’t tell a difference.

OYB. Prayer of Jabez was a big deal years ago.

Palabras nuevas.

I liked the water drops on my banana plant leaves.

Pool party!

Fixed the girls fruit and corn for brunch.

I peel and cut these up.

I got some tiny cookie cutters that the girls really enjoyed playing with.

I briefly lost my reading glasses. I had them on during the pool party and got wet. I took them off when I removed my shirt and forgot where I put them. Nearly invisible. I hardly ever lose things.

I talked with our insurance representative. We are cutting the renewal close. Hate that. Wasn’t our fault. We should still make the deadline.


I really enjoy watching crows. They are my favorite birds.

Drove the girls home in very heavy traffic. A car caught fire on 285/Chamblee Tucker. The girls slept through it.

Checked the mail at my office.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Grandgirls! Podcast! Azalea! 7.7.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:28 pm  

I’m always learning. Even stuff I’m sure I know can be refined and restudied.

Love this picture of Carl Jung.

I feel this way.

Tengo que estudiar algo cada los días. Especialmente el Español.

Cloudy, but it didn’t rain at my house.

Love my girls!

Deposited checks that I processed yesterday.

Mas palabras así que puedo hablar mas precisamente.


Yesterday, the girls and I went on a walk down my hill. We examined these oil splotches and decided that it was the trash truck that was spilling oil everywhere. We confirmed that this morning when we could tell that it was leaking fresh oil.

I liked this little brown frog.

We had a good wildlife day today. On the way home, we saw a rabbit and a fawn! Groovy.
Had a fun talk with my buddy Dan Perez.

We brought toys inside to play. We went to the Dollar Tree to get some new accessories.

Sometimes when Everly is in a bad mood I start taking pictures of her. That usually makes her start laughing.

Mas y mas.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Walking and Talking.” Excellent.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Grandgirls! Hummingbirds! Checks! 7.6.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:43 pm  

Take a deep breath.

Español con DuoLingo.

My girls!

Bang trim.

I love sitting out here.

I usually study Spanish out there.


Everly made me food from black play dough. I always make a big deal of pretending to eat it.

Beautiful day.

Hummingbird mix. 4/1 water to sugar.

Cleaned and refilled bird baths while I had the hose out.

K joined the girls and me at Metro Cafe. I saw this big sticker on a pole nearby.

I let Everly bring some toys inside because the mosquitos were bad.

I’ve been doing research on Rick Beato, a man that Ireally admire. He’s an incredible guitarist and produces and records musicians. Turns out his studio is less than four miles away from my house! So I’m looking forward to making friends with him.

Escucho Harry Potter cada dia.

Went by my office to check the mail and water my ficus tree.

J had trouble getting his car started. It conked out a couple of times while I was trying to start it, but after I gave it gas to keep running, it worked fine. I drove it around a mile or so.

I processed the checks we got. I’ll put those in the bank on the way home from Global Mall tomorrow morning.

Paid bills.

I still use my Canon Elph 360 a lot every day. These pictures I took with it today.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Podcast! Calls! Rest! 7.5.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:38 pm  

Amen! I remember going to her house in Amsterdam.

Another horror.

Por cierto!


Light fog this morning.

I’m enjoying this bird song app. I’m learning some new sounds that I didn’t realize certain birds make.

I thought it was lovely today.

Went to Stone Mountain to record “ManMachine.” It’s a good one.

Also had a great talk with my Mom. I always enjoy that.

I’m getting a lot more this time than I did the last. I probably listened to this book over a year ago.

I’ve been enjoying this MasterClass with Dan Pink.

Enjoying playing Horizon Zero Dawn.

I was planning on biking today, but I decided to give my leg a rest. It’s had some numbness. I’ve been working out hard this week.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Podcast! Calls! Projector! Garden! 7.4.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:50 pm  

Happy Independence Day!

I thought this was a good birthday wish.

Siempre algo aprender.


Beautiful day.

I read the Cool Tools newsletter today. Kevin Kelly suggested this bird app that identifies birds by their song. Groovy!

I’ve found these short stories in Duolingo to be pretty entertaining.

I had a fun talk with my buddy Anthony. He always cracks me up.

I tried to talk with my Mom but she wasn’t home when I called. Hopefully tomorrow!

Mas Harry.

I love my new orchid. So light purple that it looks pink.

Watered my indoor garden.

Cleaned all the birdbaths out a filled feeders.

Rode my bike 5.88 miles.

I worked on my slide show/projector system. I got everything to work, but the computer can’t see the projector. I’m pretty sure I need a cable that goes straight from my Mac to the projector without going through a hub. The cable should be here soon.

Got the groceries. Even with no pandemic, I don’t intend to stop using curbside service. No good reason why. Although, if I need something immediately I don’t hesitate to go on in.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Podcast! Hat! Bed! Groceries! 7.3.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:39 pm  

Un poco mas cada dia!

Gorgeous day!

Muchos dias!

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Live on Accident.”

Crow feather!


Hip and some vertebrae. Maybe a squirrel. Transported one of those today.

Forgotten graduation already.

Even droopy they look cool.

Rode my bike 13.22 miles. That’s a distance more like I used to ride every day. More than double what I’ve been riding the last week or so. I felt like I could push myself a bit more today.

It’s been hot and the sweatband on the Ecuadorian Fedoria wasn’t doing it. So I used one of my sweatbands and sewed it onto the hat band.

I’m trying to wash all my bedding the first of every month. Got it done today!

We went out with Jesse to celebrate her one year anniversary of coming out as trans.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Greatest Hits Prep! Emissions! 7.2.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:21 pm  


I worked on updating the Keynote presentation of Outreach Greatest Hits for July 25th at N. Gwinnett Church.

I thought it’d last longer than 8 months!


Necesito estudiar!

I see this verb a lot.


Good word.

I put up all the girl’s toys.

Blew the garage, the driveway, and the deck.

Vacuumed the house.

Cleaned the glass doors.

Gassed up my car and put oil in it.

Got the emissions tests done on my car and Kathy’s car. Jesse’s car no longer needs the test. I always think the sign is funny.

Beauty is all around me.

I found the peeling paint at the emissions place interesting.

Part of getting ready for the Greatest Hits presentation is picking up what I need. I ordered more stickers from Amazon.

The Dollar Tree had most of what I needed.

Walmart for Red Thread.

Deposited a check.

Mas y mas.

Part of the prep for the presentation is stuffing 100 bags with a Red Thread, 2 Notecards, 1 pen, 1 mint, 1 snickers, and 1 Prayer Card. I think I’ll do the Paid stickers as part of the dedication time.

Easy way to transport them. Squishing the contents really doesn’t matter.

New episode of Verbal Surgery called “The Dark and Delight.”

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Grandgirls! Goodwill! Bikes! 7.1.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:02 pm  

Necesito estudiar Español cada dia.


Beautiful day. Didn’t rain at all.

Nueva palabra.

I went to Goodwill this morning with the grandgirls. I was flabbergasted to see the exact model of my bike! Over 15 years ago, Kathy and I bought matching bikes. It had been stolen from our hotel at Tybee. Part of me thinks they just now gave it to Goodwill. I’ll probably go get it tomorrow. Seems to me it’s worth $50 just for all the parts!

The girls really had fun. We rode them at the cul-de-sac at the bottom of our hill.


Mas historias.

I got both girls new bikes for a total of $16.00. I pumped up the tires and they were good to go. It was Everly’s first day to really ride around on a bike. Hers has training wheels.

Seems like everything in my garden is blooming.

It was great to see my pal Jon Paul this afternoon. I was glad he came by.

Rode my bike 6.07 miles. I’m still kind of getting back into biking after a layoff. Trying not to overdo it.

The house behind ours had a big tree fall. The county came in today to get it out of there and clean up the mess. I was kind of surprised that was a county responsibility.

Spent a little time this evening trimming some bushes in my front yard.

I will probably shape the bottom sections too.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Grandgirls! Newsletters! Antiques! Bike! 6.30.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:28 pm  

I should have known.

My new Yaber V6 1080p Projector came in last night. Pretty exciting what you can get for less than $250 these days. I watched a video about these projectors and his description of what it can do was pretty exciting. I look forward to using my new MacBook Air and this projector with the teams.

I decided I needed to read through the manual before hooking everything up, just to be sure.

I’m looking at portable screens.

I added a new orchid to my collection. I loved this light pink/purple!

Español. Por que no?

Love my girls!

I always keep my eyes out for this pair of Nanday Black Faced Parakeets when I’m in their area where Jimmy Carter and Rockbridge come together. There are a lot of them in S. Florida. Never seen them here. I first heard them before I saw them.

They are at this spot on this super high power cable regularly.

We had fun with shadows. The girls were really good at it.

I also saw this which I think is a Red Tailed Hawk. It’s substantially bigger than the Sharp-Shinned hawks that are in my neighborhood.

I took Everly for a ride in the Gorilla Cart. It’s hard in my yard because of the substantial slant.

Everly helped me make her some cheesy grits.

We stopped at the grocery store to pick up some fruit.

The box that my new projector came in was turned into a space capsule. Penelope drew lots of different colored buttons on it.

Estas typas de palabras son muy útiles.


I cut Everly’s fingernails and toenails. It’s always a challenge, but I figured out how to do it. Kit-Kat bars. The little ones. I rustle the bag really loudly. Show her what she’s going to get after the hands are done. Then I am as careful and as fast as I can possibly be. I usually say, “Ok, 1. 2. 3.” and I clip a bit with each number.

Kathy hasn’t been feeling well. I took her truck to get filled up and took her to lunch today.

I get a discount about every fifth fill up at Walmart for .10 off/gallon. Kathy’s truck uses the discount. Gas cost us $2.77.

Felt hot.

Put the stamps on the letters this afternoon.

Collated the newsletters and stuffed them. Got them in the mail. Amen.

Took the girls to an antique place. It was honestly kind of scary to take them there. Bull in a china shop scenario. They were very good.

She called this a “Pie Ay No.” I told her that it’s pronounced piano and that it was actually a cash register. I’m not sure she knows what that is either to be honest.

When’s the last time you bought something and they gave you cash back?

The girls got a kick out of the little TV.

I liked this old baby bottle.

I thought this tiny gold and silver globe was cool. It turns out that it’s really made of gold and silver and cost $269! They said I could have it for $95. It’s smaller than the size of your index finger. Just couldn’t see me getting that.

Then to frozen yogurt.

We were trying to decide what color the girl’s eyes were. We think blue on the outside and brown stars in the inside.

Mine are blue on the outside and gold on the inside.


I went for a short bike ride. I started hearing thunder and checked the radar. There were several cells that looked like they could get me in the next hour, so I turned back.

When I turned around, I saw this.

You can see a third faint violet stripe. That’s a reflection of a reflection. I’ve never seen a double rainbow that was compressed like this. Usually they are split up.

I liked this too.

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