Whirlwind Missions

Friday, February 4, 2022

Grandgirls! Toy Boxes! Azalea! 2.4.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:05 pm  




Dreary day which this evening is going to get into the 20s.

Everly and I picked out some fruit at the grocery store for breakfast.

Too cloudy for this!

This struck me as funny.

What state is this?

Healthy breakfast!

Valentine Day is coming! I’m continuing my tradition of buying Kathy a miniature rose bush and then planting them in my garden in the front yard.

Took a charger and external battery with cables to my sister-in-law Ann. She’s technically challenged.

Got some great news today. Jouvens is like a son to me. I’ve known him for over twenty five years. He’s been stuck in Haiti which is where his passport was from.

Pretty much got all the tax letters figured out. Ashley has done a terrific job on this project which has always been kind of complicated. With all the electronic transactions in the last couple of years it’s a lot harder then when we were just dealing with checks.

Keep getting them in the mail!

Big limb hit my roof yesterday. Hopefully, tomorrow it will be dry enough for me to take a close look to make sure that it didn’t penetrate my roof, which is completely new from last year. I’ve taken pictures and zoomed them in as well as checking it out with binoculars. Looks ok from that vantage point.

I got the girls a big Kit Kat which is their favorite, as well as Ashley’s. They were blown away by it. I couldn’t resist buying it because it just cracked me up it was so American sized huge. It’s actually a box with lots of snack sized ones.

The inside box looks like a Kit Kat too. Hilarious.

Helped the kids with their homework. Did reading and writing drills with them.

I thought this was cool looking.


I bought the girls some pink boxes that they could put their toys in and stickers to decorate them. I’m into them keeping their rooms picked up but they needed somewhere to put stuff. I told them “when they’re full, you can’t get anything new until you’ve given something away to make room.” They seemed ok with that.

I’m a big part of the clutter problem since I buy them stuff all the time, especially from Goodwill and the Dollar Tree.

I’m looking forward to the weekend when I can work on other projects and rest. I must admit this getting up at 6:00 AM and not getting home till 7:00 PM makes for a long day. When it was warm and stayed light later I often didn’t get home till nearly 8:00 PM.