Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Walk! Pharmacy! Party! PE! Two Bridges! 5.24.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:07 pm  

Good team work.

I regularly get the sheets on K’s bed straightened out.



Swept the kitchen.

Walked 3.10 miles and studied Spanish.

Good RX worked great at Publix! I also got the supplies for the popsicle party. I was glad I got a chunk of dry ice. That seems to really keep everything frozen.

Listening to a new podcast. More Mexican Spanish.

Chat with my Mom today. We’ve been missing each other the last couple of times.

Beauty day.

Treated my Pink Magnolia at Azalea with the fungicide again. My guess is I’m going to have to do that regularly with this wet, humid weather.

It’s definitely better but you can still see traces of the problem. Kind of a white powder.

Drenched all the surfaces.

Enjoyed eating at Taco Veloz with the salsa verde.

Progress on the condos across the street.

Today was the last day of school. I had a popsicle party for the kids and moms. Everyone loved it. Except for the man who usually sells popsicles to the kids!

Love my girls!

Great to see my buddy Mustak from the old days! He’s doing really well.

Took the grandgirls to Two Bridges Park. They just opened their splash park last weekend. They had fun but said the water was really cold.

We had a good time in the regular part of the park too.

Checked the mail at my office.

Just keep going. It’s all about consistent effort.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Walk! Banana Plants! Groceries! 5.23.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:32 pm  

I sure have enjoyed my Mac Air! The best part is how it talks to my iPhone!

Little drizzly today.



Kathy got her truck repaired! The starter had to be replaced. They also worked on the transmission seal. Cost about $700 in all. Ouch. I’m on a first name basis with all the mechanics there!

Walked 1.72 miles.

Still working on get medicine for Jessi squared away.

I didn’t go into Chamblee today because of Kathy being without a car. Miles covered picking up the girls. I’m planning on having a party for the kids tomorrow since it’s the last day of school. Summer is here!

Still listening to podcasts in Spanish all the time. I discovered a new one that I’m looking forward to hearing soon.

I’m planning on doing a Popsicle party tomorrow for the kids. Got the ice chest cleaned out.

Kathy said she wanted to use my old suitcase to put stuff to go to Goodwill in. I put it on the table for her.

Man, did I work hard today! I dug three holes in preparation for planting my three little banana trees. I first figured out where I wanted them to be.

Dug around the pots to determine where the holes would go.

The hard part. Yow!

I actually worked for over forty-five minutes.

Picked up Kathy from work around 6:00 PM then went to T&G to pick up and pay for her car.

Then went to get the groceries at Walmart.

I got two bags of potting soil to put in the holes where I’m planting the banana trees.

Reset one of my plant timers.

I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Tiny Picture.” Downloaded it onto my Mac Air this evening.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Walk! Anthony! Yard! Plants! 5.22.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:51 pm  

Ashley contacted us this morning. Everly wasn’t feeling well so she stayed home with her today. I stayed home to take care of K who also isn’t feeling well. Turned out lucky because K’s car is still in the shop. So far they still haven’t been able to figure out why it wouldn’t start Saturday evening and had to be towed. It started for them just fine. Weird.

Great effort last week. Came in second place.

I went over 1,000,000 XP total points today. That’s rare for a person to do. Almost all of those points have been made in the last two years.

We look forward to this.



Felt like it was getting ready to rain all day long. Never did at my house.

I’m thinking I need to plant my banana trees. I think they’re getting root bound. I need to get more soil first. You dig a hole bigger than the pot and line it with good potting soil. That lets the plant adapt to the new soil conditions a little more gradually.

I asked Miles about it to since he’s an arborist.

Walked 1.71 miles.

Had a fun talk with my buddy Anthony.

I called Publix and J’s doctor about her meds. Still haven’t gotten it taken care of.

I contacted RODE about my new microphone for my iPhone. I have to do a firmware update on my mic before it’ll work. I need to have a new cable to interface with the mic and my Mac. Ordered that too. I had to know the model and what OS I was currently using before I talked with RODE about my mic.

Getting these cables is kind of complicated. USB-C to Thunderbolt or USB-4. Male to male adaptor.

Also had to download the RODE Central app onto my Mac Air.

Cleaned all of my birdbaths.

One of my little tea roses is looking fantastic.

Future beauty.

Watered my indoor garden.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Anthony! Washing Machine! Windshield! Bike! Podcast! 5.21.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:33 pm  

Next week I will go over 1,000,000 points on Duolingo! Astonishing! I work on lessons about twelve hours a week and listen to broadcasts in Spanish about ten hours a week (often double that!)

What will be happening soon.



Had a good chat with my buddy Anthony.

Lovely weather.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Dream Team.”

From time to time our washing machine kind of smells weird. Got these tablets to work on that problem.

Last week on my way home, a car threw up a rock and chipped my windshield. I got a kit to fix it. We’ll see how it goes!

The chip was pretty deep. I may need to do a bit more tomorrow. It needs full sun to really set the resin.

Prepped my bike for a ride. I wiped down all the surfaces with WD40 and checked the air pressure in my tires.

I’ve had this bike over twenty-five years. It’s been great.

I listened to this podcast today.

I rode my bike 7.85 miles. I put in a LOT of time this week.

As I predicted, I’ll come in second place this week. It’s the finals of the monthly tournament.

I downloaded the episode I recorded this afternoon onto my Mac Air.

I released a new edition called “The Code.” Excellent!

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Walk! Anthony! Mail Box! Bike! Tow! 5.20.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:07 pm  

The silver section is the part that the doctor will put under Jessi’s scalp on June 22nd.

We got the date for the surgery confirmed last night.

I thought this was an interesting part of Seth Godin’s blog.

Climate change with an El Niño in effect is going to be really harsh.

I’ve been listening to this podcast a lot lately. They are from Mexico which sounds quite different from the Spain Spanish I’ve been listening to for years.



Had a fun chat with my buddy Anthony. He’s in London today.

I got my new suitcase in. I transferred the stuff from my old one into it.

This bag served me well, but a wheel busted rendering it basically useless. It’ll head for the dump on Tuesday.

Cleaned my shoes.

Walked 1.72 miles while I studied.

This will be cool!

Warm today. Some sprinkles this evening.

Ordered some new safety glasses.

Replaced the mounting system for my mailbox. Cleaned off the old board and screws.

Took the old screws out of the mailbox board.

Got my tools out. Included the extension cords, drill and screws/nails.

This is the new mounting board that I primed with spray paint yesterday.

Took the old screws out of the mailbox.

Hammered the mounting board into the stand. I pre-drilled holes to keep the board from splitting.

Drilled holes for the new screws.

Sturdy! I need to clean the mail box off again.

I cleaned out the box I keep my outdoor tools and extension cords today.

Put everything back in the box. Now it will close!

Rode my bike 12.12 miles. Listened to the Piolin Spanish podcast.

I tried to get my new Rode microphone to work with my iPhone today. Never could get my phone to connect to the external mic. I’ll have to call tech support on Monday.

Kathy went to get some cold medicine and her truck wouldn’t start. I came to jump her off, to no avail. Had to get a tow truck from AAA to get her car. Took about three hours of waiting before he showed up.

I redid the timer for one set of my plants.

Keep pushing.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Jessi’s Doctor! Bike! 5.19.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:52 pm  

Working on J’s medicine using Good RX. Looks like Publix will the the best bet.

Spanish podcast. Originates from California, but it’s Mexican Spanish.

Rock made a crack in my windshield this week. Going to fix it myself.

Jessi was found to be allergic to dust mites. We are looking at hypoallergenic things.

Never good. I watch YouTube a lot.



I had a shorter walk because I took J to the doctor.

We went to the ear doctor this morning to get final word about her implant. Looks like we’re good to go on June the 22nd at 7:00 AM!

This device will be implanted under the scalp of J’s skull.

Emailed the ear doctor’s appointment manager to schedule the operation. It should take about an hour for the procedure. She’ll wake up after the anesthesia and we’ll take her home to recover.

Also called J’s arthritis doctor about one of her meds.

Checking on the dates of the teams. Looks like we have three coming so far.

Lovely day!

Rode my bike 12.25 miles. Getting stronger every day.

Had to clear the way on parts of my trail.

I’ll definitely come in the Top 3.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Bank! Graduation! AZ! 5.18.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:44 pm  

Penelope graduated from 1st grade today and won the Principal’s List for the Year award.

On my last trip, my luggage busted. Finally got a replacement this morning. Great deal since I bought it Used Like New from Amazon.

Sprinkly most of the day.



I walked up and down my hill for thirty minutes while I studied Spanish. Can you tell which way is up and which way is down? It was a challenging walk.

Deposited a check.

Returned a package to Amazon at the UPS store.

Gassed up my car and checked the oil.

The board that anchors my mailbox to the stand has broken. Went to a job site to see if any pieces might work.

I didn’t find any that really fit. Went to Lowes and they had precut pieces for the job. Amen.

I painted it. I’ll install it tomorrow.

Kathy came with me to be with the girls. We picked them up at the bus. Everly was upset that she didn’t get a trophy like her sister. I took her to the Dollar Tree to get some art supplies. That always makes her happy. Helped the kids at the mission.

They always enjoy playing with their Dad.

Kathy and I went to my office to check the mail. I noticed this post had been hit.

Back in 2nd place.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Walk! PE! Azalea! 5.17.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:00 pm  

This might be helpful.

Cooler today.



Walked 3.02 miles while I practiced Spanish.

Tried to get Jessi’s medicines.

Spanish podcast.

Penelope and Everly had fun with their neighbors.

I talked with one of my Middle School kids yesterday. She told me she was still having some homework. I was totally unaware of that! NONE of the elementary kids have homework any more. Helped them out with it.

Went by my office to check the mail.

Finals of the tournament. Always competitive.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Walk! Bike! PE! Groceries! 5.16.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:31 pm  

Warm day with a lot of humidity. Rainy on my way home.



Jessi is very allergic to dust mites. Getting hypoallergenic sheets for her.

Walked 1.73 miles. I do Spanish exercises while I get exercise. This is a big hill. Extra hard on my bike.

Spanish podcasts.

Rode my bike 10.23 miles. Broke a bunch of branches today to clear the path. One section is loaded with poison ivy. I’ll go another way. I’m sure not messing with that!

One of the people I’m competing with this week hit a 3,000 day streak. Wow.

I am this.

Picked up the girls at the bus. We hung out at the house today.

Went to my office to check the mail.

New word.

I ran out of baby powder. The kind I use is primarily corn starch. I decide to save money and just go straight for the corn starch instead of the baby powder.

When the week comes to an end, I think I’ll come in #2 again this week. The top three is always my goal.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Walk! Bike! PE to Monkey Bar Park! 5.15.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:20 pm  

Good effort.




Walked 1.83 miles.

I’ve started listening to a podcast that is done primarily by Mexicans living in the USA now. This one is hugely popular. I’m working on copying the accent.

Biked 7.92 miles.

Cleared some branches out of the way of the sidewalk.

Got pretty warm today. Never did rain on me.

Got my replacement shades on.

Ate at Taco Veloz. Read an article on immigration from the BBC Spanish website.

Took Penelope and Everly to the Brook Run aka Monkey Bar Park in Dunwoody.

Went to my office to pick up and process checks. Deposited them on the way home.

Pushed my way to the top. The lady currently in third place will probably win this week. At least according the effort she put in last week!

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