Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Español! Deep Springs, BC! Temple! AZ! 6.3.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:06 pm  



This is when I got to FBC Doraville.

And this is when I finished setting up for the team. Pretty quick, because I had all the equipment I needed just right next door in my office.

New lessons on Duolingo since the upgrade.

Dig these clouds.

Walked 1.23 miles at the church while I studied Spanish.

Finishing strong this week. No catching me tomorrow.

GREAT to have my team from Deep Springs BC, Dandridge, TN today!

We toured the Muslim Book Store.

And Al Madina.

The BAPS Hindu Temple.

Playing with the kids at Azalea.

One of my very favorite teams!

Friday, June 2, 2023

Walk! Clean! Bike! 6.2.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:06 pm  


Looking forward to having teams in town.

Anthony’s daughter’s 21st birthday today. It’s been fun watching her grow up.



Walked 2.10 miles.

Ordered some new reading glasses. Mine got bent up this morning.

Vacuumed the house and cleaned the vacuum afterwards.

Warm today. Felt great.

Spanish podcast.

Bank to deposit money. Amen.

Scrubbed and soaked my England hat today.

Tried to use the DVR capabilities with my cable box. Apparently, I have to subscribe to the service. Figures.

Enjoying Kevin Kelly’s book.

Learning how to tie a bowline knot.

Swept the kitchen.

Trimmed some gardenia blossoms from my plants to enjoy them inside.

Taking out garbage and recycle is practically a daily job.

Enjoyed a fun bike ride. Around 80 degrees is perfect for me. Went 12.73 miles.

This is the Muslim’s version of Kosher. Not sure what it tastes like.

This robot was mowing the soccer fields by Parkview HS.

If people don’t work hard every day it’s impossible to beat me.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Walk! Book! Bike! 6.1.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:58 pm  

Canada puts messages on their cigarettes now. Weird, because most kids vape. Think this would make adults quit? Doubt it.

Enjoying reading this book.

This really was extraordinary. The scale of it was amazing.

Had to look this up.



Walked 2.09 miles.

This little loop is a very steep hill. In the newest addition to my walk, I go up and down this little beast three times.

I’ve been biking every day. That means I generate a LOT more laundry. I’m doing my own once a week, K does it for me once a week too. I usually dry out my sweaty clothes every night so they don’t stink. I use a fan. I’ve started drying my clothes in the drier after my walk. Starts the rest of the day nice and dry. Only takes about ten minutes.

Loving this weather. Great to have it nice during my week off.

My sister-in-law is in the hospital. Her sodium got so low that she passed out and crashed her car. She told us she hit Marco’s Pizza. I went to see it today. No sign of any damage. Zero. She must have hit something else. I was going to try and see about getting the car for her.

I ate at El Torreros for lunch. Man, was it ever good.

Always learning words.

I liked the look of this.

I read an article that said WD-40 would take off this mildew. We’ll see. I used to use bleach, but that stuff is so corrosive.

Rested after lunch then went for a 12.89 mile bike ride. So good. Remember that short loop with the steep hill I do on my walk? I did that twice on my bike. Super hard after that long a ride. Biking up a hill is WAY harder than walking up a hill. No comparison really.

Duolingo just did a massive upgrade of the hardest material. Excellent!

Section 8 is totally brand new.

Working hard. I also listened to my Spanish podcast for 1.28 hours while I rode my bike.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Walk! Banana Plants! Feeders! Bike! 5.30.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:24 pm  

I bet this would be super popular in the USA. Not.


Beautiful day.


Babies getting some screen time.

This was super loud.

Just keep learning. And walking. 3.42 miles to be exact.

Nice chat with my Mom. I always enjoy that.

Went to FBC Doraville to get my newsletters printed. Then folded and stuffed them.

I listened to this podcast in Spanish about three hours today.

Got all the envelopes ready to go. Took them to the Doraville Post Office. The outside mail box didn’t work. Took them inside and the inside mailbox was having problems too! Talked to a couple of the employees about it. I’ve never seen that before in my life. BOTH bad?!

Checked the mail at my office.

I have a team on Saturday. I organized everything I need for The Show and took the stuff upstairs. The Fellowship Hall was booked. Fortunately, the team’s not very big so I can do it in the meeting room right next to my office.

Updated the operating system for my phone this afternoon.

Neither of the cars I have need an emissions check. Both are over twenty five years old. Paid the tax to get the stickers.

A friend of mine in Houston in interested in tigers. I sent him this link. Did you know they are available?

Today I got my three banana plants in the ground. It was a big job. Hope they do ok. They were definitely root bound.

Always learning the finer meanings of words.

The squirrels knocked the birdbath over and broke it. I improvised a solution. I may have to put some silicon caulk in a crack. Don’t know if it will hold water yet.

Cleaned the other bird baths out.

And the hummingbird feeders.

Mixing up the nectar.

Mileage log.

Dog food got delivered. Or should I say “raccoon food?”

I love these little banana plants. They remind me of home. I hope they do well.

Cleaned my bike and checked the air pressure.

Lotta garbage.

I rode my bike 7.97 miles. I was really tired at the end. I pushed myself hard today and got up about two hours earlier than I normally do.

This Ricky guy has been giving me some competition. I’m sure he’s not pleased that I keep coming back strong.

Downloaded the recording I did yesterday onto my Mac Air this evening.

I’m going to sleep early tonight. Whipped.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Walk! Newsletter! Podcast! Blow! Bike! 5.30.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:29 pm  



Cleaned the front glass door.

Walked 1.90 miles.

I was sorry I didn’t let the kids borrow my underwater phone case while they’re at the beach. That could’ve been cool.

Went to Goodwill to check on jackets for the girls. Found a couple that might have worked, but there was a HUGE line that I didn’t feel like waiting for.

Ordered groceries.


Spanish podcast.

Went to the Post Office to get stamps for the newsletter.

Went to the bank to get help ordering a new debit card. Mine is worn out. One of the ladies helped me do it by using the Bank of America app.

Stone Mountain to record an episode of Verbal Surgery called “Always Branching.” Also talked to the staff there about the Summer schedule.

Printed the labels for the newsletter.

Produced and printed the newsletter. I’ll make copies tomorrow in Doraville.

I put the labels and stamps on the newsletter and stuffed the donation envelopes.

Picked up the groceries. Put them up.

Blew the garage and driveway.

Rinsed off the walls.

Blew the deck.

Cleaned the dashboard in my car.

Biked 6.02 miles. Beauty.

Some competition. We’ll see if he lasts.

Monday, May 29, 2023

Español! Walk! Anthony! Podcast! Bike! Don! 5.29.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:47 pm  

Worked hard last week. Had some competition, but she couldn’t keep up the pace.


Research on how to be happy.


I got in touch with the remaining news people that were in my group at WTOC between 1989-1993, Dawn Baker and Ron Wallace. They were good friends. I’m glad they’re still doing well.


Walked 1.70 miles.

Recorded a new podcast called “I Don’t Care.” Neutral is sometimes the best strategy.

Had a good chat with my buddy Anthony.

Podcast in Spanish.

Got together with my cousin Don Duvall. Kathy got some inheritance money from her Aunt Orene. She was really special to us.

The kids are having fun at the beach.

Great weather today.

I had a long ride today on my bike. 16.87 miles. That’s a lot. Nearly two hours.

Check out Verbal Surgery
“Dream Team.” and feel good, NOW! Don’t miss it!

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Walk! Anthony! Podcast! Walk! 5.28.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:04 pm  

I read about an interesting website that collects and rates by usage all the top AI sites.


Today I realized that this wasn’t just one file cabinet but two back to back. I have no idea what’s in the back one.

Fabulous day.


The Kendalls are beach bound!

Walked 1.70 miles.

Had a fun talk with my buddy Anthony.

Just keep listening.

Interesting. Not surprising.

I cut some gardenia flowers this morning.

Biked 11.84 miles. Hard ride today.

I recorded “Banana Plants” this morning at Stone Mountain. Downloaded it to my MacBook Air.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Español! Walk! Bike! 5.27.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:58 pm  

My buddy Anthony in England confirmed that this is true.

I work harder when the competition is tight.


Everly is my organizer.

I’ll miss my girls while they’re on vacation at the beach! I’m glad that they have parents that love them so much.

Beautiful day. Windy!

Walked 1.72 miles.

According to Duolingo, I read nearly 5,000 of these sentences out loud. That exercise has really increased my pronunciation.

I had a good talk with Anthony. He always cracks me up.


My new favorite podcast.

This game was recommended to me. I got it to play with the girls.

These look interesting to me.

Rode my bike 5.77 miles. I would’ve gone further, but I got cold.

We’ll see if she keeps trying to catch up tomorrow. She’ll have to put the 1,000 points plus my normal amount every day which is around 1,500. Doubt that will happen.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

PE! Library Park! Stone Mountain Show! 5.26.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:24 am  

Had a great time with the girlies today!



Waffle House with K and the grandgirls.

Library Park!

Goodwill for new bike helmets. I got a new hat: Lifeguard! Groovy.

Deposited checks.

Evergreen for pool and exercise in the gym.

German Bakery with their new wallets.

I’m glad Miles and Ashley had some alone time. They are really great parents.

Stone Mountain for Dinosaurs, 4D show and special Memorial Day weekend laser/drone and fireworks show!

Gorgeous weather, but got pretty cool in the evening.

We had so much fun at the Park.

Train ride!

Ready for the big show!

Drone show was cool!

Fireworks! Lasers!

We didn’t get home till nearly 11:00 PM! We were whipped.

Keep pushing!

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Español! PE! Summer Day #1! Stone Mountain! 5.25.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:24 pm  


Cool morning.

Español at Azalea!

Walked 1.59 miles.

Ashely had the girls packed up and ready to go after some kisses!

Got gas and checked the oil back in Stone Mountain. Then went to Walmart to get fruit.

We also got a hula hoop!

Good to see Momo!

Got the annual super tickets for the girls!

Up the Sky Ride!

Campsite Three for some tree climbing.

Bubble Gum Rock. The girls loved climbing the boulders.

Campsite One!

We climbed down from the top of the mountain then walked about two miles to get back to where we had parked the car.

Lot of exercise!

Hot and Cold for lunch.

Rested at home then back to Stone Mountain to swim at Evergreen.

We stopped at the Golf Club to see the sunset and feed the goose.

Back and forth. I thought the main competition would be with the lady is in #3. We’ll see if she lasts. She didn’t the previous week.

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