Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Christ Church, AL! China Town! AZ & NP! 6.13.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:55 pm  


The Pink Magnolia that I planted has been attacked by this white powder mildew. Seeking out best ways to fight back. I’m going to try this citrus based fungicide.

There was some heavy weather in our area with lightning and thunder. It reminded my of my favorite number and its meaning in the I Ching.


Got to the mission early so I could study and walk.

I usually go into the house right at 8:00 AM.


Moving like a starfish exercise.

Sweet girls!



I walked again when I got home. Studied while I was doing it.


Serious competition this week. Still think I’ll make the Top 3. I’ll push for 2nd.

Got some new insoles in my shoes.

Great time with my team from Christ Church in Alabama. Took them to eat at Pho 24 and on Safari to Asian Square and China Town.

Great time at Azalea Place and New Peachtree Missions.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Christ Church, AL! Grandgirls! Bank! Car! 6.12.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:04 pm  

Had a chat with my mentor Fred Sorrels today. Encouraged him to get the Videoshop app for his phone.


Finished #2 last week in the Duolingo leagues, as I anticipated. I expect the same result this week.

Walked 2.62 miles this morning before picking up the grandgirls.

Love my girls!

Didn’t rain a drop. Amen.

Worked hard this month.

Talked to Tim about my insurance. Sure am glad he’s here to help me.

Gassed up my car and checked the oil.

Ordered new insoles. My feet were hurting today. Stood up a long time.

Deposited checks. Amen.

Had a great time with my team from Christ Church in AL. Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Worked at Azalea.

And New Peachtree.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Stove! Storm! “Walk!” 6.11.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:10 pm  

Know your rights.

Know your joy!

I hope this works. My hair gets so tangled. Maybe I’ll even let the grandgirls use it.

I can’t get over how much this picture reminds me of a friend of mine.

Big storms blew through the ATL. We got some rain, but I don’t think all that much. Every bit helps.



I’ve found that a glass scraper works the best for cleaning the stove top.

Because it was rainy, I walked forward from this spot,

And backward from this spot.

Just as fast as I could. Probably over 200 times for 45 minutes. Most bizarre exercise I’ve ever done. Still got sweaty.

Listened to this podcast in Spanish while I played Battlefront II. I understood more than 90% of it. I prefer podcasts that have several people having a conversation. They are way harder to keep up with.

I’ll come in #2 this week. I won’t catch Margarita. And Bonnie won’t catch me. Too much of a gap between us. Any time I crack 20,000 I know I’ve put in the work. Not surprising that I continue to improve. It’s not magic. It’s effort.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Walk! Tag! Bike! 6.10.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:08 pm  

I had a chat with my mentor Fred Sorrells this morning. It was 19 years ago today that we were in S. Africa on the Ellis Field watching the Springboks beat the All Blacks. It’s the highlight of the film “Invictus.” I have a picture of me and Francois Pienaar in my office.

Worked hard this week. I think it may be my all time high. Or close to it.

I noticed yesterday in my OYB that I have had my new Mac Air for two years. I have really loved this computer.

OYB! You may notice the writing in the margins of my Bible. They are the highlights of what happened that day, kind of a “blog light.” This Bible goes back to 2014. This blog on line goes back to 2004.

I’ve started doing my own clothes. When I’m biking a lot I generate a LOT more dirty clothes. It’s good to help out when I can. It’s kind of hard for K to do.

Jessi has bad dust mite allergies. We are looking at what we can do to help mitigate that.


Walked 2.14 miles while studying.

I worked out hard this morning and early afternoon because of the wild fire smoke alert. Usually I wait until later in the day.

Put the new stickers on my license plates.

Biked 12.85 miles.

Cool mushroom.

I also saw this turtle while I was riding my bike. I believe it’s laying its eggs.

I will break 20,000 points in one week tomorrow.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Grandgirls! MARTA! Downtown! Hard Rock! Pool! Bike! 6.9.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:07 am  

Edited the video I shot on Saturday for our team. Sent the email with the links to video and photo gallery.



Beautiful sunrise!

Walked 2.67 miles in Chamblee.


I tweaked the girl’s bikes including oiling the chains and pumping up the tires.

We had a great time riding the MARTA to Peachtree Center.

Chatted with Anthony on the ride.


Everything is big in the ATL.

Cool! I remember when this was for sale in Chamblee.

We came downtown to eat here as well as to ride the elevator at the Westin, which wasn’t open.

The big finish, “Death by Chocolate.”

We stopped at the Atlanta Hard Rock Cafe. I always like to see their memorabilia.

My favorite piece.

Super cool.

My favorite artists.

So many groovy things.

One of my very favorite songs by the B52’s

Headed back to Chamblee.

Doraville pool to finish off the day.

Beautiful weather and the pool was nearly empty.

I took the bike rack off my car. I taped the top part together to make it easier to figure out how to put it back on.

Checked the mail at my office. Watered my ficus.

Spanish podcast.

Rode my bike 12.88 miles.

Keep pushing.

Stayed up late talking to Jessi. Went straight to sleep. Did this blog Saturday morning.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Grandgirls! Stone Mountain Museum! Park! 6.8.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:34 pm  



Walked 1.74 miles with Everly.


Stone Mountain Park/Museum.

Inner core of the Earth.


El Torero. Great to have Ashley with us!

Sewed up a hole in my comforter.

Due to the Canadian wild fires.

Went by Aztec Cycles to get my brakes tightened up on my bike.

I didn’t ride because of the bad air. Didn’t seem all that bad to me.

Deposited checks. Amen.

Just keep going.

Walked another 2.09 miles this evening while I studied.

Watered my plants.

Edited video I shot on Saturday.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Grandgirls! Class! Lazy River! Candles! 6.7.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:40 pm  



Walked 2.46 miles in Chamblee.

Met the girls at 8:00 AM.

Waffle House with K.


Went to Goodwill to check on pool gear and toys.

We had fun at Lazy River. The girls were so much bigger this year than last Summer and didn’t have any problem in the water. Of course I stayed right there with them.

They ate great at Hot and Cold Asian buffet.

Jessi had a candle making session with the girls.

Robot arm fun.

Hard group this week. Everyone seems motivated. Unusual.

Penelope read Green Eggs and Ham to Everly, Jessi and I before bed time. They went to sleep right at 9:30 PM. We were all tired.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Class! Monkey! Bar Park! Doraville Pool! 6.6.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:20 pm  

Ordered groceries.



Walked 2.40 miles.


We worked on our Summer calendar.

The girls helped me do the scanning and entering of the fruit we bought.

Monkey Bar (aka Brook Run Park.)!

Taco Veloz for lunch.

We had fun at the Doraville Pool.

Drying out the pool clothes while we played at the park.

We played our new card game with Miles when he got home.

Checked the mail at my office.

Drove home through absolutely torrential rain, including some small pea sized hail. Wow!

Then picked up groceries.

Spanish podcast.

I’ll repot these plants soon.

No bike ride today. Too wet, although the rain gauge didn’t measure any thing. Sorry to hear that. It’s been pretty dry at my house.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Summer School! Legos! Bike! Español! 6.5.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:00 pm  

Whirlwind server wasn’t working last night. Here’s what happened on 6.5.23.

Came in #1 on Duolingo.

Worked on multiplication pages. After further thought, I doubt I’ll use them till school starts again.

Beautiful dawn with rosy full moon and sunshine.

Summer schedule gets me to the mission at 7:00 AM.


Walked 2.18 miles.

First day of Summer Fun/School!

Waffle House breakfast.

Reserved the Fellowship Hall for the teams.

Put my gear up from The Show on Saturday.

Fun at the Church Park.

Walked .52 miles up and down the big church hill.

Took the girls to the Lego exhibition. We just saw the free stuff which I thought they’d have the most fun with anyway.

We colored in all these images.



Gassed up the car.

Biked 10.94 miles.

Serious competition this week. I’ll probably come in #2.

Released Verbal Surgery “Tiny Picture.”

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Español! Walk! Bike! 6.4.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:27 pm  

I follow these rules.

I liked this from Seth Godin’s blog this morning.

Magritte is one of my favorite artists.

Good employment numbers this month. Glad to see the economy is still humming along.

The regularity of our solar system intrigues me.

My ATM card was worn out. Got a new one in the mail yesterday. Set it up this morning and got it working.



Beautiful weather.

Love my little rose bushes.

Walked 2.08 miles.

Deposited checks.

The UPS store now has a machine that reads the QR code for my return to Amazon and prints the return label for a bag you put it in. Then you just drop the little package in the slot for the UPS guys to deliver. Cuts WAY down on wasted packaging and waiting in line.

I bought a microphone with the cables I needed, but decided it wasn’t going to work for what I intended to do with it.

Got my new reading glasses in. They look identical to my old ones: two pair for about $10.00! Can’t beat that. I have several other pairs at my house that are larger that I keep on my desks and with my reading material. These have been a great design, although I pull the little clip off of them. I keep them in my pocket.

Had a visitor in my yard. Looked about the size of a dinner plate. Seemed to be digging a hole, perhaps to lay some eggs! Me and my neighbor were checking her out then she decided to go to my next door neighbor’s yard instead.

Biked! I got about nine miles in and looked at the weather radar. Seemed to be a big storm bearing down on me. Pumped up the speed!

Dug down a little more into my health stats. And what I did on my bike.

It’s hard to hear on my bike.

I normally would have ridden about another four miles but cancelled out because of the impeding storm.

About nine miles in was when I saw the radar.

I’ll come in #1 again this week. I don’t see Ricky making up 5,000 points in one night.

I’ve really enjoyed Duolingo since they added a bunch of new material. I studied medical stuff this week.

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