Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Español! Walk! Yard Work! 5.4.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:25 pm  

Work outs last month.



Finished taking the tests for K.

Beatiful day.

Called my mechanic to set up an appointment to get the oil in my car changed. K helped me drop it off this evening.

Podcasts from Spain.

I’ve transitioned from using my lawn mower to my weed whacker. Way less pollution, noise, and carbon emissions. I’m still learning the best ways to use it. Shortening and lengthening as well as swapping primary arms are all skills that have to be learned.

I cut a half acre. Here are the before shots.

Also picked up three carts worth of sticks.

I pulled big mats of this weed up. It was like a slightly sticky carpet.

The rain and sun really makes it grow fast. Nearly 2.5″ of rain the last few days.

Lotsa whacking.

My recycling pit. I never burn anything. Just recycles by mycelium.

The weed whacker does a good job. Way greener to use. All electric. Not even batteries.

I probably spooled out more wire fifty times at least.

Then blew. It’s the same class of tool. Both from Amazon Greenworks.

It was pretty hard work, but still way better than mowing.

I will still study more Spanish this evening.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Walk! Pool! Gas! 5.3.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:56 pm  

I listen to Spanish podcasts every chance I get.



Walked 3.04 miles.

Gorgeous weather, but windy.

Picked up the girls! We went swimming. Fun.

For the last thirty minutes, they practiced swimming without floats in the 3 foot part of the pool.

Gassed up my car.

Picked up a pizza for them to eat while we waited for their folks to come get them.

Just ordered an external Rode microphone for my iPhone. I want to make sure I have everything I need to interview people on my trip.

I’ll work on Spanish and take the last test for K’s course this evening.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Anthony’s Birthday! Grandgirls! Parks! 5.2.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:32 pm  

It’s my buddy Anthony’s birthday today! We’ve traveled the world together.

I’m always planning ahead.

I’m helping Kathy with a project.




Went to the Post Office to get the newsletters in the mail. Fifty two.

It was really windy today. Wow.

Picked up the girls from the school bus. We went to Grassy Hill Park and the Kite Park.

They enjoyed sliding down this hill. It was made of astroturf.

I sent a picture of this to Anthony.

I made the little kids playground challenging.

This was a new park for us. We tried to fly a kite.

We liked the glass in the bathroom.


My pump expired with the last team. I got a replacement. Took it to my office.

Checked the mail at my office.

Signed a couple of documents for the apartment at Azalea.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Español! Grandgirls! Parks! 5.1.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:06 pm  

Strong week for studying.


Ordered groceries.


Little on the cool side with all the wind.

Walked 1.79 miles.


I took a Twix bar to our church secretary for helping with the newsletter.

Got stamps for the newsletters.

I think the final form of the condos is finished.

I met the girls at the bus then took them to Brookrun Park in Dunwoody. We call it the Monkey Bar Park.

Then to the Village Park.


Got the groceries.

Deposited the check that I processed earlier.

Folded and stuffed the newsletters.

I think the other Tim will probably come out on top. He put in a lot of work last week.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Newsletter! Rain! Walk! 4.30.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:12 pm  

Needed to rest after all the yard work yesterday. The weed whacker is harder on my arms but easier on my back than mowing.

I’ve enjoyed listening to these podcasts. I listened to one today about the book “Out of Africa.”



Rainy. Cleared off and super windy.

Walked along my front porch for thirty minutes.

Released Verbal Surgery -1014- “Vision Collision.”

Downloaded the episode I recorded yesterday onto my Mac Air.

Produced and printed out my newsletter for this week and the labels. Also put the labels on the envelopes. I’ll drop my letter off to be printed tomorrow as well as pick up some stamps.

I really have enjoyed this show.

I assume I’ll come in #1 this week. We’ll see.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Walk! Yard! 4.29.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:34 pm  

Made some reservations for my trip this fall to Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. Super cheap prices for what looks like an absolutely incredible place.

I’ll be staying here a few nights. Antigua is my coming and going location from Lake Atitlan to the capital, Guatemala City.

I’m using an Air BNB one night at Panajachel.

I’ll be staying here my last night in Guatemala. It’s about a mile from the airport.



Walked 1.73 miles.

I got my old lawnmower out. Gassed it up. Never could get it started. Put it back up.

Decided to try my weed eater instead. I’d say over all I did a B+ job. With practice I think I can do an ever better job. I was able to weed between the lirope plants. No way a mower could do that.

1.22 miles in all. Lot of work. But I don’t think it’s as hard a mowing.

Blew the driveway and the street in front of my house.

I scraped all the leaf matter off the road and into my yard to decompose.

Listened to the podcast. Sometimes, it doesn’t want to load.

Español! Barely edged back into #1. Funny.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Anthony! Podcast! Choppers! 4.28.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:35 pm  

I’m starting my research for my Guatemala trip in earnest. Downloaded three books onto my iPhone. Enjoying that. For my two weeks I’ll be focused on Antigua and the Lake Atitlan areas.

Part of the research is lodging. It can be the hardest. Lots of things to read about.

Sewed up a couple of spots on one of my map jackets. The material hides the sewn area perfectly.




Had a great chat with my buddy Anthony.

Walked 1.28 miles.

Then walked .63 miles at Stone Mountain after I recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery called “Turn Lane.”

Spanish podcast.

Also finished writing the story for my article. I still use talk to text. Seems more natural. Then I email it to myself and paste it into the Pages app on my Mac Air.

There was a film crew in the area AND several Air Force helicopters were practicing landings at one of the parking lots near Stone Mountain. Supposed to be for medical rescues.

Stay close. Last week she did next to nothing on Sat/Sun. They tend to repeat patterns.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

JK! Hearing Aid! APE! Rainy! 4.27.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:50 pm  

End of an era. I’ve probably seen it at least five times. They’d change it a little bit from year to year.

My washing machine smells bad. This product is supposed to help.


Rained on our way to Roswell.


Took Jessi to get blood drawn. She needs that for her HRT treatment and for allergy tests.

Picked up K and then went to Roswell for J’s hearing aid appointment. She gets to try a device for three weeks. The implanted device, if we can get it, will be even better quality.

Then to Azalea to see the girls and Ashley!

Keep going.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Grandgirls! Plaza Fiesta! Bank! 4.26.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:54 pm  




Since it was sprinkling, I just walked up and down the steepest part of my street. Walked .83 miles.

This was the bike that Penelope crashed on. The back wheel rim is bent. To the dump it goes.

Gassed up my car. Added oil. I need to get it changed.

Took the grandgirls to Plaza Fiesta. It’s a good place to be inside in.


We enjoyed sugar pecans.

We love this mural.

She posed like she was running. Hilarious child.

Podcast. It’s about sports and is streaming live. Not my favorite, but most of the other podcasts take a while to download.

Watered and sprayed off my ficus.

Processed and deposited checks.

Split my head open by bending down and colliding with an open file cabinet drawer. Fortunately, there was a towel covering the edge. It could’ve been a lot more severe.

Just do my best.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Birthday! Antiques! Grandgirls! Mall! 4.25.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:10 pm  

It’s Kathy’s birthday today! She brought home Always Fresh for lunch. We went to Provinos for dinner. Both places were free for her on her birthday. Score!

Interesting update about Guatemala.

Beautiful day.



Walked 1.75 miles.

Spanish podcast.

Got a treat in the mail for my Mom.

Went to an antique store in Chamblee today. There are still a few good ones in town. They are one of my favorite places to shoot.

Picked up the girls from the bus and we went on Safari to Perimeter Mall. We ate at the food court then went to Goodwill.

Also looked for cologne. I think I’m going with Versace Eros. I’m going to have to go back to the mall to make sure I get the right name. There are three separate sub-sets of each fragrance.

Sunglass models.

Signed up for Spot the Station again.

As I predicted, she went from #4 to #1 today. I was #1 most of the day.

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